
单词 承受能力
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bear〕Fares have gone up, perhaps to more than the market will bear.费用上涨了,而且可能超出了市场的承受能力朗文当代〔far〕It cost far more (money) than I could afford.这花费远远超出了我的承受能力剑桥高阶〔happy medium〕The car's designers have found/struck a happy medium between affordability and luxury.汽车设计师在车辆价格承受能力和豪华之间找到了一个很好的折中办法。韦氏高阶〔market〕We will charge whatever the market will bear (= as much as people can be persuaded to pay).我们将按市场的最大承受能力定价。牛津搭配〔risk〕Consider your own risk tolerance. How many chances are you willing to take? 想想你自己的风险承受能力。你愿意冒多大的风险?牛津搭配〔squeamish〕I'm terribly squeamish. I can't bear gory films.我心理承受能力特别低, 受不了暴力血腥的电影。外研社新世纪〔whatever〕When you're older I think you're better equipped mentally to cope with whatever happens.你年龄再大一些后,我想你就会有更强的心理承受能力来面对所发生的任何事。柯林斯高阶

