
单词 当在
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IF〕Your car should be ready by 12 o'clock, but if not I'll let you know. 你的车应当在12点以前修好,可如果没修好我就通知你。朗文写作活用〔application〕The cut should be treated with a generous/liberal application of ointment.应当在伤口上多涂一些药膏。韦氏高阶〔combination lock〕A lock that will open only when its dial is turned through a predetermined sequence of positions identified on the dial face by numbers or letters.字码锁:一种仅当在拨盘上按预制的顺序拨动号码或按动数字而开启的锁美国传统〔cork off〕In the winter months, after being outside all day and walking into a warm house, I can cork off in a minute.冬天,每当在户外呆了一整天后走进暖和的房子里,我能马上入睡。21世纪英汉〔demolition〕The demolitions should be complete by the end of the year.拆除工作应当在年底完成。韦氏高阶〔feel〕Adam felt in the pocket of his shorts for the key.亚当在短裤的裤兜里摸钥匙。麦克米伦高阶〔finalization〕We should finalize by the end of the weeks.我们应当在本周末完成谈判工作。21世纪英汉〔financial〕Organic farmers should be encouraged with financial incentives.对实行有机栽培的农民应当在经济上给予鼓励。朗文当代〔funny〕I suspect there may be something funny going on.我怀疑可能有某种非法勾当在进行中。牛津高阶〔go out〕Invitations should go out around 8 to 12 weeks before the wedding.请柬应当在婚礼前8到12周寄出。外研社新世纪〔graze〕Adam walked away from the crash with just a graze on his left shoulder.亚当在车祸中平安脱险,只是左肩蹭破了点皮。朗文当代〔graze〕Adam walked away from the crash with just cuts and grazes.亚当在撞车事故中平安脱险,只受了点划伤和擦伤。牛津高阶〔hit the trail〕We should be ready to hit the trail by 8:00.我们应当在8点之前做好出发准备。韦氏高阶〔hot〕When the streets get too hot for them, they head south in one stolen car after another.当在市区走投无路时, 他们便开着一辆又一辆偷来的汽车朝南方驶去。外研社新世纪〔line of scrimmage〕An imaginary line across the field on which the ball rests and at which the teams line up for a new play.争球线:橄榄球场上的一条想象的线,当在此线附近球队聚合准备新的比赛时球放上这条线上美国传统〔must〕You must not smoke in the classroom.你不应当在教室里抽烟。21世纪英汉〔on〕More money should be spent on education and housing.应当在教育和住房方面投入更多的资金。柯林斯高阶〔on〕More money should be spent on education.应当在教育上投入更多资金。外研社新世纪〔opinion〕Her opinion of Adam changed after he was so helpful at the wedding.亚当在婚礼上那么热心帮忙,从此以后她对他的看法改变了。剑桥高阶〔opposite〕Adam took the seat opposite her.亚当在她对面坐了下来。麦克米伦高阶〔ought〕Teachers ought not to swear in front of the children.教师不应当在学生面前骂人。麦克米伦高阶〔perseverance〕Each of these nouns means steadfast singleness of purpose, as in the pursuit of a goal, despite difficulties or obstacles.这些名词都表示当在追求目标过程中遇到了困难或障碍时意向坚定、专一的意思。美国传统〔rallied〕We should rally under the banner of socialism.我们应当在社会主义的旗帜下团结起来。21世纪英汉〔ram ... home〕You ought to ram your argument home in the conference.你应当在会上充分说明你的论点。21世纪英汉〔recoup〕You should recoup your investment within a year.你当在1年之内挣回相当于你投资总额的红利。英汉大词典〔set〕Adam's in the top set for maths.亚当在数学成绩最好的一班学生中。朗文当代〔socialize〕I hope Adam's actually doing some work at college - he seems to spend all his time socializing! 我希望亚当在大学里确实花了些工夫在学业上——他似乎把时间都用在了社交上面!剑桥高阶〔stop〕I started to explain but stopped short when I realized Adam was in the room.我开始解释,但是意识到亚当在房间里,我突然停了下来。麦克米伦高阶〔study〕Adam doesn't spend enough time on his studies.亚当在学业上花的时间不够。剑桥高阶〔whistle〕Adam whistled happily on his way to work.亚当在上班的路上愉快地吹着口哨。朗文当代Brothers and sisters should live together in unity. 兄弟姊妹应当在一起和睦相处。译典通He gets nervous whenever he recites in front of an audience.每当在大庭广众朗诵他就紧张。剑桥国际Her opinion of Adam changed after he'd been so helpful at the wedding.亚当在婚礼上如此地乐于助人,这以后她对他的看法就改变了。剑桥国际I don't think children should waste their time at school doing things which don't have any real purpose.我认为孩子们不应当在学校浪费时间做没有任何实际意义的事。剑桥国际I think I should have given check at move 23 instead of trying to find a safer square for the rook.我想我本应当在第23步将军,而不该试着给我的车找一个更安全的方格。剑桥国际She was wandering around in a daze (= unable to think clearly) after she got the highest mark in the university.当在大学里取得了最高分时,她有些不知所措了。剑桥国际The meeting should finish at four o'clock.会议应当在四点钟结束。剑桥国际The site acts as an online meeting place.这个网站充当在线会场。牛津商务We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details.我们应当在不久的某个时候,一起讨论这些细节问题。剑桥国际When drugs were found in her luggage, she claimed it was a set-up.当在她的行李里发现了毒品后,她声称这是陷害。剑桥国际

