
单词 干透了
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRY〕I forgot to water the plants and the soil has gone bone dry. 我忘了给植物浇水,泥土已经干透了朗文写作活用〔as dry as a bone〕I don't think he's been watering these plants - the soil is as dry as a bone.我想他没给这些植物浇水——土都干透了剑桥高阶〔bone dry〕There had been no rain for months and the land was bone dry.几个月没下雨,地都干透了朗文当代〔dry out〕Water the plant every week; don't allow the soil to dry out completely.每周给植物浇水,别让泥土干透了韦氏高阶〔dry〕Water the ground regularly to stop it from drying out.要定期往地上浇水,别让地面干透了麦克米伦高阶〔dry〕Water the plant regularly, never letting the soil dry out.经常给植物浇水,别让土壤干透了牛津高阶I don't think he's been watering these plants--the soil is as dry as a bone.我想他没有给那些植物浇水----土壤都干透了剑桥国际I hung my wet swimsuit on the balcony and twenty minutes later it was bone dry.我把湿泳衣挂在阳台上,二十分钟后就干透了剑桥国际

