
单词 highways
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REPAIR〕The Highways Department is responsible for the construction and maintenance of bridges and roads. 公路管理部负责桥梁和道路的建造和养护工作。朗文写作活用〔WAY〕If you don't enjoy driving on the main highways, try some of the rural routes. 你驾车要是不喜欢走大路,可以走走乡村邮道。朗文写作活用〔aerial〕Weeks of aerial bombardment had destroyed factories and highways.数周的空中轰炸已经摧毁了许多工厂和公路。柯林斯高阶〔aerial〕Weeks of aerial bombardment had destroyed factories and highways.数周的空中轰炸摧毁了工厂和公路。外研社新世纪〔back road〕They kept to back roads and avoided main highways.他们一直在乡间小路上走, 避开了主干道。外研社新世纪〔billboard〕A panel for the display of advertisements in public places, such as alongside highways or on the sides of buildings.广告牌:公共场所用来张贴广告的平板,如沿公路两旁或在建筑物一侧美国传统〔bimodal〕Designed for operation on either railroads or highways. Used of vehicles.为铁路和公路两用而设计的。用于汽车设计美国传统〔blockade〕The police set up blockades on highways leading out of the city.警察在出城的公路上设了路障。牛津高阶〔boondoggle〕The senator called the new highways proposal "a fraud and a boondoggle that the taxpayer should not tolerate." 参议员称新的道路建设提案是“…毫无意义的骗钱工程,纳税人不应该容忍”。剑桥高阶〔bound〕The city is bounded by two major highways.这个城市以两条主要公路为界。韦氏高阶〔byway〕He's traveled the highways and byways of this country.他走遍了这个国家大大小小的每一条路。韦氏高阶〔congest〕Holiday traffic congested the highways.节日的车辆堵塞了公路。英汉大词典〔connect up with〕Suburban motorways connect up with main highways.郊区高速公路和干线公路相连。外研社新世纪〔connection〕The state plans to improve roads that serve as connections between major highways.这个州计划改善连接交通主干线的道路。韦氏高阶〔crisscross〕Several highways crisscross the state.几条公路纵横全州。韦氏高阶〔designate〕Red lines designate highways on this map.在这张地图上红线表示公路。英汉大词典〔deteriorate〕The nation's highways are deteriorating at a rapid pace.这个国家的高速公路正在迅速衰退美国传统〔dissect〕The city is dissected by a network of highways.这座城市被公路网络分成不同片区。韦氏高阶〔empty〕No waste or garbage may be emptied on highways.公路上不准倾倒废物与垃圾。英汉大词典〔help〕Highways and railways help out with the transportation problem.公路和铁路有助于解决运输问题。英汉大词典〔highway patrol〕A state law enforcement organization whose police officers patrol the public highways.公路巡逻队:国家执法组织,派出警员在公路或交通干线上进行巡逻美国传统〔highway〕Farms are dissected by new highways, railroads and runways.农田被新筑的公路、铁路和跑道分隔开来。外研社新世纪〔highway〕He travels the highways and byways of Texas.他来往于得克萨斯州的大路小路上。牛津搭配〔highway〕He was denounced in all the highways and byways of the revolution.他受到革命阵营里方方面面的谴责。英汉大词典〔massacre〕Highways are responsible for the massacre of the countryside.公路的建造使农村受到破坏。英汉大词典〔more〕A spokesman said that more and more vehicles were taking to the highways every year.一位发言人说每年有越来越多的车辆出现在公路上。英汉大词典〔move〕It was vacation time, and the highways were full of families on the move.那是度假时节,公路上驾车出游的家庭往来不绝。 英汉大词典〔park〕He built parks and highways in New York.他在纽约修建了公园和高速公路。牛津搭配〔public works〕Construction projects, such as highways or dams, financed by public funds and constructed by a government for the benefit or use of the general public.公共工程:如高速公路或水坝等由公共基金赞助,并由政府实施的为公众的利益或用途而建造的工程美国传统〔ramified〕Highways were ramified all over the country.公路纵横交错,遍布全国。21世纪英汉〔right of way〕The strip of land over which facilities such as highways, railroads, or power lines are built.公用事业用地:穿越如建在铁路线、公路线、管道线设施上的一片土地美国传统〔shake down〕He ordered the dismantling of police checkpoints on highways, which were being used to shake down motorists for bribes.他下令取消公路上的警方检查站,因为警察们在这些地方向司机强行索要贿赂。柯林斯高阶〔sodium-vapor lamp〕An electric lamp containing a small amount of sodium and neon gas, used in generating yellow light for lighting streets and highways.钠蒸汽灯:含有少量钠和氖气的电灯,发出黄色的光,用来照亮街道和公路美国传统〔supersede〕Most of the old road has been superseded by the great interstate highways.大多数的旧公路都被宽阔的州际公路取代了。剑桥高阶〔tear〕He floored it, tearing across the rural highways at 50 mph.他将油门踩到底, 在乡间公路上以每小时50英里的速度疾驰。外研社新世纪〔the highways and byways〕They travelled the highways and byways of Britain.他们游遍了英国的大街小巷。剑桥高阶〔transit〕The president wants to improve the nation's highways and mass transit systems.总统希望改善该国的公路与公共交通系统。柯林斯高阶〔vein〕The countryside is veined by new broad highways.乡村地区密布四通八达的宽阔的新公路。21世纪英汉〔vulnerability〕The earthquake highlighted the vulnerability of elevated highways.这次地震凸显了高架公路容易受损的弱点。牛津搭配Most of the old road--which stretched from Chicago to Los Angeles--has been superseded by the great Interstate highways.从芝加哥到洛杉矶旧公路的大部分已被宏伟的州际公路取代。剑桥国际The authorities often requisition land for highways. 当局常因筑路之需而征用土地。译典通The gas station is at the junction of two highways. 这个加油站位于两条公路的会合处。译典通The motor vehicle becomes an outlaw on the highways if operated without new registration. 机动车辆未经重新注册在公路上开是非法的。译典通Trucks and cars were shuttling to and fro on the highways. 公路上卡车和汽车正来往奔驰穿梭。译典通

