
单词 interminable
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LONG〕He launched into an interminable monologue about his last therapy session. 他一个人喋喋不休地讲起了他上一次会诊的经过。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕She wasn't looking forward to the interminable winter nights, alone in the cabin. 她可不想一个人孤苦伶仃地在这小木屋度过一个又一个寒冷的冬夜。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕The ride back to the city seemed interminable. 回城的路好像没有尽头似的。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕What's the reason for all these interminable delays? 这些没完没了的延误是什么原因?朗文写作活用〔blue streak〕A rapid and seemingly interminable stream of words.滔滔不绝的一段话:快速的看起来冗长的一段讲话美国传统〔fence-sitting〕He announced his endorsement of the candidate, thus ending his seemingly interminable season of fence-sitting.他宣布支持这位候选人,从而结束了他那一段看来似乎没完没了的观望时期。英汉大词典〔hassle〕They faced interminable legal hassles if they wanted to claim compensation.如果他们要求赔偿,就会面临旷日持久的法律纠纷。牛津搭配〔interminable〕For several seemingly interminable seconds no one spoke.有好几秒钟没有一个人讲话,这几秒似乎无限漫长。牛津搭配〔interminable〕From the hilltop we saw the interminable thickets below.从山顶上我们看见底下是漫无尽头灌木丛。英汉大词典〔interminable〕The drive seemed interminable.这次开车好像没有尽头。牛津高阶〔interminable〕The flight seemed interminable.航程好像没完没了。牛津搭配〔interminable〕The list is interminable.那张名单长得没完没了。英汉大词典〔meeting〕The meeting seemed interminable.会议似乎没完没了。牛津搭配After it ceased to be a hospital there followed the usual interminable saga of what to do with the building.在这栋建筑物不再是医院后,接下来就是通常那样没完没了的怎么处理它的故事。剑桥国际Our resident bore was stirred by the remark into one of his interminable stories of his youth.我们的常驻讨厌鬼受这句话的激发,开始大讲关于他青年时期的没完没了的故事。剑桥国际The doctor said that if he became a vegetable, he would be hospitalized for an interminable period of time. 医生说,如果他成为植物人,他将会没完没了地住在医院里。译典通The new government has promised an end to the food shortages and interminable queues for basic household items.新政府答应结束食品短缺及为购买基本家庭用品长无尽头的排队。剑桥国际

