
单词 lobe
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Wernicke's area〕An area in the posterior temporal lobe of the left hemisphere of the brain involved in the recognition of spoken words.韦尼克区:大脑的左半部在颞颥叶的后部的一片区域,参与辨认口语美国传统〔adenohypophysis〕The anterior glandular lobe of the pituitary gland that secretes many hormones, including ACTH, prolactin, and somatotropin.腺性垂体前叶:脑下垂体腺的腺性前叶,可分泌包括促肾上腺皮质激素、乳汁刺激素以及促长激素的多种激素美国传统〔beta cell〕Any of the basophilic chromophil cells located in the anterior lobe of the adenohypophysis.β细胞:位于腺垂体前叶的任何嗜碱易染细胞美国传统〔fissipalmate〕Having lobed or partially webbed separated toes, as in the feet of certain birds.裂掌状的,蹼足的:如一些鸟的脚上有分叶的或部分带蹼的不相连的脚趾美国传统〔fissure〕Anatomy A normal groove or furrow, as in the liver or brain, that divides an organ into lobes or separates it into parts.【解剖学】 裂纹,沟:如在肝或脑中把某个器官分成几叶或几个部分的正常的槽或沟美国传统〔flocculus〕Anatomy Either of two small lobes on the lower posterior border of the cerebellum.【解剖学】 小脑绒球:小脑后部边缘下方的两块小叶之一美国传统〔grebe〕Any of various swimming and diving birds of the family Podicipedidae, having a pointed bill and lobed, fleshy membranes along each toe.䴙䴘:䴙䴘科中能游泳并潜水的任一种鸟类,有尖尖的喙,脚趾间有蹼状的肉膜美国传统〔heterocercal〕Relating to, having, or being a tail fin in which the upper lobe is larger than the lower and the vertebral column extends into the upper lobe, as in sharks.歪尾的:(有)上片大于下片、脊椎延伸入上片中的尾鳍的, 与其有关的,如鲨鱼的鳍美国传统〔homocercal〕Relating to, designating, or characterized by a tail fin having two symmetrical lobes extending from the end of the vertebral column, as in most bony fishes.正尾的,等形的:与一种尾鳍有关的或以其为特点的,这种尾鳍有对称的两叶从脊椎一头延伸出来,大多数多骨鱼均如是美国传统〔lappet〕A flaplike structure, such as the wattle of a bird or the lobe of the ear.下垂物:下垂状的结构,例如鸟的肉垂或耳朵的耳垂美国传统〔limb〕Botany The expanded tip of a plant organ, such as a petal or corolla lobe.【植物学】 瓣片:植物器官的伸出部分,如冠檐或萼檐美国传统〔lobate〕Having lobes; lobed.有裂片的;分裂的美国传统〔lobate〕Having separate toes, each bordered by a weblike lobe. Used of the feet of certain birds.有蹼的:有分开的足趾,每趾都粘有网状叶,用于某些鸟类美国传统〔lobate〕Shaped like a lobe.裂片状的美国传统〔lobation〕A structure or part resembling a lobe.叶状结构或部分美国传统〔lobation〕The state of being lobed.叶状美国传统〔lobectomy〕Surgical excision of a lobe, as of the lung.叶切除术:用外科手术切除叶,如肺叶美国传统〔lobe〕Mount Hope Bay is a lobe of Narragansett Bay.芒特霍普湾是纳拉甘西特湾的一个圆形凸出部分。外研社新世纪〔lobule〕A section or subdivision of a lobe.叶的一部分美国传统〔lobule〕A small lobe.小叶,小裂片美国传统〔lyrate〕Botany Having a pinnately divided leaf with an enlarged terminal lobe and smaller lateral lobes.【植物学】 大头羽裂的:具有一扩大的末端裂片和较小侧裂片的羽状分叶美国传统〔nibble〕She nibbled my ear lobe playfully.她调皮地轻咬我的耳垂。外研社新世纪〔nip〕She gently nipped the lobe of his ear.她轻咬了一下他的耳垂。朗文当代〔occipital lobe〕The posterior lobe of each cerebral hemisphere, having the shape of a three-sided pyramid and containing the visual center of the brain.枕骨脑叶:每个脑干半球的后部脑叶,呈三面金字塔形,含有大脑中视觉中心美国传统〔occipital〕A scan of the girl's brain showed seizure activity in the temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes of the brain.女孩大脑扫描显示在大脑侧面、顶部和枕部都有发作迹象。剑桥高阶〔olfactory bulb〕The bulblike distal end of the olfactory lobe, where the olfactory nerves begin.嗅球:嗅叶的球茎状末梢,嗅觉神经的起步美国传统〔optic lobe〕Either of two lobes of the dorsal part of the mesencephalon, containing primary visual centers.视(神经)叶:哺乳动物背部的两视叶之一,包括主要的视神经中枢美国传统〔parietal〕The parietal lobes of the brain lie below the parietal bones.大脑顶叶位于顶骨下方。剑桥高阶〔parted〕Botany Cleft almost to the base, so as to have distinct divisions or lobes.【植物学】 裂缝接近底部,形成明显的开裂或裂片美国传统〔phalarope〕Any of several small wading birds of the family Phalaropodidae, resembling sandpipers but having lobed toes that enable them to swim.瓣蹼鹬:瓣蹼鹬科的一种小型涉水禽鸟,类似矶鹞,但长有适于游泳的足蹼美国传统〔pituicyte〕A small branching cell of the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland.垂体后叶小细胞:位于脑垂体腺的后裂片上的小型分枝细胞美国传统〔pituitary〕Medicine An extract from the anterior or posterior lobes of the pituitary gland, prepared for therapeutic use.【医学】 垂体制剂:从垂体的前叶或后叶提取的制剂,为治疗作准备美国传统〔polymorphonuclear〕Having a lobed nucleus. Used especially of neutrophil white blood cells.(白细胞)分叶核的:有一个分叶的细胞核,尤用来指嗜中性的白细胞美国传统〔postfrontal〕Toward the rear of the frontal lobe.朝向前额骨后部的美国传统〔prefrontal〕Of, relating to, or situated in the anterior part of the frontal lobe.额叶前部的:额叶前面部分的、与之相关的或位于之的美国传统〔quatrefoil〕Architecture Tracery or an ornament with four foils or lobes.【建筑学】 四叶饰:有四片叶子或裂片的窗花格或装饰品美国传统〔sinus〕Botany A recess or an indentation between lobes of a leaf or corolla.【植物学】 湾缺:叶的裂片和花冠间的凹进处或缺口美国传统〔squamule〕A small, loosely attached thallus lobe of certain lichens.小鳞片:一种小的、松软地附着于某些地衣的叶状体美国传统〔telson〕An extension of this segment, such as the middle lobe of the tail fan of a lobster or the stinger of a scorpion.尾节的延长部分:该体节的延长部分,例如大螯虾尾物扇形物的中叶或蝎子的螯针美国传统〔temporal lobe〕The lower lateral lobe of either cerebral hemisphere, located in front of the occipital lobe and containing the sensory center of hearing in the brain.颞叶:每侧大脑半脑后下方位于枕叶的前方的脑叶,其中有大脑的听觉中心美国传统〔through〕Zita was herself unconventional, keeping a safety-pin stuck through her ear lobe.齐塔自己就不守传统,在一只耳垂上穿了一根别针。柯林斯高阶〔topectomy〕Surgical removal of specific areas of the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex as a treatment of certain mental disorders.额叶皮质局部切除术:治疗某些神经疾病时施行的切除大脑皮层外叶中某特定部位的外科手术美国传统〔trilobate〕Having three lobes, as certain leaves.具三裂片的:有三个裂片的,如某些叶子美国传统〔tripinnate〕Divided into pinnae that are subdivided into smaller, further subdivided leaflets or lobes, as in many ferns.三回羽状的:二回羽状的又分割成更小的一回羽状的,进一步分割成小叶或裂片,如各种蕨类的叶片美国传统〔unilobar〕Having only one lobe.单叶的美国传统

