
单词 leading
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACTOR/ACTRESS〕Capucine, the French movie actress whose leading roles included one with Peter Sellers in ‘The Pink Panther’, died after falling from a window. 法国女演员卡普西尼从窗口坠落而死,她主演的影片包括与彼得·塞勒斯合演的《粉红豹》。朗文写作活用〔ADVANCED〕The company is trying to regain its position at the leading edge of biomedical research. 该公司正在试图恢复它在生物医学研究方面的领先地位。朗文写作活用〔ASK〕The jurors said interviewers used leading questions and coached the children on how they should answer. 陪审团说提问的人使用了诱导性问题,教这些孩子应该怎么回答。朗文写作活用〔BAD〕Parents complained that teachers were leading students astray by discussing contraception and abortion in the classroom. 家长们投诉说老师在课堂上讨论避孕和堕胎是在把学生引入歧途。朗文写作活用〔CATCH〕They are offering a reward for information leading to his capture. 他们悬赏缉捕他。朗文写作活用〔Champs Élysées〕A tree-lined thoroughfare of Paris, France, leading from the Place de la Concorde to the Arc de Triomphe.香榭利舍大街:法国巴黎一条从协和广场一直延伸到凯旋门的林荫大道美国传统〔DANCE〕McKayle was considered the leading black modern dance choreographer of his day. 麦凯尔被认为是同时代最杰出的黑人现代舞编舞家。朗文写作活用〔IMPORTANT〕Some of the world's leading politicians will be meeting in Geneva to discuss disarmament. 世界上一些最有影响力的政治家将在日内瓦讨论裁军问题。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕The restaurant was once the meeting place for leading French left-wing intellectuals such as Sartre and de Beauvoir. 这家餐馆一度是萨特和德·波伏瓦等法国主要的左翼知识分子的聚会场所。朗文写作活用〔Lucifer〕The archangel cast from heaven for leading the revolt of the angels; Satan.撒旦:由于领导众天使造反而被从天堂打下的,撒旦美国传统〔POLITICS〕She is now one of America's leading stateswomen. 她现在是美国最杰出的女政治家之一。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕A number of leading human rights activists were arrested yesterday. 几名人权活动领袖昨日被捕。朗文写作活用〔ROUND〕The Villa Madama has a circular courtyard with rooms leading off it in all directions. 夫人别墅内有一个圆形庭院,与它周围的房间相连接。朗文写作活用〔START〕The establishment of NATO in 1949 gave the US a leading role in the defence of Europe. 1949年北约的成立确立了美国在欧洲防御事务上的主导地位。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Our guide seemed to be leading us towards a wooded area in the distance. 我们的向导好像正在带我们走向远处一个树木繁茂的地方。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕I can't tell if he really cares about me or if he's just leading me on? 我不清楚他是真的关心我还是在骗我。朗文写作活用〔actor〕Olivier was hailed as the leading classical actor of his generation.奥利维尔被誉为他那一代人中一流的经典戏剧演员。牛津搭配〔advocate〕He is one of the leading advocates for a more modern style of worship.他是主张采用更为现代的礼拜仪式的重要倡导者之一。牛津搭配〔albatross〕Fame has become an albatross that prevents her from leading a normal and happy life.名气已成了她的一个包袱,让她没法过正常的幸福生活。韦氏高阶〔alert〕Thousands of police were put on full alert at all main roads leading to the city.在通向该城市的所有主要道路上有特派的数千警察全面戒备。牛津搭配〔alternate〕Two actors will alternate in the leading role.主角将由两个演员轮流担当。牛津同义词〔ambitious〕Britain's leading film-makers are drawing up ambitious plans for a national cinema campus.英国最杰出的电影制作人正在起草宏大的计划, 拟建一所国家电影学院。外研社新世纪〔auditor〕She is one of the nation's leading auditors of public companies.她是全国最重要的上市公司审计员之一。牛津搭配〔authority〕She's a leading authority on genetics.她是遗传学方面的最高权威。牛津搭配〔bass〕Italy's leading bass 意大利头号男低音剑桥高阶〔bicentenary〕He was a leading figure in the town's bicentenary celebrations.他是建镇二百周年庆典上的重要人物。外研社新世纪〔blind〕I'll try to help, but it's the blind leading the blind because I've never done this before either.我会尽量帮忙,但这只是盲人教盲人,因为这件事我以前也没做过。韦氏高阶〔blind〕Paul said he knew how to do the job and offered to show Tom, but it ended up as the blind leading the blind.保罗说这活儿他会做, 还主动说要做给汤姆看, 但结果却像瞎子给瞎子引路。外研社新世纪〔book〕Several leading businessmen were booked to speak at the conference.几位主要的实业家被安排在会议上发言。麦克米伦高阶〔brand〕We stock all leading brands.我们备有所有大牌子的货品。麦克米伦高阶〔brave〕The young platoon leader set a courageous example for his soldiers by leading them safely into and out of jungle territory held by the enemy.年轻的排长带领士兵安全出入敌军控制的丛林地带,为他们树立了一个勇敢的榜样。美国传统〔build-up〕The disease can also cause a build-up of pressure in the inner ear, leading to severe earache.这种疾病还可能导致内耳压力增大, 从而造成严重的耳痛。外研社新世纪〔carry〕He was very worried about the leading trade unionists' ability to carry their workers with them.他对那些工会领导人有没有带领工人的能力深为担心。英汉大词典〔certificate〕A document issued to a person completing a course of study not leading to a diploma.结业证书:发给完成课程学习但不能拿毕业证的人的一种证明美国传统〔chain〕Japan's leading hotel chain 日本主要的连锁宾馆麦克米伦高阶〔choke up〕The road leading to the town centre was choked up with traffic.通往市中心的公路交通阻塞。21世纪英汉〔chord〕A straight line connecting the leading and trailing edges of an airfoil.翼弦:连接机翼的前缘与后缘的直线美国传统〔chronicle〕The book chronicles the events leading up to the war.该书记录了导致这场战争的一连串事件。朗文当代〔chronology〕The book provides a chronology of the events leading up to the American Civil War.这本书提供了引发美国南北战争的事件的大事年表。韦氏高阶〔circumvent〕General William Emory, leading the Nineteenth Corps, directed his men to circumvent the wagons.率领着第19军团的威廉·埃默里将军指挥士兵们包围了马车。外研社新世纪〔cohabit〕About 23 percent of men and women aged 25 to 34 told researchers they had previously cohabited with a partner without it leading to marriage.年龄在25至34岁之间的男女约有23%的人告诉研究者,他们有过同居而最终没有结婚的经历。剑桥高阶〔competition〕There is fierce competition between the three leading soap manufacturers.三大肥皂制造商之间竞争很激烈。朗文当代〔consolidate〕The company has consolidated its position as the country's leading gas supplier.这家公司巩固了作为该国主要煤气供应商的地位。朗文当代〔contender〕Senator Clinton was considered a leading contender for the Democratic presidential nomination.克林顿参议员被认为是民主党总统候选人提名的主要竞争者。牛津搭配〔correspond〕He corresponded with leading European scholars.他和欧洲最重要的学者都有书信往来。麦克米伦高阶〔costume〕The dancers leading the procession were in colourful and elaborate costumes.走在队伍前头的舞蹈演员身着色彩绚丽、制作考究的服装。剑桥高阶〔country〕He accused the government of leading the country to disaster.他谴责政府把国家引向灾难。牛津搭配〔critic〕Her critics say she is leading the party to disaster.批评她的人说她在把该党引向灾难。剑桥高阶〔crown〕She was the youngest Scottish hospital matron at 34, and went on to crown her career as matron of Scotland's leading hospital.她34岁时已是苏格兰医院最年轻的护士长, 后来又成为全苏格兰最好医院的护士长, 达到了自己职业生涯的顶峰。外研社新世纪〔damn〕I'm leading as near as damn it a normal life.我几乎过着正常的生活。外研社新世纪〔death〕Obesity is a leading cause of preventable deaths.在可预防的死亡中,肥胖是罪魁祸首。牛津搭配〔detail〕The policeman detailed the events leading up to the robbery.警察列举了这件抢劫案的作案过程。21世纪英汉〔distinguish〕Over the next few years he distinguished himself as a leading constitutional scholar.在接下来的几年里,他作为一名宪法研究领域最杰出的学者而声名远扬。柯林斯高阶〔divided〕Wilson now found himself leading a weak and divided party.威尔逊现在发觉自己在领导着一个软弱的四分五裂的政党。麦克米伦高阶〔double life〕Marje had no idea that her husband was leading a double life with another woman.玛杰想不到她丈夫和另一个女人在一起过着双重生活。朗文当代〔e-tailing〕America's leading e-tailers 美国主要的网上零售商牛津高阶〔ease up〕He told supporters not to ease up even though he's leading in the presidential race.他告诉支持者们即使眼下他在总统选举中领先也不要松懈。柯林斯高阶〔emerge〕The Pacific region has rapidly emerged as a leading force on the world stage.太平洋地区迅速崛起,成为世界舞台上的一支主要力量。牛津搭配〔endplay〕A play in bridge that forces an opponent to lead and results in the opponents' losing one or more tricks that they would have won had they not been leading.残局打法:桥牌中的一种玩法,强迫对方先出牌并因而导致使对方失去那些如果他们不处于先出牌情形就可能会赢得的一分美国传统〔enter〕Several leading players have entered the tournament.不少主力队员报名参加了锦标赛。韦氏高阶〔epitasis〕The middle part of a play that develops the action leading to the catastrophe.剧情发展部分:戏剧中间部分,把情节推向高潮美国传统〔erect〕Demonstrators erected barricades in roads leading to the parliament building.示威者已经在通往议会大厦的道路上设置了路障。外研社新世纪〔establish〕He has established himself as the leading candidate in the election.他已经确立了竞选中主要候选人的地位。剑桥高阶〔event〕The police are trying to establish a picture of events leading up to the killing.警方试图确定导致该起凶杀案的种种前因。牛津搭配〔exact〕We need to establish the exact sequence of events leading up to the accident.我们需要确定造成这起事故的一系列事件的确切顺序。麦克米伦高阶〔fall away〕The leading boat fell away when the wind grew too strong.在风刮得太猛时,领头的船只能随波逐流了。21世纪英汉〔fever〕The nation was at fever pitch in the days leading up to the election.大选前几天,全国处于狂热的兴奋之中。朗文当代〔flagship〕The hospital has been the government's flagship, leading the health service reforms.这家医院一直是政府的旗舰机构,引领着医疗服务的改革。柯林斯高阶〔fresh〕His book offers some fresh insights into the events leading up to the war.他的书就导致那场战争的事件提出了一些新颖的见解。剑桥高阶〔front man〕Music A leading singer with a group.【音乐】 乐队领唱者美国传统〔generality〕This view is held by the generality of leading scholars.大多数知名学者都持这种观点。牛津高阶〔generation〕David Mamet has long been considered the leading American playwright of his generation.长期以来,戴维·马梅特一直被视为同代人中最杰出的美国剧作家。柯林斯高阶〔goods〕Britain's leading exporter of manufactured goods (=things that are made not grown) 英国主要的工业品出口商朗文当代〔group together〕The G-7 organization groups together the world's seven leading industrialized nations.七国集团把世界上最主要的七个工业国家聚合在一起。外研社新世纪〔half time〕City were leading 3–0 at half time.中场休息时城市队以3比0领先。麦克米伦高阶〔halfway〕She was leading at the halfway mark/point of the race.她在跑过赛程一半时处于领先位置。韦氏高阶〔happen on/upon sth/sb〕Eventually they happened on a road leading across the desert.最后,他们偶然找到了一条穿越沙漠的路。剑桥高阶〔hominization〕The evolutionary process leading to the development of human characteristics that distinguish hominids from other primates.人性化:一种进化过程,它导致人类特性的发展形成,从而使人区别于灵长目其他动物美国传统〔indicator〕The stock market is seen as a leading indicator of economic growth.股票市场被视为经济增长的风向标。牛津搭配〔indirect〕These adjectives mean not leading by a direct or straight line or course to a destination.这些形容词的意思是“并非通过一条直线或直路达到目的的”。美国传统〔inner〕Leading off the main hall is a series of small inner rooms.从主客厅开始是一系列小的内室。剑桥高阶〔kerfuffle〕There was a bit of a kerfuffle during the race when a dog impeded the leading runners.比赛中一条狗干扰了领先的选手, 引起一阵混乱。外研社新世纪〔lawyer〕A leading human rights lawyer took on his case.一位顶尖的人权律师接了他的案子。牛津搭配〔lead into〕He is leading a wire into a metal tube.他在将一根线导入金属管里。21世纪英汉〔lead off〕There were two doors leading off the central room.中厅开有两扇门。柯林斯高阶〔lead on to〕There were glass doors leading on to this balcony.有玻璃门通到这个阳台。柯林斯高阶〔lead up to〕Since you came in you've been leading up to this question.自打你进来, 你就在为提这个问题做准备。外研社新世纪〔lead up to〕They had a series of arguments, leading up to a decision to separate.他们经过连番争吵后决定分居。柯林斯高阶〔lead up to〕What's all this leading up to?说了这么多, 到底想说什么?外研社新世纪〔leading light〕She's one of the leading lights in the opera world.她是歌剧界的一位大腕。牛津高阶〔leading question〕The judge made it quite clear that the lawyers were not permitted to ask witnesses leading questions.法官已非常明确地指出律师不得向证人进行诱导性询问。韦氏高阶〔leading〕David was our leading goalscorer last season.戴维是我们上个赛季最出色的得分球员。麦克米伦高阶〔leading〕Don't ask leading questions.不要提诱导性的问题。朗文当代〔leading〕He became a leading figure in the London art world.他成了伦敦艺术界一位举足轻重的人物。麦克米伦高阶〔leading〕The leading car was full of security men.领头的车里载满了安保人员。外研社新世纪〔leading〕The two women were leading lights of the women's union.这两位女性是妇联的主要人物。朗文当代〔lead〕A visiting professor will be leading the seminar.一位客座教授将主持这场研讨会。韦氏高阶〔lead〕I knew he was leading up to something, but I had no idea what.我知道他正逐渐地绕到某个话题上,但我不知道他要说些什么。麦克米伦高阶〔lead〕In the weeks leading up to graduation I did very little.在毕业前的几周里,我几乎无所事事。麦克米伦高阶〔lead〕Joe had been leading a double life, seeing an ex-model while his wife believed he was on business.乔过着双重的生活: 他偷偷地和一名前模特儿幽会,而他妻子却以为他是在出差。朗文当代〔lead〕Mr Mendes was leading a campaign to save Brazil's rainforest from exploitation.门德斯先生正领导一场运动, 以拯救遭到乱砍滥伐的巴西热带雨林。外研社新世纪〔lead〕The negotiations leading up to the contract were very tough.为最终达成合同而接连进行的谈判很艰辛。麦克米伦高阶〔lead〕The polls showed Clinton leading Bush 55 percent to 34 percent.民意测验显示,克林顿的支持率是 55%,领先于布什的 34%。朗文当代〔leapfrog〕The company leapfrogged its rivals into a leading position.公司超越竞争对手,处于领先地位。朗文当代〔life's work〕Britain's leading figurative painter, whose life's work is currently on show at Tate Britain毕生作品正在泰特美术馆展出的一位英国重要的具象画家外研社新世纪〔loss〕The company is closing down two of its factories, leading to 430 job losses .公司要关闭其中的两家工厂,这将造成 430 人失业。朗文当代〔maintain〕The company has easily maintained its position as the leading brand in the money-transfer business.公司轻松保持了在转账业务领域的领军地位。牛津搭配〔many〕Many of the world's leading doctors have been trained here in Edinburgh.世界上许多顶尖医生都在爱丁堡这里受过训练。麦克米伦高阶〔mezzo-soprano〕She's the country's leading mezzo-soprano.她是这个国家的首席女中音。剑桥高阶〔missing〕A leading businessman has been reported missing from his home.警方接到报告说一位商界要人从家中失踪。牛津搭配〔monogamy〕Monogamy has been and is the leading type of marriage.一夫一妻制向来是而且现在还是主要的婚姻型态。文馨英汉〔month〕The President was involved in discussions in the months leading up to the war.在战争爆发前的几个月里,总统一直在参与讨论。牛津搭配〔mustard〕The place simply does not cut the mustard as a venue for a leading tournament.这个地方完全不符合一流比赛场地的要求。外研社新世纪〔nail〕The prosecution still managed to nail him for robberies at the homes of leading industrialists.检控方仍设法使其入室抢劫知名实业家们的罪名成立。柯林斯高阶〔narthex〕An entrance hall leading to the nave of a church.通向教堂正厅的门厅美国传统〔note〕The report notes that export and import volumes picked up in leading economies.报告特别指出经济大国的进出口量攀升。柯林斯高阶〔operator〕Julian travelled with Caribbean Connection, the UK's leading Caribbean tour operator (=company that arranges holidays) .朱利安随加勒比联运 — 英国主要的加勒比旅游服务公司去旅游。朗文当代〔opponent〕During the primary elections, McCain was Bush's leading opponent.初选时,麦凯恩是布什的主要对手。朗文当代〔overtake〕Obesity may soon overtake smoking as the leading cause of preventable deaths.肥胖可能很快会取代吸烟成为导致可预防死亡的首要原因。韦氏高阶〔passage〕There was a bedroom with a small passage leading off to a bathroom.有一间卧室自带有一个小走廊通往浴室。牛津搭配〔peel away〕Azevedo peeled away, and Basso and Armstrong took turns leading up the mountain.阿泽维多离开了, 巴索和阿姆斯特朗轮流带队领大家上山。外研社新世纪〔peel〕The leading pair of planes peeled away on to the right and the other to the left.领头的两架飞机飞离编队,一架向右,一架向左。21世纪英汉〔pencil in〕An unknown actor was penciled in to play the leading role.一个不知名的演员被匆忙列入计划,扮演主要角色。21世纪英汉〔physicist〕Niels Bohr, the leading quantum physicist of his time 尼尔斯・玻尔,他那个时代最重要的量子物理学家牛津搭配〔price-fixing〕Two leading airlines have been accused of price-fixing.两大航空公司被指控操纵价格。麦克米伦高阶〔prima ballerina〕The leading woman dancer in a ballet company.芭蕾舞剧中女主角演员美国传统〔producer〕Saudi Arabia, the world's leading oil producer.沙特阿拉伯,世界主要的石油生产国柯林斯高阶〔producer〕Saudi Arabia, the world's leading oil producer世界主要的石油生产国沙特阿拉伯外研社新世纪〔proponent〕Dr George is one of the leading proponents of this view.乔治博士是这种观点的主要拥护者。朗文当代〔proponent〕He is a leading proponent of gun control.他是枪支管制的主要支持者。韦氏高阶〔protagonist〕A leading or principal figure.重要人物:主要或首要的人物美国传统〔protagonist〕The chief protagonists in the row are Visa and Mastercard, the world's leading credit-card brands.这场纠纷的主角是世界两大信用卡品牌——维萨和万事达。外研社新世纪〔psych〕He somehow psyched Thrale into leading him to the cottage.他设法让思罗尔带他到那个乡间小屋去。外研社新世纪〔pyorrhea〕Purulent inflammation of the gums and tooth sockets, often leading to loosening of the teeth.牙槽脓溢:牙龈和牙床的化脓性发炎,经常导致牙齿的松动美国传统〔race〕I was leading the race until the half-way point.比赛进行到一半之前我一直领先。牛津搭配〔reading〕His reading of the leading role in the play was remarkable.他对剧中主角的理解和表演非常出色。英汉大词典〔reconstruction〕The police staged a reconstruction of the events leading up to the murder.警方放映了再现导致谋杀案发生的系列事件的短片。牛津搭配〔reconstruction〕They were able to determine the cause of the accident by careful reconstruction of the events leading up to it.他们能够通过对导致事故的各种事件进行梳理,确定事故起因。韦氏高阶〔record〕The index of the performance of leading shares recorded a 16 per cent fall.龙头股指数录得16个百分点的跌幅。柯林斯高阶〔redouble〕The leading banks are expected to redouble their efforts to keep the value of the dollar down.人们希望各大银行加倍努力以保持美元的低价位。牛津高阶〔reward〕Police are offering a substantial reward for information leading to the man's capture.能为逮捕此人提供线索者警方将给予一笔可观的赏金。麦克米伦高阶〔role〕The leading role should have gone to a more well-known star.主角麦克米伦高阶〔role〕Who is in the leading role(= the most important one)? 谁扮演主角?牛津高阶〔science〕Many leading scientists do not consider that science can give absolutely reliable knowledge.许多杰出的科学家并不认为科学能够提供绝对可靠的知识。朗文当代〔second banana〕One who serves as the straight man opposite the leading comedian in a burlesque.(喜剧的)配角:在滑稽戏中充当喜剧主角演员助手的人美国传统〔shape〕She had a leading role in shaping party policy.该党奉行何种政策,她起着主导作用。牛津高阶〔shoe boil〕A growth over the elbow of a horse, caused by repeated bruising by the hoof or the rough floor when lying down and leading to lameness.肘软肿:马肘部出现的肿块,由于卧地时不断被蹄子或粗糙的地板擦伤而引起,可以导致跛腿美国传统〔slipway〕A sloping surface leading down to the water, on which ships are built or repaired.滑道:延伸到水里的倾斜面,船只在其上修造或维护美国传统〔slog〕The leading contenders are still slogging it out.处于领先位置的竞争者仍在激烈地角逐。柯林斯高阶〔spoiler〕A candidate for office whose chances of winning are slight but who may get enough votes to prevent one of the leading candidates from winning.拆台者:一个获胜机会很小却可以通过积极争取选票阻止另一有实力的候选人获胜的候选人美国传统〔star〕An artistic performer or athlete whose leading role or superior performance is acknowledged.明星:有卓越演技并广为人知的演员或运动员美国传统〔star〕To play the leading role in a theatrical or film production.主演:在戏剧或电影作品中担任主角美国传统〔step〕The woman took them down some steps leading to the beach.那个妇人带他们走下通向海滩的一些台阶。麦克米伦高阶〔supplier〕They used to be a leading supplier of military equipment.他们曾经是军事装备的主要供应商。剑桥高阶〔supremacy〕The company has begun to challenge the supremacy of the current leading manufacturers in the textiles industry.这家公司已开始挑战目前纺织业内几大龙头厂商的统治地位。剑桥高阶〔think-tank〕Moscow's leading foreign policy think-tank.莫斯科首要的外交政策智囊团柯林斯高阶〔track〕There a dirt track leading from the main road.从主干道上叉出一条土路。麦克米伦高阶〔triumph〕The leading runner raised his arms in triumph.领跑者举起双臂庆祝胜利。牛津搭配〔troupe〕A troupe of dancers from Beijing is one of the leading attractions in the festival.来自北京的舞蹈团是艺术节中最有吸引力的节目之一。剑桥高阶〔turn on〕Everything turns on who gets the leading role.一切都取决于谁演主角。外研社新世纪〔way〕These nouns refer to paths leading from one place or point to another.这些名词都指从一地引向另一地的路。美国传统〔yes〕The no-votes are leading the yeses.反对票领先于赞成票。柯林斯高阶Leading Mannerists include Parmigiano and Giulio Romano, whose pictures are painted in deep, rich colours.主要的风格主义者有帕米吉亚诺和朱里奥·罗曼诺,他们的画作都采用了丰富的深色调。剑桥国际Leading companies set up an ad hoc group to discuss the changes in the law.主要的公司设立专门小组研究法律的变化。牛津商务A leading cleric has criticized the government for its failure to tackle the growing problem of homelessness.一位有影响的教士批评政府对越来越严重的无家可归问题无能为力。剑桥国际A troupe of dancers from Beijing is one of the leading attractions in the festival.来自北京的一个舞蹈团的演出是艺术节中最有吸引力的节目之一。剑桥国际Asia's leading corporates 亚洲领先的企业牛津商务Dr McKusick is one of the (world's) leading experts on human genetics.麦克库锡克博士在人类遗传学方面是(世界上)领先的专家之一。剑桥国际Eventually they happened on a road leading across the desert.他们最终碰上了一条穿过沙漠的路。剑桥国际For the magazine to be successful, it will have to compete in the big league against leading weekly women's magazines.该杂志要想取得成功,就不得不以第一流的水平与领先的妇女周刊竞争。剑桥国际He confessed he had been leading a double life, working in the bank by day and performing at a club by night.他坦白说他过着双重身份的生活,白天在银行工作,晚上在夜总会表演。剑桥国际He is a leading member of the medical profession. 他是医疗业中首屈一指的医生。译典通He is one of the world's leading experts in the field of building restoration and preservation.在建筑物修复和保养方面他是世界上最著名的专家之一。剑桥国际He is trying to engineer a merger of two leading department store groups.他正努力密谋策划两家大型百货商店集团的合并。牛津商务He studied the cycle of events leading to the Great Depression. 他研究了导致大萧条的一系列事件。译典通His film contains a disturbing and highly unlikely scene in which dozens of young Lolitas throw themselves at the leading male character.他的影片中有一个难以置信且有伤风化的场面----几十个怀春的少女蜂涌向男主人公。剑桥国际I heard on the radio that all the main arteries leading into London are blocked with traffic.我从广播里听到所有通往伦敦的交通要道都发生了阻塞。剑桥国际In despair, the theatre director recast the leading role.在绝望中,剧院导演改变了主角的形象。剑桥国际Jobs figures are closely watched as they are considered a good leading indicator of consumer demand.就业资料之所以受到密切关注,是因为它们被看作是消费需求的有效领先指标。牛津商务Many leading leftists have condemned the central government for allowing the film to go ahead.许多著名的左翼分子谴责中央政府允许该影片继续上映。剑桥国际Many journalists are pondering why the leading goal-scorer of the World Cup has scored no goals so far this season. 许多记者在考虑为什么世界杯的最佳射手在本赛季至今一个球还没有进。剑桥国际Several leading companies took the initiative to establish an independent business school.几家领先公司主动建立独立的商学院。牛津商务She gave a textbook performance in the leading role.她对主角的扮演十分出色。剑桥国际She heads (=is in charge of) one of Britain's leading travel firms.她主管英国一家主要的旅行公司。剑桥国际She was a leading light in the crusade against illiteracy.她是扫盲运动中颇具影响的重要人物。剑桥国际Sir Thomas More was a leading humanist (= a person who believes in humanism) of his time.托马斯·摩尔是他的时代的主要人文主义者。剑桥国际Sylvester Stallone shot to fame with his leading role in the film, ‘Rocky’.西尔维斯特·史泰龙因领衔主演了影片《落基》而一举成名。剑桥国际That whole period leading up to the revolution is an interesting chapter in British history.逐步导致革命的整个时期是英国历史上有趣的一章。剑桥国际The city is the country's leading diamond buying centre.本市是全国著名的钻石采购中心。牛津商务The detective leading the murder investigation expects to have made significant strides forward within the next couple of weeks.负责调查那件谋杀案的侦探预计在接下来的几周内案情能有重大进展。剑桥国际The firm has been awarded a five-year contract to supply parts to a leading manufacturer.这公司获得向一家大制造商供应零部件的五年合同。牛津商务The newspaper article said the company had become a technological laggard (= had not advanced as quickly as other companies), leading to financial problems.报上的文章说这家公司已经在技术上落后,导致了财政问题。剑桥国际The product is about to go on sale at a leading high-street retailer.这产品即将在一家位于繁华大街的零售商那里上市销售。牛津商务The results are based on case studies of 27 leading companies.这结果是根据 27 家龙头企业的个案研究所得的。牛津商务They are being defended by one of the country's leading K. C. s.他们由一位全国主要王室法律顾问辩护。剑桥国际They deserve a place among the country's leading exporters.他们应该在全国领先的出口商中占有一席之地。剑桥国际They first performed as a supporting act (Am usually opening act) to a leading band five years ago.五年前他们第一次为一支一流乐队作开场表演。剑桥国际We consulted a leading grammarian.我们向一位权威的语法学家请教。剑桥国际We operate at/on the leading edge of technology.我们在技术的前沿运作。牛津商务We resent these insinuations that we are not capable of leading the country.我们对这些说我们无能力领导国家的含蓄批评很不满。剑桥国际

