
单词 pedal
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PRESS〕I pressed the brake pedal, but nothing happened. 我踩了刹车,但是没有用。朗文写作活用〔accelerator〕A device, especially the gas pedal of a motor vehicle, for increasing speed.加速装置:加速器,如可以用来加速的汽车油门美国传统〔adjust〕She adjusted the car seat so she could reach the pedals.她调整车座以便能够踩到踏板。韦氏高阶〔apply〕Take your foot off the gas pedal and slowly apply the brakes.脚松开油门,慢慢地踩刹车。韦氏高阶〔approach〕Ease off the gas pedal to slow down as the bend in the road approaches.接近弯道时要松油门减速。韦氏高阶〔backpedal〕To pedal (a bicycle or other such vehicle) backward, in order to brake it.倒踩脚踏板:向后踩脚踏板(自行车或其它这类的车辆),以便刹车美国传统〔bicycle〕She tried to pedal her bicycle up the track.她试图蹬着自行车沿小路往上骑。牛津搭配〔bike〕She tried to pedal her bike up the track.她试图蹬着自行车沿小路往上骑。牛津搭配〔bite〕His left foot applied pressure to the brake pedal, but there was no bite.他用左脚踩刹车的踏板,可是车没有刹住。英汉大词典〔brake〕Take your foot off the brake pedal.把你的脚从刹车踏板上移开。韦氏高阶〔calf〕My calf muscles ached from pressure on the pedals.踩踏板时我的小腿肌肉会疼痛。外研社新世纪〔churn〕I pressed the gas pedal, and slowly the wheels began to churn.我踩下油门踏板,车轮就开始慢慢转动了起来。朗文当代〔clutch〕The apparatus, such as a lever or pedal, that activates one of these devices.离合器杆或踏板:一种起动上述设备的部件,如杠杆或踏板美国传统〔coaster brake〕A brake and clutch on the rear wheel and drive mechanism of a bicycle operated through reverse pressure on the pedals.脚刹车:自行车的后轮和驱动机构上的制动器和离合器,经由脚踏板上的反向压力工作美国传统〔coast〕She took her feet off the pedals and coasted downhill.她从自行车的踏板上松开脚,沿山坡滑行而下。牛津高阶〔console〕Music The desklike part of an organ that contains the keyboard, stops, and pedals.【音乐】 风琴操作部分:风琴的台面部分,包括键盘、音栓及踏板等美国传统〔decelerate〕The harder the brake pedal is pressed, the greater the car's deceleration.刹车踩得越用力,车子减速越猛。柯林斯高阶〔deceleration〕The harder the brake pedal is pressed, the greater the car's deceleration.踩踏刹车板的力度越大, 汽车减速就越快。外研社新世纪〔depression〕Driving requires constant depression of pedals with one or both feet.开车时需要用单脚或双脚不停地踩两个踏板。外研社新世纪〔depress〕Slowly depress the accelerator/brake pedal.慢慢踩下油门/制动踏板。剑桥高阶〔depress〕Slowly depress the car's brake pedal.慢慢地踩下汽车的刹车踏板。韦氏高阶〔disengage〕Put the car in gear, and then slowly disengage the clutch while pressing on the gas pedal.挂挡,然后在踩油门的同时慢慢松开离合器踏板。韦氏高阶〔ease off〕Drivers are being warned to ease off the gas pedal on this stretch of road.司机们被告诫, 在这一路段要减速慢行。外研社新世纪〔example〕An athlete, for example, might turn the pedals 80 times a minute.例如,一个运动员一分钟可能踏脚蹬 80 次。牛津搭配〔foot brake〕A brake operated by pressure of the foot on a pedal, as in an automobile.脚闸:靠踏板上的脚施加压力而起作用的制动器,如用在汽车中美国传统〔free wheel〕A clutch in the rear-wheel hub of a bicycle that permits the wheel to turn without pedal action, as in coasting.飞轮:自行车后轮的毂上的离合器,(如在滑行时)不踩踏板而能使轮子转动美国传统〔gas pedal〕She relaxed her foot on the gas pedal, and the car began to slow.她抬脚放松油门, 汽车开始减速。外研社新世纪〔gas〕He hit the gas pedal and headed off.他一踩油门,开走了。牛津搭配〔gas〕We stepped on the gas (=pushed down the gas pedal and made the car go faster) and sped away.我们踩下油门快速开走。朗文当代〔gladiator〕As the gladiators rolled away from the starting gates, a gasp went up when the Scottish cyclist's left foot clicked out of the pedal.矫健的自行车手们纷纷骑车冲出起跑门,突然苏格兰选手的左脚咔嗒一声踩空了踏板,观众不禁倒抽了一口冷气。柯林斯高阶〔harp〕By means of pedals, a harp can be set in any desired key.利用踏板可以给竖琴调出任何一种调子。牛津搭配〔high-hat cymbals〕A pair of cymbals positioned to be worked by a foot pedal.踩钹:用脚踏板操作的一对钹美国传统〔kick starter〕A starter that is operated by kicking downward on a pedal, as on a motorcycle.脚踩发动板:一个用脚踏板向下踩来发动的发动装置,如在机车上的美国传统〔let〕It is incredible that the 12-year-old managed to even reach the pedals, let alone drive the car.12岁的孩子能踩到踏板已经是不可思议,就更不用说开车了。柯林斯高阶〔lift〕He lifted his foot from/off the gas pedal.他将脚从油门上抬起。韦氏高阶〔merry-go-round〕A piece of playground equipment consisting of a small circular platform that revolves when pushed or pedaled.脚踏旋转平台:一种由一圆形小平台组成的游乐场设备,当推动它或踩其踏板时能够转动美国传统〔moped〕A lightweight motorized bicycle that can be pedaled as well as driven by a low-powered gasoline engine.机动脚踏两用车:一种可以用脚踏也可以用小马力引擎驱动的轻型机器脚踏自行车美国传统〔motorbike〕A pedal bicycle that has an attached motor.机动自行车:附有推动引擎的脚踏自行车美国传统〔off-centre〕The pedals seem a bit off-centre and the clutch is rather stiff.踏板似乎有点偏心,离合器也相当紧。柯林斯高阶〔pedal away〕I saw him pedaling away on his bike.我看到他骑着他的自行车走了。21世纪英汉〔pedal keyboard〕A keyboard of pedals in an instrument such as a pipe organ.踏板键盘:一种如管风琴等由踏板组成键盘的乐器美国传统〔pedal off〕John pedaled off his bicycle to summon a mason.约翰骑车去找个瓦匠。21世纪英汉〔pedal piano〕A piano with a pedal keyboard.踏板钢琴:一种有踏板键盘的钢琴美国传统〔pedal power〕The president showed he supported pedal power by turning up for work on a bike.总统改为骑自行车上班,表示支持骑自行车运动。剑桥高阶〔pedal〕A pedal keyboard.脚踏键盘美国传统〔pedal〕A pedal point.持续音美国传统〔pedal〕He pedaled down to the store.他骑车去商店。韦氏高阶〔pedal〕He pedaled his bicycle slowly up the hill.他慢悠悠地骑着自行车上山。21世纪英汉〔pedal〕He floored the pedal and drove off at high speed.他猛踩油门疾驶而去。牛津搭配〔pedal〕He refused to pedal up the hill.他拒绝骑车上山。牛津搭配〔pedal〕He stood up on the pedals of his bike to get extra power as he cycled up the hill.他骑车上山时站在脚蹬子上蹬车以增加力量。剑桥高阶〔pedal〕He struggled to pedal his bicycle up the hill.他吃力地骑着自行车上山。剑桥高阶〔pedal〕He switched off mains electricity and got Tim to pedal a generator instead.他切断主电源, 让蒂姆用脚踏发电机发电。外研社新世纪〔pedal〕He was pedaling as fast as he could.他以最快的速度骑着自行车。韦氏高阶〔pedal〕Her foot was working the pedal of the sewing machine.她用脚蹬着缝纫机的踏板。牛津搭配〔pedal〕I couldn't reach the pedals on her bike.我骑她的车够不到脚蹬子。牛津高阶〔pedal〕I was just pedaling along a road.我正在路上骑自行车。21世纪英汉〔pedal〕It is an adult pedal cart that is used by larger handicapped children.这是一架成人脚踏代步车, 供个子较高的残疾儿童使用。外研社新世纪〔pedal〕Mothers spent their evening pressing the pedals of a sewing machine.妈妈们整晚都在踩缝纫机。外研社新世纪〔pedal〕Of or relating to a pedal.踏瓣的,踏板的:踏板的或与踏板有关的美国传统〔pedal〕She emptied the ashtray into the pedal bin.她把烟灰缸里的东西倒入脚踏式垃圾桶里。剑桥高阶〔pedal〕She pressed her foot down sharply on the brake pedal.她猛踩刹车踏板。牛津高阶〔pedal〕She put her foot down on the accelerator pedal.她踩下了油门踏板。朗文当代〔pedal〕She was too tired to pedal back.她太累了, 骑不回来了。外研社新世纪〔pedal〕She was too tired to pedal back.她太累了,没力气骑自行车回去。柯林斯高阶〔pedal〕Some guitarists tend to overuse the wah-wah pedal.一些吉他手往往会滥用“哇哇”踏板。牛津搭配〔pedal〕They plan to pedal a human-powered boat 2,250 miles across the Atlantic.他们计划用脚踏船航行2,250英里, 横跨大西洋。外研社新世纪〔pedal〕They will learn to pedal a trike.他们将学习蹬三轮车。外研社新世纪〔pedal〕This sewing machine is operated by a foot pedal.这台缝纫机是用脚踏板来操作的。剑桥高阶〔pedal〕To operate the pedals of.操作…的踏板美国传统〔pedal〕To stop the machine push the foot pedal.踩脚踏板可以让机器停止运转。牛津搭配〔pedal〕To use or operate a pedal or pedals.使用踏瓣,踩踏板:使用或操纵踏板美国传统〔pedal〕We are going to have to put the pedal to the metal if we want to finish on time.要想按时完成工作,我们必须加快速度。韦氏高阶〔pedal〕We borrowed the pulls, pedals and keys from an antique-organ collector.我们从古董管风琴收藏家那里借来了音栓、脚键盘和键盘。外研社新世纪〔pedal〕You have to pedal hard to get anywhere.到哪儿去你都必须使劲儿踩踏板。牛津搭配〔pedal〕You'll have to pedal hard up this hill.走上坡时你必须用力蹬车。牛津高阶〔pedicab〕A small three-wheeled vehicle having a seat, pedals, and handlebars in front for the operator and a usually hooded cab in back for passengers.人力三轮车:一种前面有为操作者设的座位、脚踏板和把手且后面通常有为乘客而设的带罩乘座的小三轮车美国传统〔pivot〕The pedal had sheared off at the pivot.踏板在枢轴处断裂了。外研社新世纪〔pivot〕The pedal had sheared off at the pivot.踏板在枢轴处断裂了。柯林斯高阶〔plantarflexion〕Plantarflexion is the movement used to press the accelerator pedal in a car.跖屈是开车时脚踩油门时的动作。剑桥高阶〔pound out〕He stamped down hard on the bass pedal, pounding out a steady chugging rhythm.他使劲踩下低音踏板, 用力弹奏出一阵轧轧突的节奏。外研社新世纪〔power brake〕A motor vehicle brake assisted by a power mechanism operated by the engine that amplifies pressure applied to the brake pedal.动力制动器:机动车煞车,借助于由引擎控制的动力机械装置来扩大施加于刹车踏板上的压力美国传统〔press〕She pressed down hard on the gas pedal.她用力踩下油门踏板。牛津高阶〔press〕She pressed down hard on the gas pedal.她用力踩油门。牛津搭配〔press〕She pressed the gas pedal and the car leapt forwards.她踩下油门,汽车向前冲了出去。朗文当代〔pump〕She pumped the pedals of the bicycle.她上上下下蹬着自行车的脚踏板。外研社新世纪〔revolve〕A foot pedal is used to revolve the wheel.脚踏板用来使轮子转动。麦克米伦高阶〔snap off〕The brake pedal had just snapped off.刹车踏板一下子就断了。外研社新世纪〔snap〕The brake pedal had just snapped off.刹车踏板刚刚啪的一声绷断了。柯林斯高阶〔soft pedal〕A pedal used to mute tone, as on a piano.钢琴踏板:用来减弱音调的踏板,如在钢琴上美国传统〔soft-pedal〕Music To soften or mute the tone of by depressing the soft pedal.【音乐】 使用减音踏板:用踏板的方法来弱化或减弱音调美国传统〔stall〕Your foot falls off the pedal and you stall the car.你的脚离开踏板,汽车便会熄火。柯林斯高阶〔ten-speed〕A bicycle that can be pedaled in ten different gears.十变速自行车:有十种不同档速的脚踏自行车美国传统〔throttle〕A lever or pedal controlling such a valve.节流杠:控制这种阀的杠杆或踏板美国传统〔throw off〕He is said to have thrown off pursuers by pedaling across the Wisconsin state line.据说他骑车越过威斯康星州界,摆脱了追捕他的人。柯林斯高阶〔treadle〕A pedal or lever operated by the foot for circular drive, as in a potter's wheel or sewing machine.踏板:一种由脚操纵带动圆周运动的踏板或杠杆,如制陶者的陶车或缝纫机的踏板美国传统〔tricycle〕A vehicle, used especially by small children, that has three wheels, one at the front and two at the back, and is usually propelled by pedals.三轮车:一种运输工具,尤指儿童用有三个轮子的童车,一个在前,两个在后,通常用脚踏板推进美国传统〔turn〕Turn a special key, press the brake pedal, and your car's brakes lock.转动一把特制的钥匙,踩下刹车踏板,这样你的汽车刹车就锁住了。柯林斯高阶〔una corda〕With the soft pedal of the piano depressed. Used chiefly as a direction.用弱音踏板地(的):用钢琴踏板压下。主要用作演唱演奏指示美国传统〔unicycle〕A vehicle consisting of a frame mounted over a single wheel and usually propelled by pedals.独轮脚踏车:一种由装有单轮的机架构成的车辆,通常由脚蹬推动美国传统〔velocipede〕Any of several early bicycles having pedals attached to the front wheel.脚踏车:任一种前轮上附有踏板的早期自行车美国传统〔wah-wah〕A similar sound produced by means of an electronic attachment, as on an electric guitar, operated by a foot pedal.电子哇哇声:一种用电子装置制造出来的相似的声音,用如脚键盘在电吉他上制出美国传统He pushed hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision. 他使劲踩下煞车踏板以避免撞车。译典通He put his foot down on the accelerator pedal, and sped off.他踩了加速器,车子开走了。剑桥国际He stood up on the pedals of his bike to get extra power as he cycled up the hill.他骑车上山的时候,立起身子,站在脚蹬子上以便增加力量。剑桥国际He struggled to pedal his bicycle up the hill.他尽力把自行车骑上山。剑桥国际I had a go-kart when I was a kid, but you had to pedal really hard to get it to go fast.我幼时有一辆玩具车 ,但你要用力地踩才会开得很快 。剑桥国际I saw him pedal to school every morning. 我看到他每天早晨骑自行车上学。译典通In the cities many people now pedal around on bicycles instead of polluting the environment by using cars.在城市里,许多人骑自行车,而不开着汽车污染环境。剑桥国际My foot slipped off the pedal and I grazed my leg on my bike.我的脚滑离了脚蹬,腿在自行车上擦破。剑桥国际She emptied the ashtray into the pedal bin (= one in which the lid can be opened by pressing a pedal).她把烟灰倒入脚踏垃圾筒。剑桥国际She put her foot down on the accelerator (=the PEDAL in a car which makes it go faster).她将脚踏在了加速踏板上。剑桥国际Slowly depress the accelerator pedal/brake pedal.慢慢踩下加速踏板/刹车踏板。剑桥国际Tap lightly on the brake pedal to keep the car from skidding.轻轻地踏一下刹车踏板,以防车子打滑。剑桥国际The pedals on a piano are the parts that you hold down with your feet to make the notes sound different.钢琴的踏板是你脚踩以便发出不同乐音的部分。剑桥国际The chain of a bicycle transfers power from the pedals to the rear wheel.自行车的链条把动力从脚踏板上传送到后轮上。剑桥国际The children's favourite toy is their pedal car.孩子们最喜欢的玩具是他们的脚踏汽车。剑桥国际This sewing machine is operated by a foot pedal.这台缝纫机是由脚踏板操作的。剑桥国际Tom pedaled his bicycle down the street. 汤姆沿著街道骑自行车。译典通We hired a pedal boat (Br and Aus also pedalo) and went out on the lake for an hour.我们雇了一辆脚踏船在湖上玩了一个小时。剑桥国际When driving a car, the normal method for deceleration is to step on the brake pedal. 开车时,一般减速的方法就是踩刹车。译典通When he was little he wanted a pedal bike, and now he wants a motorbike.他小的时候想要一辆脚踏车,但现在想要一辆摩托车。剑桥国际Your foot should keep contact with the pedal at all times.你的脚应该一直踩在踏板上。剑桥国际

