
单词 nonconformity
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔disconformity〕Refusal or failure to conform; nonconformity.不一致;不符合美国传统〔dissent〕The refusal to conform to the authority or doctrine of an established church; nonconformity.不信奉国教:拒绝服从国教的权威或拒绝信奉国教教义;不信奉国教美国传统〔nonconformity〕As a teenager, he was embarrassed by his parents' nonconformity.十几岁的他因父母不合常规的举止而感到丢脸。韦氏高阶〔nonconformity〕Lovelock's principled nonconformity can be traced to his childhood.洛夫洛克自成一套的特立独行可以追溯到他的童年时期。柯林斯高阶〔nonconformity〕Often Nonconformity Refusal to accept or conform to the doctrines, usage, or polity of the Church of England. 常作 Nonconformity 不信奉国教:拒绝接受或遵从英国教会的教义、习惯做法或政体美国传统〔nonconformity〕You're deliberately unconventional. Even your choice of clothes is a statement of your nonconformity.你是刻意在标新立异, 连衣服的选择都在显示你的桀骜不驯。外研社新世纪〔unconformity〕Lack of conformity; nonconformity.不符合,不一致美国传统Her clothes were an immediate signal of her nonconformity.她的衣着是她不随波逐流的直接证明。剑桥国际

