
单词 mortification
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔mortification〕Davie was hiding his head in his hands with mortification.戴维羞愧地抱着头。英汉大词典〔mortification〕He discovered, to his mortification, that his son knew much more about the subject than he did.使他感到没面子的是,他发现关于这门学科儿子远远比他懂得多。英汉大词典〔mortification〕He hid his head in his hands with mortification.他羞辱地以手抱头。文馨英汉〔mortification〕He was detained for a week, to the mortification of his family.他被拘留了一个星期, 令家人蒙羞。外研社新世纪〔mortification〕He was filled with mortification when he realized his mistake.当他意识到自己的错误时,他感到非常难堪。韦氏高阶〔mortification〕I had the mortification to see my coat, shirt and waistcoat swim away.眼看上衣、衬衫、背心一一漂走,我好不狼狈。英汉大词典〔mortification〕Imagine my mortification when I realized who she was! 想象一下当我认出她是谁时,我有多尴尬!韦氏高阶〔mortification〕The chairman tried to disguise his mortification.主席极力掩饰自己的窘迫。外研社新世纪〔mortification〕The chairman tried to disguise his mortification.主席试图掩饰自己的窘迫。柯林斯高阶〔mortification〕To my mortification, my eyes began to fill with tears.让我难堪的是, 我的眼中开始涌出泪水。外研社新世纪〔mortification〕To the mortification of the show's organizers, the top performer withdrew at the last minute.令表演的组织者十分狼狈的是,主要演员在最后一分钟退出了。剑桥高阶〔mortification〕Welles suffered the public mortification of becoming a before-and-after spectacle: a handsome messiah turned blob.韦尔斯前后变化很大, 由帅气的大英雄变成一个无足轻重的人, 在公众面前颜面扫地。外研社新世纪To my mortification, my manuscript was rejected. 使我感到失面子的是:我的稿件被退了回来。译典通To the mortification of the show's organizers, the top performers withdrew just before due to start.使表演的组织者窘迫的是主要演员在预定开始之前退出了。剑桥国际

