
单词 napped
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔baize〕An often bright-green cotton or woolen material napped to imitate felt and used chiefly as a cover for gaming tables.厚羊毛毡:常为鲜艳的绿色棉布或仿制毛毡的拉绒羊毛制品,主要用作游戏桌的盖布美国传统〔beaver〕A napped wool fabric, similar to felt, used for outer garments.毛呢:一种类似于毛毡的拉毛毛织物,用作外衣美国传统〔doeskin〕A densely napped finish for certain woolen fabrics, such as flannel.密绒制品:如法兰绒等制造毛织物的密绒制品美国传统〔downtime〕The kids napped during their downtime.孩子们在休息时间小睡了一会儿。韦氏高阶〔eiderdown〕A warm, napped fabric.一种保暖且有绒毛的织物美国传统〔suede〕Leather with a soft napped surface.绒面革,起毛革:有柔软的绒面的皮革美国传统〔teasel〕A wire device used to produce a napped surface.起绒机:用来制成起绒表面的金属丝设备美国传统〔teasel〕To produce a napped surface on (a fabric).使(织物)起绒:在(织物)上制成起绒的表面美国传统〔velour〕A closely napped fabric resembling velvet, used chiefly for clothing and upholstery.拉绒织物:一种以丝绒的拉毛紧密的织物,主要用于制衣业和家具装饰用品业美国传统The old man napped on the porch. 那位老人在走廊上打盹儿。译典通

