“natural history”例句

单词 natural history
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENVIRONMENT〕She is giving a lecture about the natural history and ecology of the sea shore. 她要作一个关于自然历史和海岸生态的讲座。朗文写作活用〔Theophrastus〕Greek philosopher who succeeded Aristotle as leader of the Peripatetics and refined the work of Aristotle in botany and natural history.西奥佛雷特斯:继亚里斯多德之后的作为逍遥派领袖的希腊哲学家,并改进了亚里斯多德在植物学和自然史方面的著作美国传统〔amphibious〕The exhibition at the Natural History Museum includes fossils of amphibious creatures from millions of years ago.自然历史博物馆的展览包括数百万年前水陆两栖动物的化石。麦克米伦高阶〔ark〕The museum has been an ark holding the natural history which has been all around us but has been altered over time.博物馆成了一个安全之地, 保存着那些一直在我们身边、却随时间流逝而改变的自然历史。外研社新世纪〔bent〕His bent for natural history directed him towards his first job.他选择第一份工作是出自对博物学的热爱。柯林斯高阶〔curator〕Peter Forey is curator of fossil fishes at the Natural History Museum.彼得·福雷是自然历史博物馆鱼类化石展厅的负责人。柯林斯高阶〔curator〕Peter Forey is curator of fossil fishes at the Natural History Museum.彼得•福里是自然历史博物馆鱼类化石展厅的负责人。外研社新世纪〔encyclopedic〕She has an encyclopedic knowledge of natural history.她具有广博的自然史知识。牛津高阶〔have〕The museum has two large rooms devoted to natural history.这个博物馆有两间宽敞的博物学展室。麦克米伦高阶〔living〕The wilderness is a living museum of natural history.这片旷野是个活生生的自然历史博物馆。文馨英汉〔living〕The wilderness is a living museum of natural history.这片荒野是一座活生生的自然历史博物馆。英汉大词典〔natural history〕As the natural history and cause of the malady was not then known, suitable management was not instigated.当时, 人们由于不了解这种疾病的发病原因和发展过程, 因而没有进行恰当处理。外研社新世纪〔natural history〕Charmouth Heritage Centre is the place to discover more about the natural history of the area.在查茅斯遗产中心, 可以对该地区的自然现象进行更多探索。外研社新世纪〔natural history〕He has written a natural history of Scotland.他写了一本苏格兰博物志。牛津高阶〔natural history〕Schools regularly bring children to the beach for natural history lessons.学校经常安排孩子们去海滩上博物学课。柯林斯高阶〔natural history〕Schools regularly bring children to the beach to teach them some natural history.学校定期把孩子们带到海滩, 给他们讲解一些自然知识。外研社新世纪〔natural history〕We went to see the dinosaur skeletons in the Natural History Museum.我们去自然博物馆看了恐龙的骨架。剑桥高阶〔natural history〕We went to the Natural History Museum.我们参观了自然历史博物馆。韦氏高阶〔naturalist〕One versed in natural history, especially in zoology or botany.博物学家:精通自然历史,尤其是动物学和植物学的人美国传统〔popularize〕He spent his life popularizing natural history.他毕生致力于普及博物学。牛津高阶〔rank〕Cuvier wanted to turn natural history into a science that would rank with physics and chemistry.居维叶想把自然历史变成和物理化学一样重要的科学。朗文当代〔reader〕The books provide the reader with an introduction to natural history.这些书向读者介绍了博物学的入门知识。麦克米伦高阶〔reference〕The book is by far the best general reference on natural history.这本书是目前研究博物学最好的大全。牛津搭配〔super〕The Natural History Museum is a super place for kids.自然历史博物馆是孩子们的超级好去处。剑桥高阶〔supposition〕But as with many such suppositions in natural history, no one had ever tested it.博物学中虽然有许多类似的假设,却从没人对此考证过。柯林斯高阶The Natural History Museum is a super place for kids.自然历史博物馆是孩子们的好去处。剑桥国际The full-scale models of (=models the same size as the original) dinosaurs are one of the main attractions of London's Natural History museum.与真恐龙一样大小的模型是伦敦自然历史博物馆中主要的一个吸引人之处。剑桥国际The wilderness is a living museum of natural history. 这片荒野是一座活生生的自然历史博物馆。译典通We visited a museum of natural history. 我们参观了一个自然博物馆。译典通We went to see the dinosaur skeletons in the Natural History Museum.我们到自然博物馆参观恐龙骨骼。剑桥国际

