“military unit”例句

单词 military unit
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔action〕Our military unit was called into action at the start of the war.我们分队在战争伊始就奉命参加战斗。韦氏高阶〔armament〕The weapons and supplies of war with which a military unit is equipped.火力装备:一军事部队所配备的作战用武器和装备美国传统〔armorer〕An enlisted person in charge of maintenance and repair of the small arms of a military unit.维护和修部队轻兵器的军士美国传统〔army〕A tactical and administrative military unit consisting of a headquarters, two or more corps, and auxiliary forces.野战部队:包括一个司令部,两个或多个军以及辅助力量的军事战略和行政单位美国传统〔attach〕To assign (personnel) to a military unit on a temporary basis.把(部队、人员)调配:把(人员)临时性安排在军事单位中美国传统〔brigade〕A military unit consisting of a variable number of combat battalions.大部队:由数量可变的作战大军组成的军事单位美国传统〔camp follower〕A civilian who follows a military unit from place to place, especially as a vender of supplies or as a prostitute.随营人员:跟随军队从一处到另一处的无军职人员,尤指补充供给的商贩或随军娼妓美国传统〔command post〕The field headquarters used by the commander of a military unit.指挥所:野外司令部,由军事单位的指挥员使用美国传统〔commander〕The chief commissioned officer of a military unit regardless of his or her rank.队长,指挥官:军事单位主要的任命官员,与他或她的军衔无关美国传统〔command〕A military unit, post, district, or region under the control of one officer.管辖的范围:在一位官员控制下的军事单位、所、区或地带美国传统〔constabulary〕An armed police force organized like a military unit.军事警察:象一支军事分队一样组织起来的武装警察部队美国传统〔detachment〕The dispatch of a military unit, such as troops or ships, from a larger body for a special duty or mission.分遣:为了特殊任务而从一个庞大母体中派遣某一军事单元(如部队或船只)美国传统〔division〕An administrative and tactical military unit that is smaller than a corps but is self-contained and equipped for prolonged combat activity.师:军队的行政和作战单位,比军小,但设备齐全且配有长期战斗的装备美国传统〔ensign〕A standard or banner, as of a military unit.军旗:一个部队单位的旗帜美国传统〔executive officer〕The officer second in command of a military unit smaller than a division.主任参谋:师级以下军事单位中主管官员的副手美国传统〔firepower〕The capacity, as of a weapon, weapons system, military unit, or position, for delivering fire.火量:一件武器、兵器系统、军事单位或阵地等发射火力的容量美国传统〔fourragère〕An ornamental braided cord usually looped around the left shoulder of a uniform, sometimes awarded to an entire military unit.肩绶带,功绩肩带:一装饰性的肩带,通常悬于制服的左肩,有时也授予一整列军队美国传统〔group〕A military unit consisting of two or more battalions and a headquarters.(美国陆军的)群:包括两个或两个以上的团和一个司令部的军事单位美国传统〔guidon〕A small flag or pennant carried as a standard by a military unit.队旗,长标旗:作为一个军事单位的队旗的一种小旗帜美国传统〔headquarters〕The offices of a commander, as of a military unit, from which orders are issued.司令部:军事分队指挥官的办公地,命令由此发出美国传统〔legion〕A large military unit trained for combat; an army.军队,兵团:被训练以用于战斗的庞大的军事单位;军队美国传统〔mail call〕Distribution of mail to members of a military unit.寄给军事单位的人员的信件的分送美国传统〔miner〕A member of a military unit engaged in laying explosive mines.坑道工兵:安放地雷的军事组织的成员美国传统〔mission〕A combat operation assigned to a person or military unit.战斗任务:分派给一个人或军事单位的战斗行动美国传统〔outfit〕Informal An association of persons, especially a military unit or a business organization.【非正式用语】 一队人:一群人的组织,尤指军事部队或商业组织美国传统〔patch〕A small cloth badge affixed to a garment as a decoration or an insignia, as of a military unit.臂章:缝缀在衣服上用作装饰或标记的小布条,如军服上的臂章美国传统〔patrol〕A military unit sent out on a reconnaissance or combat mission.侦察队:被派遣的侦察队或战斗团美国传统〔question〕With the loyalty of key military units in question, that could prove an extraordinarily difficult task.由于无法确定关键军事部队忠诚与否,这项任务也许会变得异常困难。柯林斯高阶〔regiment〕A military unit of ground troops consisting of at least two battalions, usually commanded by a colonel.团:由至少两个营组成的地面部队的军队单位,通常由一位中校指挥美国传统〔school〕Close-order drill instructions or exercises for military units or personnel.训练,锻炼:军事单位或人员进行的操练或练习美国传统〔sector〕A division of a defensive position for which one military unit is responsible.防御区:防御点内由一个军事单位负责的部分美国传统〔spit and polish〕Attention to appearance and order, as in a military unit.极度重视外表和秩序,如在军队中美国传统〔standard-bearer〕One who carries a standard or banner, especially of a military unit.旗手:军队中的打旗人美国传统〔standard〕The colors of a mounted or motorized military unit.机动部队的颜色:骑兵或者摩托车部队的色彩美国传统〔task force〕A temporary grouping of military units or forces under one commander for the performance of a specific operation or assignment.特种部队:为了执行某一项特殊的行动或任务而被置于一名指挥员指挥下的一组临时混合的军事单位或原来隶属不同军种的部队美国传统〔unit〕One secret military unit tried to contaminate the drinking water of the refugees.一个秘密军事分队企图污染难民的饮用水。柯林斯高阶A small and well organised conspiratorial group, they infiltrated key military units.作为组织严密的阴谋集团,他们渗入了一些关键军事单位。剑桥国际

