
单词 making
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAUSE〕Stop staring at me - you're making me nervous. 别盯着我看——你让我紧张。朗文写作活用〔CRY〕An icy wind blew into my face, making my eyes water. 刺骨的寒风迎面吹来,吹得我两眼流泪。朗文写作活用〔DON'T CARE〕The politicians are making a big deal out of the issue, but most voters couldn't care less. 政客们对这个话题大惊小怪的,可大多数选民却根本不在乎。朗文写作活用〔EASY〕The easiest way of making money is to get other people to do it for you. 挣钱最容易的办法就是让别人去替你挣。朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕The slump in the property market is making it difficult for people to sell their homes. 房地产市场的不景气使人们很难卖出房子。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕We ended up making a hair-raising 200-kilometre night drive to the border. 最后我们开了200公里惊险的夜车到达边境。朗文写作活用〔IMPRESS〕I tried making a joke but it failed to impress anyone. 我想开个玩笑,但谁都没笑。朗文写作活用〔Kufic〕Relating to or being an angular form of the Arabic alphabet used in making fine copies of the Koran.库法字体的:用来抄写《古兰经》精抄本的一种带棱角的阿拉伯字母字体的,或与其有关的美国传统〔LIE〕He cooked up some crazy scheme for making money, and ended up being arrested. 他想出个疯狂的赚钱计划,结果落入法网被捕。朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕A light wind was making the branches sway. 一阵轻风吹得树枝摇动。朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕When are you going to shift all this rubbish? It's making the place look a real mess. 你什么时候把这些垃圾搬走?这个地方看上去实在是太乱了。朗文写作活用〔NERVOUS〕She tried to hide her nervousness, but it was clear she wasn't comfortable making the speech. 她试图掩饰自己的紧张,但是她发表讲话的时候显然很不自在。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕The new agreement indicated that the government was at last making headway against the terrorists. 新协议表明政府在对抗恐怖分子方面终于取得了进展。朗文写作活用〔REALIZE〕It slowly dawned on her that they were all making fun of her. 她渐渐明白他们都在取笑她。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕Dozens of religious cults have appeared in the US, most making a fortune for their leaders. 美国出现了许多异端教派,大多数都让其领袖发了大财。朗文写作活用〔STUDY〕We will have to analyze the results of the survey before making any decisions. 我们在分析调查结果后才能作出决定。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕We are making steady progress towards equal status for men and women. 我们在实现男女平等的问题上取得了稳步的进展。朗文写作活用〔SURE/NOT SURE〕You need to be sure of your facts before making any accusations. 你提出指控之前需要对自己所掌握的事实有把握。朗文写作活用〔TIRED/TIRING〕Tim is listless on the job and keeps making dumb mistakes. 蒂姆工作做得无精打采,不断犯愚蠢的错误。朗文写作活用〔TOTAL〕There are eight submarines as well as the ships, making a total fleet of 34. 除了这些军舰外还有8艘潜艇,使舰队船只总数达到34艘。朗文写作活用〔Talmi gold〕A composite metal made of gold and brass, used in making jewelry.镀金黄铜:一种由黄金和黄铜制成的合金,用来制造珠宝美国传统〔UNTIDY〕Eric, you're making a mess - I hope you're planning to clean it up. 埃里克,看你弄得一团糟—我希望你正打算把这里打扫干净。朗文写作活用〔WAKE UP/GET UP〕They were making enough noise to wake up the whole street! 他们吵得把整条街的人都弄醒了!朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕Stop tapping your feet! You're making me nervous. 别用脚敲地了!你弄得我很紧张。朗文写作活用〔advance〕Evans denied making sexual advances to her.埃文斯否认对她有过性挑逗。麦克米伦高阶〔advance〕He is accused of making unwelcome sexual advances to female coworkers.他被指控对女同事性挑逗。韦氏高阶〔airdrop〕The UN has begun making airdrops of food to refugees.联合国已开始向难民空投食物。牛津高阶〔anxiously〕The Koots are making their anxiously awaited return tour to Australia.库特一家已踏上了迫不及待返回澳大利亚的旅程。外研社新世纪〔appear〕It appears unlikely that the UN would consider making such a move.看起来联合国不太可能考虑采取这一行动。外研社新世纪〔big〕We're not just looking at making it big in the UK, we want to be big internationally.我们不仅想在英国取得成功,还想在国际上扬名立万。柯林斯高阶〔body〕Workers at the factory are making steel bodies for cars.厂里的工人正在打造钢铁车身。朗文当代〔boilerplate〕A steel plate used in making the shells of steam boilers.锅炉钢板:用来制锅炉壁的钢板美国传统〔bother〕Don't bother making the bed - I'll do it later.不用麻烦你铺床——回头我来铺。剑桥高阶〔cartography〕The art or technique of making maps or charts.制图法:制作地图或图表的工艺或技术美国传统〔chancy〕Gambling is a chancy way of making money.靠赌博赚钱是冒险的。牛津同义词〔charge〕You're in charge of making the salad.你负责做沙拉美国传统〔clisis〕The process of making or becoming a clitic.附着语素化:产生或变成附着语素的过程美国传统〔coerce〕The court heard that the six defendants had been coerced into making a confession.法庭在审理中发现6名被告曾受到逼供。剑桥高阶〔come〕She came down pretty hard on the kids for making a mess.由于孩子们把东西弄得乱七八糟,她相当严厉地训斥了他们。麦克米伦高阶〔commercialism〕Making money is often the only object of commercialism.赚钱往往是经商的唯一目的。英汉大词典〔cost〕The shop was not making enough money to cover its costs.这家商店赚的钱还不够支付成本。朗文当代〔crowd〕Crowds of people began making their way to the station.一群群人开始朝车站涌去。麦克米伦高阶〔damned〕We are making a damned good profit, I tell you that.我跟你说, 我们的利润好得不得了。外研社新世纪〔debut〕She is making her television/film debut.她正在参与自己的首次电视/电影演出。韦氏高阶〔degrade〕She felt he was degrading her by making her report to the director.她感到他让她向主管人报告是在侮辱她。21世纪英汉〔delivery room〕A room or an area set aside for making or receiving deliveries, as for circulating books in a library.收发室:为送货或接收货物而腾出来的房间或一块地方,如图书馆里为发行书而腾出来的地方美国传统〔demonstration〕The act of showing or making evident.证实:显示或制造证据的行为美国传统〔diddle〕They diddled their insurance company by making a false claim.他们进行虚假索赔,骗取了保险公司的赔偿金。柯林斯高阶〔diddle〕They diddled their insurance company by making a false claim.他们通过虚假索赔欺骗保险公司。外研社新世纪〔dramatic〕I had no thoughts of making a dramatic film. I was working in documentary.那时我没有想过要拍剧情片, 我在拍纪录片。外研社新世纪〔drowsy〕The room is so warm it's making me feel drowsy.房间非常暖和,让我有些昏昏欲睡。剑桥高阶〔effort〕A lot of effort went into making the costumes.做这些戏装花了很多的精力。牛津搭配〔elasticated〕The shoes have elasticated gussets, making them easy to slip off and on.这种鞋子镶有三角松紧布,便于穿脱。英汉大词典〔expand〕I needed to expand my possibilities of making a living.我需要拓展我的谋生途径。牛津搭配〔faculty〕She has a faculty for making friends.她天生善于交友。韦氏高阶〔feather〕To grow wealthy by taking advantage of one's position or by making use of property or funds left in one's trust.肥私囊:借职务之便或动用信誉资金而增加某人的财富美国传统〔feedback〕How can I provide feedback without making someone angry? 我怎样才能提出反馈意见又不会得罪人呢?朗文当代〔fire alarm〕If the fire alarm goes off (= starts making a sound), leave the building calmly.如果火警报警器响了,请保持镇定,离开大楼。剑桥高阶〔frighten off〕Let's not frighten visitors off by making them feel they're not welcome.我们不要让游客觉得他们不受欢迎, 把他们吓跑。外研社新世纪〔fun〕The other kids were making fun of me.其他孩子在取笑我。韦氏高阶〔furniture〕The wood is used for making fine furniture.这些木材是用来制作高档家具的。牛津搭配〔fuss〕I don't know why you're making such a fuss about it.我搞不懂你为什么对此大惊小怪。朗文当代〔get〕To succeed in making contact; reach.到达:成功地和…联络;到达美国传统〔go〕She's really making a go of her new antique shop.她新开的古玩店经营得还真挺不错。剑桥高阶〔go〕There you go, making a big deal out of nothing.你又来了,没事小题大做。韦氏高阶〔grateful〕She should be grateful that he was making things easier for her.他给她提供了方便,对此她应该心存感激。朗文当代〔guarantee〕Simply making steel stronger does not necessarily guarantee freedom from laminar tearing.仅仅增加钢强度并不能保证不发生片状撕裂。21世纪英汉〔guessing game〕Making a diagnosis in such cases can be a real guessing game.对这样的病例做出诊断可算是真正的猜谜游戏。韦氏高阶〔headway〕I'm not making much headway with 'War and Peace'.《战争与和平》这本书我还没读多少。外研社新世纪〔headway〕They were making little headway in the investigation.他们的调查没有什么进展。文馨英汉〔hear sb out〕At least hear me out before making up your mind.你作决定之前至少先听我说完。剑桥高阶〔hill〕A cart was making its way up the steep hill .一辆马车正在爬上这个陡峭的山丘。朗文当代〔hoax〕He was jailed for six months for making a hoax bomb threat.他因炸弹恐吓的恶作剧而被判入狱6个月。外研社新世纪〔hongi〕The act or an instance of making such a greeting.进行此类问候的行为或是例子美国传统〔ill〕All these diets are making you ill .所有这些膳食都导致人生病。朗文当代〔imprecise〕Alcohol affects the brain, making speech slurred and imprecise.酒精影响大脑,使言语含糊不清。朗文当代〔inane〕He's always making inane remarks.他老是发表愚蠢空洞的言论。剑桥高阶〔invention〕John was full of invention—always making up new dance steps and sequences.约翰有丰富的创造力 — 总能编出新的舞步和连续舞步。牛津高阶〔jealous〕I can't imagine my wife making me jealous.我无法想象妻子会让我心生猜忌。外研社新世纪〔jog〕Someone jogged her elbow, making her spill her coffee.有人不小心轻轻碰了一下她的胳膊肘儿,把咖啡弄洒了。牛津高阶〔jubilant〕Ferdinand was jubilant after making an impressive comeback from a month on the injured list.费迪南德受伤休养了一个月,重新归队后表现非常出色,他简直高兴极了。柯林斯高阶〔knack〕He's got a real knack for making money.他有赚钱的真本领。牛津高阶〔leap〕Once more he's making a leap into the unknown without a plan.他再次毫无计划地乱闯。柯林斯高阶〔leery〕He was leery about making long-term commitments.他对订立长期合约有顾虑。英汉大词典〔lighting〕No special lighting was used when making the video.制作录像的时候没有使用任何特殊照明。牛津搭配〔make ... up〕They need someone with experience of making up a page.他们需要一个有编排版面经验的人。21世纪英汉〔make a meal (out) of sth〕I only asked for a summary of the main points but she's making a real meal out of it.我只要个提纲,可是她弄得过于详细。剑桥高阶〔make mincemeat out of〕Last year's champions have been making mincemeat of the competition again this year.去年的冠军今年又一次完胜对手。韦氏高阶〔make〕He's finally bought a computer, and is making up for lost time.弥补损失麦克米伦高阶〔make〕There's a drunk at the door making trouble.有个醉汉在门口闹事。剑桥高阶〔make〕They're making a TV programme about the case.他们在拍摄一个有关该案的电视节目。麦克米伦高阶〔making〕Ducks' eggs are particularly prized for cake making.鸭蛋特别适合用来做蛋糕。外研社新世纪〔making〕Some of the university's financial troubles are of its own making.这所大学的一些财务问题是其自身造成的。外研社新世纪〔making〕This mess is of the government's own making.这场混乱是由政府自己造成的。麦克米伦高阶〔matchwood〕Wood in small pieces or splinters suitable especially for making matches.尤指做火柴杆用的小木料或块美国传统〔meanwhile〕You can set the table. Meanwhile, I'll start making dinner.你可以摆放餐具了。我这就开始做饭。韦氏高阶〔molehill〕The British press, making a mountain out of a molehill, precipitated an unnecessary economic crisis.英国报界小题大做,酿成了一场不必要的经济危机。柯林斯高阶〔moment〕They were making the most of those last precious moments together.他们充分利用最后在一起的宝贵时光。牛津搭配〔more〕May I thank you all once more for making this occasion such a big success.我再次感谢你们大家把这次活动办得如此成功。朗文当代〔motionless〕Having or making no motion.不动的:不移动的或静止的美国传统〔mud〕The kids were in the yard making mud pies.孩子们在院里做泥饼玩。牛津搭配〔muffin pan〕A baking pan in the form of connected cup-shaped molds, used in making muffins and cupcakes.松糕烘盘:一种由一组相连的杯子状模型组成烘盘,常用来烘松糕或杯形糕饼美国传统〔mull〕I need some time to mull it over before making a decision.在作出决定之前我需要一些时间来认真琢磨一下。牛津高阶〔mythopoeic〕Of or relating to the making of myths.创造神话的:属于或关于编造神话的美国传统〔nothing〕You're just making a fuss about nothing.你简直就是庸人自扰。麦克米伦高阶〔overreach〕In making these promises, the company had clearly overreached itself.这家公司作出这些承诺,显然是不自量力。牛津高阶〔papermaking〕The process or craft of making paper.造纸,造纸术:制造纸张的程序或工艺美国传统〔personal〕Try to avoid making personal remarks.要尽量避免针对个人的言论。牛津高阶〔persuasion〕Fortunately for me, my kids are of the persuasion that their failings are of their own making.对我来说幸运的是, 我的孩子们相信失败是他们自己造成的。外研社新世纪〔play〕Personal feelings should not come into play when you are making business decisions.为公事作决策不应掺入个人感情。牛津高阶〔please〕Please stop making all that noise! 请别吵了!麦克米伦高阶〔plod〕Alex is just plodding along at school, making very little progress.亚历克斯一直在校苦学,但几乎没有什么进步。剑桥高阶〔portraiture〕The art or practice of making portraits.肖像绘制法,人像摄影法美国传统〔post〕I want to apologize for not making a post on Friday.我想对周五没有发帖道歉。牛津搭配〔preparation〕Organizers are making final preparations for next week's festival.组织者们正在为下周的节日作最后的准备。麦克米伦高阶〔preserve〕The making of foreign policy is largely the preserve of the president.外交政策的制定主要由总统负责。外研社新世纪〔pressure〕Don't be pressured into making any rash decisions.不要迫于压力作出任何草率决定。麦克米伦高阶〔pressure〕The Government should not be pressured into making hasty decisions.政府不应该迫于压力仓促作出决定。外研社新世纪〔profit〕He's only interested in making a quick profit.他只对赚快钱感兴趣。牛津搭配〔pulpwood〕Soft wood, such as spruce, aspen, or pine, used in making paper.软木:如针枞木、白杨或松木等用于造纸的软木美国传统〔purposely〕I purposely avoid making train journeys during the rush hour.我有意避开在高峰时间乘火车。剑桥高阶〔push〕The author pushed her latest book by making appearances in bookstores.作者通过在书店与读者直接见面的方式来推销他的最新作品美国传统〔racket〕They were making such a racket outside that I couldn't get to sleep.他们一直在外面大吵大闹,搅得我根本睡不着。剑桥高阶〔real〕He was making a real effort to be nice to her.他费尽心思地对她好。牛津高阶〔relapse〕After making some progress, he suffered a relapse.他的病好了一点,又复发了。牛津同义词〔repair〕The drivers carried small toolkits for making running repairs.车手都带着小工具箱,以便临时小修。牛津搭配〔resentment〕He felt considerable resentment towards Sheila for making him work late.希拉让他工作到这么晚,他很不满。朗文当代〔resent〕She resented his making all the decisions.她讨厌什么事都要听他的。牛津高阶〔restitution〕He is considering making restitution for the gifts he received from subordinates.他正在考虑对收自下属的礼品作出报偿。英汉大词典〔rev〕He revved up the motorcycle by making adjustments to its engine.他通过调整发动机,加快了这辆摩托车的车速。韦氏高阶〔rope〕Ben was roped into making coffee for the whole team.本给请来为全队煮咖啡。牛津高阶〔select〕Knowing the importance of making the right choice, he selected carefully.因为知道正确选择的重要性,他挑得很小心。韦氏高阶〔sennit〕Plaited straw, grass, or palm leaves for making hats.草帽缏:制帽用的已编结的稻草、草或棕榈叶美国传统〔sense〕There's no sense in making people unhappy.让人不高兴没什么好处。外研社新世纪〔shame〕There's no shame in making an honest living.过老实本分的生活不丢人。牛津搭配〔shortlist〕A list of preferable items or candidates that have been selected for final consideration, as in making an award or filling a position.最后侯选人名单:一个已经被选为进行最后考虑的更好的事物或候选人的名单,比如在颁发奖项或填补空缺职位时美国传统〔shoulder〕When a company keeps making people redundant, those who are left behind might start looking over their shoulder.当一家公司不停地裁员时,那些留下来的员工也会开始惴惴不安了。柯林斯高阶〔shy from〕She shies away from making any predictions.她避免做出任何预测。韦氏高阶〔sing for your supper〕Dan's upstairs fixing my computer - I'm making him sing for his supper.丹在楼上修理我的电脑--修好后我请他吃饭。剑桥高阶〔small talk〕We stood around making small talk.我们围站在一起闲聊。外研社新世纪〔snowball〕This snow is perfect for making snowballs.这积雪很适合滚雪球。韦氏高阶〔soapbox〕A temporary platform used while making an impromptu or nonofficial public speech.临时演讲台:作即兴演说或非官方演说时的临时讲台美国传统〔solicitation〕Republican leaders are making open solicitation of the Italian-American vote.共和党领袖公开向意大利裔美国人拉选票。外研社新世纪〔spinneret〕A device for making rayon, nylon, and other synthetic fibers, consisting of a plate pierced with holes through which plastic material is extruded in filaments.喷丝头:用来制造人造丝、尼龙及其他合成纤维的装置,由一钻有小孔的金属片组成,塑料物质就从小孔中以细丝的形式喷出美国传统〔spinning wheel〕An apparatus for making yarn or thread, consisting of a foot-driven or hand-driven wheel and a single spindle.手纺车:由一个脚动或手动的轮子及一个纺锤所组成的纺纱或纺线的工具美国传统〔spite〕I almost think he died without making a will just to spite his family.我都有些认为他死前不立遗嘱就是存心要为难他的家人。剑桥高阶〔stride〕We're making great strides in the search for a cure.在探索治疗办法方面,我们正不断取得重大进展。牛津高阶〔stroke〕The act of making such a mark.划这样一个单个记号的行为美国传统〔suggestion〕The dietitian was helpful, making suggestions as to how I could improve my diet.这位营养学家就如何改善饮食给我提出了些建议,对我很有帮助。柯林斯高阶〔sweat〕A lot of sweat went into making this project a success.为使这个项目获得成功而做了大量艰苦的工作。麦克米伦高阶〔tailor's chalk〕A thin piece of hard chalk used in tailoring for making temporary alteration marks on clothing.裁缝用粉笔:裁缝中用来在衣物上划出暂时修改记号的粉笔美国传统〔tanning〕The art or process of making leather from rawhides.鞣皮(法):将生皮制成皮革的工艺或过程美国传统〔telescopy〕The art or study of making and operating telescopes.望远镜制造和使用学:制造和操作望远镜的工艺或学问美国传统〔testament〕This article will give clear instructions for making a last will and testament.这篇文章清楚介绍了如何立下遗嘱。剑桥高阶〔unenviable〕She had the unenviable task of making the first few phone calls.她接受了这个令人为难的差事,负责打头几个电话。柯林斯高阶〔vociferous〕Making, given to, or marked by noisy and vehement outcry.叫喊的,吵闹的:制造、发出或带有大声叫嚷的美国传统〔water glass〕An open tube or box having a glass bottom for making observations below the surface of the water.玻璃筒镜:有玻璃底的开管儿或箱,用于水面下观察美国传统〔way〕Is this your plan for making your way in the world? 这就是你要获得成功的计划吗?牛津高阶〔yahoo〕A bunch of yahoos were making noise outside.一群野蛮人在外面吵吵嚷嚷。韦氏高阶〔yourself〕You're making a fool/spectacle of yourself.你在让自己出洋相。韦氏高阶A black limousine purred up (= drove up making a quiet, continuous, slightly shaking sound) outside the hotel.一辆黑色的豪华轿车在旅馆外低低地震颤着开过。剑桥国际All of us had a share in making the decision.决定是我们大家所共同作出的。剑桥国际Britain is struggling to come to terms with the post-industrial age (= the present time in Western society, when industries making large machines are no longer very important, and people do many different sorts of work).英国正努力习惯于后工业化时代。剑桥国际By not making a decision about what to do, we're just prolonging the agony.不决定下来做些什么,我们恰恰是在延长痛苦。剑桥国际Charles is shy and does not take the initiative in making acquaintances. 查理斯怕羞,不会主动结交朋友。译典通During his barnstorming campaign for the presidential election, he travelled 18 000 miles, making 600 speeches to five million people.在竞选总统的日子里他四处游说,总共旅行了18 000英里,对500万民众作了600次演讲。剑桥国际During the war, a lot of factories which normally produced other things had to be used for making armaments.战争期间,许多平时生产其他物品的工厂都不得不被用于制造军用设备。剑桥国际He advised with his partners before making the decision. 他在作出决定前曾与合伙人商量过。译典通He is making a clothes tree. 他在做衣帽架。译典通He is being accused of making lewd and suggestive comments to a female employee.他被指控猥亵地挑逗一个女雇员。剑桥国际He runs a business making well-crafted, properly jointed furniture out of solid wood.他开了一家公司用坚固的木材制作工艺精良、连接准确的家具。剑桥国际He snitched to my boss that I'd been making long-distance calls on her phone after she had left the office! 他向老板告密,说我趁她不在时用她的电话打长途。剑桥国际He was a performer who loved making grandiloquent gesture.他是一个喜欢打夸张手势的演员。剑桥国际He's thinking about making a career change.他正在考虑转换职业。牛津商务His aim is to resurrect the kind of approach to furniture making that was pioneered in the 1950s.他的目标是将20世纪50年代开创出来的家具制作方法重生。剑桥国际I have to do some thinking before making a decision. 我得先思考一下,然后才好作决定。译典通I'd like to thank everyone concerned (=involved) for making the occasion run so smoothly.我要感谢使得本次活动顺利进行的所有有关人员。剑桥国际I'm hopeless at knitting (= the act of making things with wool).我怎么学也学不会编结。剑桥国际If you'd got on with your work instead of wasting time (= not making good use of the hours, etc. that you have available) chatting, you'd be finished by now.如果你不停地工作而不是浪费时间闲聊,你现在就能完成了。剑桥国际Inside the atom there is a nucleus composed of neutrons and protons. The nucleus is crucial to the making of nuclear weapons. 一个原子里面有由中子和质子组成的核,对制造核武器很重要。译典通My mother is very clever with her hands (=is skilful at making things with her hands).我母亲的手很巧。剑桥国际She complained that he was always making derogatory comments/remarks about her.她抱怨说,他老是发表一些贬低她的评语/言论。剑桥国际She is making painstaking efforts to learn Chinese. 她在刻苦学习中文。译典通She was making a play for the sales manager's job.她挖空心思想要取得销售部经理的职位。牛津商务She was fond of making a joke. 她爱开玩笑。译典通She went through her usual ritual of making sure all the doors were locked before she went to bed. 她上床之前按惯例检查一下所有的门是不是都锁上了。译典通She's been making risible attempts to write a novel.她很可笑一直在想写一本小说。剑桥国际The company has become a machine for making money that peddles everything from vacations to car insurance.那家公司成了一个赚钱的机器,从安排度假到汽车保险,什么都兜售。剑桥国际The company is making a big bet on e-commerce.这家公司在电子商务方面下了一大笔赌注。牛津商务The company takes an inclusive approach to decision making (= it includes the workers in the process). 这家公司采用包容的方式制订决策(在决策制订过程中包括工人)。 牛津商务The firm specializes in loft conversions (= making lofts into rooms) .该公司专营阁楼改建。剑桥国际The probability of her making a full recovery is quite good (= She is likely to get better).她完全康复的可能性很大。剑桥国际The proposed reforms include making secondary education compulsory up to the age of 18.提出的改革包括把18岁以下的中等教育变为义务教育。剑桥国际The success of this project relies on everyone making an effort.本项目的成功有赖于诸位一起努力。剑桥国际The teacher's comment was, “Jane is making good progress in science.” 老师的评价是,“简在自然科学学科上有很大进步。”剑桥国际They ran, pitter-patter (= making a quick light knocking sound), along the hall to the door.他们沿着大厅劈劈啪啪地向门跑去。剑桥国际Tony is someone who always likes making grand gestures (= doing splendid things in order to attract attention).托尼是一个总喜欢装腔作势的人。剑桥国际We saved money by making a bulk purchase of 50 PCs.我们通过批量采购 50 台个人电脑而节省了金钱。牛津商务We were encouraged (= felt supported) to learn that you will be making such a generous donation to our campaign.得知你将为我们的竞选活动那么慷慨地捐款,我们很受鼓舞。剑桥国际We've put a lot of effort/energy/time into making the house look nice.我们花了许多努力/ 精力/ 时间使房子看上去漂亮。剑桥国际

