
单词 derived
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anglo-Norman〕The dialect of Old French, derived chiefly from Norman French, that was used by the Anglo-Normans.英国法语:古法语方言,主要从诺曼法语发展而来由移居英国的诺曼人使用美国传统〔COME FROM〕About a quarter of the drugs in prescription medicines today are derived from plants. 现在的处方药中,有四分之一左右是从植物中提取的。朗文写作活用〔COME FROM〕Much of the English language is derived from Latin and Greek. 英语很大部分来源于拉丁语和希腊语。朗文写作活用〔Candomble〕A religion based on African traditions with elements derived from Christianity, practiced chiefly in Brazil.坎多摩宗教崇拜:以非洲传统习俗为基础、带有基督教教义色彩的宗教信仰,主要盛行于巴西美国传统〔Christian〕Relating to or derived from Jesus or Jesus's teachings.基督教义的:同耶稣或耶稣的教义相关或分离出的美国传统〔Gothic〕Of or relating to an architectural style derived from medieval Gothic.哥特式建筑的:源于中世纪哥特式建筑风格的美国传统〔Kombu〕A food derived from seaweed.昆布:一种由海藻制成的食品美国传统〔Latinism〕An idiom, a structure, or a word derived from or suggestive of Latin.拉丁语言现象:从拉丁语派生出来或近似于拉丁语的成语、结构或单词美国传统〔Neo-Platonism〕A revival of Neo-Platonism or a system derived from it, as in the Middle Ages.新柏拉图主义:新柏拉图主义的复兴或由它发展而来的体系,如在中世纪时期美国传统〔Roman holiday〕Enjoyment or satisfaction derived from observing the suffering of others.从观看他人受苦而得到的欢乐或心满意足美国传统〔Romanic〕Of or derived from the ancient Romans.属于或源于古罗马人的美国传统〔Tudor〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of an architectural style derived from this period, having exposed beams as a typical feature.都铎式的:都铎王朝式建筑风格的,典型特征是外露的横梁美国传统〔Yat〕The variety of English spoken by these people, derived from Irish English.耶特语:耶特人讲的从爱尔兰英语演变而来的变化英语美国传统〔abiological〕Not associated with or derived from living organisms.非生物的,非生物学的:与生物体不相关的或不是从生物体衍生的美国传统〔absolute〕Relating to measurements or units of measurement derived from fundamental units of length, mass, and time.绝对零度标定的:度量或度量单位的,从长度、质量或时间的基本单位而得出美国传统〔abstractive〕Of or derived by abstraction.富抽象的,抽象的:抽象的或由抽象引起的美国传统〔activity〕His income was derived from criminal activity.他的收入来自犯罪活动。牛津搭配〔acyl〕A radical having the general formula RCO-, derived from an organic acid.醯基:一般公式为RCO-的基,来源于有机酸美国传统〔adrenocortical〕Of, relating to, or derived from the adrenal cortex.肾上腺皮质的:属于,关于或来源于肾上腺皮质的美国传统〔adrenocorticosteroid〕A steroid derived from the adrenal cortex or one that produces physiological effects similar to those of the adrenal cortex.肾上腺皮质类固醇:得自肾上腺皮质的类固醇或能产生类似肾上腺皮质的生理作用的类固醇美国传统〔adscititious〕Not inherent or essential; derived from something outside.外来的,外加的:非固有的或非本质的;来源于外部事物的美国传统〔aestheticism〕The doctrine that beauty is the basic principle from which all other principles, especially moral ones, are derived.艺术至上主义:认为美是基本原则,是其他原则特别是道德原则产生之源泉的学说美国传统〔albumose〕A class of substances derived from albumins and formed by the enzymatic breakdown of proteins during digestion.:一种从白蛋白中提炼出的物质,由消化过程中蛋白质的酶分解而形成美国传统〔algolagnia〕Sexual gratification derived from inflicting or experiencing pain.性虐待,受虐狂,虐淫:从施虐或受虐中获得性满足美国传统〔allopolyploid〕An organism with three or more complete sets of chromosomes derived from different species.异源多倍生物体:具有从不同物种中获得三套或三套以上整套染色体的生物体美国传统〔allopolyploid〕Having three or more complete sets of chromosomes derived from different species.异源多倍性的:具有从不同物种中获得的三套或三套以上的整套染色体美国传统〔amphidiploid〕An organism or individual having a diploid set of chromosomes derived from each parent.双二倍体的个体:具有从父母双亲获得的两套染色体的有机物或个体美国传统〔amphidiploid〕Having a diploid set of chromosomes derived from each parent.双二倍体的:具有从父母双亲获得的两套染色体的美国传统〔aniline〕Derived from aniline.从苯胺派生的美国传统〔anthroposophy〕The doctrines and beliefs of a modern religious sect derived from theosophy and claiming to develop knowledge and realization of spiritual reality.人智学:由神智学发展出来的现代宗教派别的教条和信仰,宣称要发展关于精神实在的知识和理解美国传统〔arenaceous〕Resembling, derived from, or containing sand.沙的:似沙的,源于沙的或含沙的美国传统〔atonality〕The absence of a tonal center and of harmonies derived from a diatonic scale corresponding to such a center; lack of tonality.无调性:缺少中心旋律及和谐性,由与此中心对应的全音阶得来;缺少音调美国传统〔auspex〕An augur of ancient Rome, especially one who interpreted omens derived from the observation of birds.预言者:古罗马的预言者,尤指解释来自对鸟类的观察而得到的预兆的人美国传统〔autopolyploid〕An organism having more than two sets of chromosomes, all of which were derived from the same species.同源多倍体:有着两套以上衍生于同一种类的染色体的有机体美国传统〔autopolyploid〕Having more than two sets of chromosomes all derived from the same species.同源多倍体的:有着衍生于同一种类的两套以上染色体的美国传统〔azine dye〕Any of various dyes derived from phenazine.吖嗪染料,连氮染料:一种从吖嗪苯中提取的染料美国传统〔azo dye〕Any of various red, brown, or yellow acidic or basic dyes derived from amino compounds.含氮染料:任何一种从氨基化合物中提取的红、棕或黄色的酸性或碱性的染料美国传统〔be supposed〕The word is supposed to be derived from Latin.这个词被认为是从拉丁语衍化而来的。韦氏高阶〔belladonna〕An alkaloidal extract or tincture derived from this plant and used in medicine.颠茄碱:从此种植物中提取的一种生物碱提取物或酊剂,用在药物中美国传统〔benefit〕Even Liza derived little benefit from the changes.连莉萨也没有从变动中得到多少好处。麦克米伦高阶〔benefit〕The company derived substantial benefit from the deal.公司从这笔交易中得到了很大好处。牛津搭配〔berry〕Botany An indehiscent fruit derived from a single ovary and having the whole wall fleshy, such as the grape or tomato.【植物学】 浆果:一种从单子房生出的果壁为肉质的闭果,如葡萄或西红柿美国传统〔borosilicate〕A salt that is derived from both boric acid and silicic acid and occurs naturally in dumortierite.硼硅酸盐:由硼酸和硅酸反应而得的一种盐,存在于自然界蓝线石中美国传统〔butyric〕Relating to, containing, or derived from butter.奶油的:与奶油相关的、含奶油的或从奶油中提取的美国传统〔carcinoma〕An invasive malignant tumor derived from epithelial tissue that tends to metastasize to other areas of the body.癌:一种扩散性的恶性肿瘤,由于上皮组织向身体其它区域转移而形成美国传统〔carmine〕A crimson pigment derived from cochineal.胭脂红色素:从胭脂虫体提取的一种深红色色素美国传统〔carol〕The singing of Christmas carols is a custom derived from early dance routines of pagan origin.唱圣诞颂歌的习俗源于早期异教徒的舞蹈仪式。外研社新世纪〔carol〕The singing of Christmas carols is a custom derived from early dance routines of pagan origin.唱圣诞颂歌的风俗源自异教徒早期的舞蹈仪式。柯林斯高阶〔chlamydospore〕A thick-walled, asexual fungal spore that is derived from a hyphal cell and can function as a resting spore.厚垣孢子:一种由菌丝细胞形成、细胞壁很厚的无性真菌孢子,能起休眠孢子的作用美国传统〔clade〕A group of organisms, such as a species, whose members share homologous features derived from a common ancestor.进化枝,分化枝:一个有机体群体,其成员有从一个共同祖先获得的同源特征,如一个物种美国传统〔congo dye〕A nitrogen-containing dye that is usually derived from benzidine.刚果染料:通常是从联苯胺中提取的含氮的染料美国传统〔cortical〕Of, relating to, derived from, or consisting of cortex.皮的:皮的,与皮有关的,从皮取来的或组成皮的美国传统〔crystal violet〕A dye derived from gentian violet that is used as a general biological stain and an acid-base indicator.结晶紫:一种从甲基紫衍生出的染料,被用作普通的生物染色剂和酸碱指示剂美国传统〔current income〕Investment income earned from interest, dividends, rent, and similar sources, as opposed to that derived from increases in asset value.流动收入,非固定收入:从利息、股息、房租及同样来源所赚来的投资收入,与从财产价值增加所得来的收入相对美国传统〔curve〕A trend derived from or as if from such a graph.曲线图趋势:从曲线图上或似乎从曲线图上呈现出的趋势美国传统〔cypsela〕An achene fruit derived from an inferior ovary, characteristic of plants in the composite family.连萼瘦果:由下位的子房结出的瘦果,具有菊科植物的特征美国传统〔data〕Values derived from scientific experiments.从科学实验中提取的价值美国传统〔derivative〕Chemistry A compound derived or obtained from another and containing essential elements of the parent substance.【化学】 衍生物:从另一种物质演化出来的,包含其母体的基本元素的化合物美国传统〔derivative〕Something derived.导出物,衍生物美国传统〔derive from sth〕The English word "olive" is derived from the Latin word "oliva".英语的 olive 一词源自拉丁语中的 oliva。剑桥高阶〔derive from〕They derived a benefit from that transaction.他们从那笔交易中获利。21世纪英汉〔derive from〕Thousands of English words are derived from Latin.数以千计的英语词汇源自拉丁语。21世纪英汉〔derive from〕We have derived a great deal of benefit from her advice.我们从她的忠告中得到很多益处。21世纪英汉〔derive〕Anna's strength is derived from her parents and her sisters.安娜的坚强源自于她的父母和姐姐们。柯林斯高阶〔derive〕Anna's strength is derived from her parents and her sisters.安娜的坚强源自她的父母和姐姐们。外研社新世纪〔derive〕Compounds derived from mushrooms could have a hugely beneficial influence on the way cancer is treated.从蘑菇中提取的化合物能有效地治疗癌症。外研社新世纪〔derive〕For Locke, knowledge is based on experience as derived through our senses.在洛克看来, 知识建立在通过感官获得的经验之上。外研社新世纪〔derive〕He derived great pleasure from painting.他从绘画中得到极大的乐趣。牛津高阶〔derive〕He derived his enthusiasm for literature from his father.他对文学的爱好是受他父亲影响。英汉大词典〔derive〕Her name is derived from a Greek word.她的名字源于一个希腊词。外研社新世纪〔derive〕Many English words are derived from French.许多英语单词源自法语。韦氏高阶〔derive〕Many English words are derived from Latin and Greek words.许多英语词汇来自或源出拉丁语和希腊语词汇。21世纪英汉〔derive〕Many students derived enormous satisfaction from the course.许多学生从这门课程中得到了巨大的满足。朗文当代〔derive〕My main income is derived from teaching.我主要的收入来源是教书。外研社新世纪〔derive〕Petroleum is derived from coal tar and used to make gasoline.石油衍生自煤焦油,用来生产汽油。韦氏高阶〔derive〕The enzyme is derived from human blood.这种是从人体血液中提取的。朗文当代〔derive〕The word ‘politics’ is derived from a Greek word meaning ‘city’.*politics 一词源自希腊语,意思是 city。牛津高阶〔derive〕This income was derived directly from his writing.这笔收入直接来源于他的写作。牛津搭配〔derive〕This word is derived from Latin.这个词来源于拉丁文。朗文当代〔derive〕This word is derived from Latin.这个词源自拉丁文。牛津同义词〔diagnosis〕The opinion derived from such an evaluation.诊断结果:由这种评价取得的结论美国传统〔dihydrotestosterone〕An androgen derived from testosterone and having tumor-suppressing capabilities useful in the treatment of certain breast cancers.二氢睾酮:从睾丸甾酮中提取的雄激素,能够抑制肿瘤,在某些乳癌治疗中很有效美国传统〔dikaryon〕The state in certain fungi in which each compartment of a hypha contains two nuclei, each derived from a different parent.双核:某种真菌中的状态,在这种真菌中,每个菌丝体都含有两个核,而每个核都是从不同的母体上衍生的美国传统〔dizygotic〕Derived from two separately fertilized eggs. Used especially of fraternal twins.两合子的,两受精卵的:源自两个分别受精的卵子的。尤用于指异卵双胞胎美国传统〔dowager〕A widow who holds a title or property derived from her deceased husband.受有亡夫遗产的寡妇美国传统〔endoskeleton〕An internal supporting skeleton, derived from the mesoderm, that is characteristic of vertebrates and certain invertebrates.骨骼:体内支撑的骨骼,由中胚层而来的,是脊椎动物及某些无脊椎动物所特有的特性美国传统〔endothelioma〕Any of various neoplasms derived from endothelium.内皮瘤:由内皮质产生的肿瘤美国传统〔ephedra〕A stimulant, often sold as pills or tablets, derived from a plant of this genus.麻黄:从麻黄树提炼,以药丸或药片形式贩卖的兴奋剂美国传统〔epithelioma〕A benign or malignant tumor derived from epithelium.上皮瘤:从上皮中长出的良性或恶性肿瘤美国传统〔equation〕The ideal gas equation is derived from this model.理想气体方程是由这一模型推导出来的。牛津搭配〔equipollent〕Logic Validly derived from each other; deducible.【逻辑学】 可推断的:可以有效地相互推出的;可推断的美国传统〔exogenous〕Biology Derived or developed from outside the body; originating externally.【生物学】 外生的:源自或从外部发展的;在外部生长的美国传统〔experiential〕Relating to or derived from experience.经验的:关于或得自经验的美国传统〔fatty alcohol〕Any of various alcohols derived from plant or animal oils and fats and used in plastics and pharmaceuticals.脂肪醇:取自植物或动物油和脂肪的多种醇,用于塑料和制药美国传统〔fluoroquinolone〕Any of a group of broad-spectrum antibiotics derived from nalidixic acid.氟喹啉酮:从萘啶酸中提取的广谱抗菌素美国传统〔formic〕Of, derived from, or containing formic acid.甲酸的:甲酸的,由甲酸衍生的,含有甲酸的美国传统〔for〕Cancer is derived from the Greek word for crab, karkinos.cancer 这个词派生自希腊语中表示螃蟹的 karkinos 一词柯林斯高阶〔fossil fuel〕A hydrocarbon deposit, such as petroleum, coal, or natural gas, derived from living matter of a previous geologic time and used for fuel.矿物燃料:碳氢化合物的沉淀,如石油、煤、天然气等,由古代生物衍生而成,经过开发后用作燃料美国传统〔frangipani〕A perfume derived from or similar in scent to the flowers of one of these shrubs or trees.鸡蛋花香:从这种灌木或林木的花或香味与其相似的花里提炼出的香料美国传统〔fruition〕Enjoyment derived from use or possession.享用:由于使用或占有而获得快乐美国传统〔gerund〕In Latin, a noun derived from a verb and having all case forms except the nominative.动名词:拉丁语中的动名词,有除主格外的所有格的形式美国传统〔glacial〕Of, relating to, or derived from a glacier.冰的:冰川的,与冰川有关的,或源自冰川的美国传统〔gliadin〕Any of several simple proteins derived from rye or wheat gluten.麸朊:从黑麦或小麦面筋中提取的一种粗蛋白美国传统〔grandfather〕Computer Science A stored file of data from which two successive files have been derived, used for comparison with or as a backup copy for the newer files.【计算机科学】 原始文件,原始数据组,祖父:一个已衍生出两个连续文件的数据储存文件, 用于和新文件作比较或作为更新文件的备份美国传统〔grex〕A classification for cultivars derived from the same hybrid.簇,群:一种对从同一混合种变化而来的栽培品系的分类美国传统〔hematinic〕Of, relating to, or derived from hematin.补血的:血红素的,与血红素有关的,来源于血红素的美国传统〔hydrosulfide〕A chemical compound derived from hydrogen sulfide by replacement of one of the hydrogen atoms with a basic radical or base.氢硫化物:一种化学合物,通过用一个原子团或碱来替换硫酸的一个氢原子美国传统〔imide〕A compound derived from ammonia and containing the bivalent NH group combined with a bivalent acid group or two monovalent acid groups.酰亚胺:源自氨的一种化合物,含有与一个二价酸基或者二个一价的酸基结合的氨基(NH)美国传统〔imine〕A compound derived from ammonia and containing the bivalent NH group combined with a bivalent nonacid group.亚胺:源自氨的一种化合物,含有与一个二价非酸基结合的氨基(NH)美国传统〔imitation〕Something derived or copied from an original.仿造物,抄袭品:由原作起源或照抄原作的东西美国传统〔independent〕Of or relating to a system of equations no one of which can be derived from another equation in the system.独立方程式的:属于或与一组方程组有关的,方程组中任一方程不可能从其它同组方程解出答案的美国传统〔index〕A number derived from a formula, used to characterize a set of data.指数:程式中的一个数字,用以表示一系列数据的性质美国传统〔information〕Knowledge derived from study, experience, or instruction.知识:从学习、经验或指导中得到的知识美国传统〔isogenous〕Having the same or similar origin, as organs or parts derived from the same embryonic tissue.同源的:有相同或近似的本源的,如从相同的胚胎组织发展而来的器官或部分美国传统〔jet propulsion〕Propulsion derived from the rearward expulsion of matter in a jet stream, especially propulsion by jet engines.喷气推进:由尾部形成喷气流所实现的驱动,特别指由喷气式发动机推进的美国传统〔lactic〕Of, relating to, or derived from milk.乳的、与乳有关的或产自乳汁的美国传统〔laetrile〕A drug derived from amygdalin and purported to have antineoplastic properties.苦杏仁苷:一种从苦杏仁苷提取出来有抗肿瘤效果的药物美国传统〔masochism〕A psychological disorder in which sexual gratification is derived from being physically or emotionally abused.性受虐狂;受虐色情狂:从身体或情感上受虐待而得到性满足的心理失常表现美国传统〔mercuric sulfide〕Red mercuric sulfide, a bright scarlet powder derived from heating mercury with sulfur, used as a pigment.红色硫化汞:红色硫化汞,通过将水银与硫磺加热而得到的一种明亮的深红色粉末,用作颜料美国传统〔metronymic〕A name so derived.这样得到的名字美国传统〔milchig〕Derived from or made of milk or dairy products.乳制的,乳制品的:由牛奶或其他奶产品而来的或制成的美国传统〔monophyletic〕Relating to, descended from, or derived from one stock or source.单源的:一类或一源的、与之有关的饿、或源于此的美国传统〔monozygotic〕Derived from a single fertilized ovum or embryonic cell mass. Used especially of identical twins.单卵的:由一个受精卵或胚胎细胞群而派生来的。尤指用于同卵双美国传统〔multiple fruit〕A fruit, such as a fig, mulberry, or pineapple, derived from several flowers that are combined into a single structure.复果,繁花果:由几朵花结合而成单一个体结构的水果,如无花果、桑葚或菠萝美国传统〔multiple〕Their numerical system, derived from the Babylonians, was based on multiples of the number six.他们的数制源自古巴比伦人,以数字6的倍数为基数。柯林斯高阶〔myeloid〕Of, relating to, or derived from the bone marrow.骨髓的:骨髓的、与骨髓有关的或从骨髓中提取的美国传统〔myotome〕A muscle or group of muscles derived from one somite and innervated by a single segment of a spinal nerve.一个体节的肌肉:从一个体节提取的肌肉或肌肉群,或由脊骨神经的 单个环节刺激美国传统〔nativism〕Philosophy The doctrine that the mind produces ideas that are not derived from external sources.【哲学】 先天论,天性论:先天论,大脑不能从外界信息中产生想法美国传统〔naturalism〕Theology The doctrine that all religious truths are derived from nature and natural causes and not from revelation.【神学】 自然教条主义:教条主义认为所有的宗教真理都来源于自然界和自然原因,而不是源于上天的启示美国传统〔nitric〕Of, derived from, or containing nitrogen, especially in a valence state higher than that in a comparable nitrous compound.硝酸的:氮的、由氮组成的或含氮的,尤指化合价状态高于其他相似的含氮化合物的美国传统〔nitrofuran〕Any of several drugs derived from furan that are used to inhibit bacterial growth.硝基呋喃:一种呋喃衍生药物,用来抑制细菌的生长美国传统〔nitrous〕Of, derived from, or containing nitrogen, especially in a valence state lower than that in a comparable nitric compound.含(三价)氮的:氮的,由氮衍生的或含氮的,尤指在其化合价低于其相应的硝酸化合物的情况下美国传统〔nuclear〕Using or derived from the energy of atomic nuclei; atomic.原子核能的:利用原子核能的,由原子核能中得出的;原子能的美国传统〔number〕A member of the set of positive integers; one of a series of symbols of unique meaning in a fixed order that can be derived by counting.正整数:正整数集合中的一元;能够以计算得出且以一固定顺序排列的一系列只具唯一意义的符号中的一个美国传统〔origin〕The point at which something comes into existence or from which it derives or is derived.起源:事物开始存在或起源或取得的始点美国传统〔osteogenic〕Derived from or composed of bone-forming tissue.骨原的,骨性的:来源于骨生成组织的,由骨生成组织构成的美国传统〔patronymic〕Of, relating to, or derived from the name of one's father or a paternal ancestor.源于父名,源于祖先名的:属于、关于或源于父亲或祖父姓的美国传统〔perisperm〕The nutritive tissue that is derived from the nucleus and surrounds the embryo of the seed.外胚乳:包在种子胚芽外,产生于细胞核的营养性组织美国传统〔petrochemical〕A chemical derived from petroleum or natural gas.石油化学制品:从石油或天然气中提炼出的化学产品美国传统〔petrolic〕Of, relating to, or derived from petroleum.汽油的:汽油的、与汽油有关的或从汽油中提取的美国传统〔phenolic〕Of, relating to, containing, or derived from phenol.苯酚的:苯酚的,有关苯酚的,含有苯酚的,或从苯酚中提炼的美国传统〔phenomenal〕Philosophy Known or derived through the senses rather than through the mind.【哲学】 感觉得到的,可知觉的:通过知觉而不是通过思想感受到的或获得的美国传统〔phenothiazine〕Any of a group of drugs derived from this compound and used as major tranquilizers in the treatment of psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia.吩噻嗪:从这种化合物中提炼出的药物,在神经错乱病的治疗中,如精神分裂症,用作主要的镇静剂美国传统〔phthalein〕Any of a group of chemical compounds formed by a reaction of phthalic anhydride with a phenol, from which certain synthetic dyes are derived.酞:一组化合物之一,由邻苯二甲酸酐和酚反应而成,某些合成染料是由此提取的美国传统〔phthalic〕Of, relating to, or derived from naphthalene.萘的,与萘有关的,或从萘中提取的美国传统〔phthalin〕Any of various colorless compounds derived from the reduction of phthaleins.二R用基苯酸;酞灵:一种无色化合物,从酞的还原中提取美国传统〔pitch〕A resin derived from the sap of various coniferous trees, as the pines.松脂,树脂:某种松脂,自某些针叶树(如松树)上提取美国传统〔prescriptible〕Requiring or derived from prescription.按照规定的或由规定产生的美国传统〔presumption〕Law A conclusion derived from a particular set of facts based on law, rather than probable reasoning.【法律】 推定:根据以法律为基础的系列特定事实而不是从可能的推理得到的结论美国传统〔primary meristem〕A type of plant tissue derived from the apical meristem of a root or stem.初生分生组织:由根部或茎部的顶端分生组织转变而来的植物组织种类美国传统〔primary xylem〕A type of xylem tissue derived from the procambium.初生木质部:由原成层转变而成的木质组织种类美国传统〔primitive〕Linguistics A word or word element from which another word is derived by morphological or historical processes or from which inflected forms are derived.【语言学】 原词,根词:通过词法或历史过程派生出另一个词或词的屈折变化的词或词素美国传统〔primitive〕Mathematics An algebraic or geometric expression from which another expression is derived.【数学】 原始的:一种代数的或几何的表达,基于此派生出另一种表达美国传统〔principal parts〕In traditional grammars of inflected languages, the forms of the verb that are considered basic and from which all forms of the verb are derived.动词的主要变化形式:在有文法变化的语言的传统语法中,被认为是基本的并从中可以导出动词的所有其他形式的动词形式美国传统〔proceed〕The amount of money derived from a commercial or fundraising venture; the yield.收入,获利:从商业或基金机构获得的钱;收益美国传统〔progeny〕One born of, begotten by, or derived from another; an offspring or a descendant.后代:由另一个所生出、生育或衍生者;后代或后裔美国传统〔proof〕The validation of a proposition by application of specified rules, as of induction or deduction, to assumptions, axioms, and sequentially derived conclusions.证明:通过运用特定的规则对一个命题的证实,如运用演绎法和归纳法进行假设、推理,最后得出结论美国传统〔pseudosophistication〕The pseudosophistication derived from association with the upper crust divorces a man from reality.同上流社会交往养成的矫饰作风使人脱离实际。英汉大词典〔pyrimidine〕Any of several basic compounds derived from or structurally related to pyrimidine, especially the nucleic acid constituents uracil, cytosine, and thymine.嘧啶类:由嘧啶衍生出来或在结构上与嘧啶有关的一种基本混合物尤指核酸组成的尿嘧啶,胞嘧啶和胸腺嘧啶美国传统〔rent〕The return derived from cultivated or improved land after deduction of all production costs.收益:在扣除全部生产费用之后从耕地或改良地上所得的收益美国传统〔rifampin〕A semisynthetic antibiotic derived from a form of rifamycin that interferes with the synthesis of RNA and is used to treat bacterial and viral diseases.利福平:一种半合成抗生素,从参与核醣核酸合成的利福霉素的一种形态中提取,用于治疗细菌性和病毒性疾病美国传统〔satisfaction〕He derived great satisfaction from knowing that his son was happy.得知儿子很幸福他深感欣慰。牛津高阶〔satisfaction〕Pleasure or contentment derived from such gratification.乐事:来自于这种满足的快乐或满意美国传统〔schadenfreude〕Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.幸灾乐祸:以他人的不幸为乐美国传统〔secondhand〕Obtained, derived, or borrowed from another; not original.间接提到的:从另外一个人处得到、获取、或借来的;非原始的美国传统〔shylock〕His income derived from shylocking.他的收入是靠放高利贷得来的。英汉大词典〔silicic〕Relating to, resembling, containing, or derived from silica or silicon.硅的:与硅石或硅相关的、与之相象的或由其而来的美国传统〔silvichemical〕Any of various chemicals derived from wood.一种从树木中提炼出来的化学物质美国传统〔spinoff〕Something derived from an earlier work, such as a television show starring a character who had a popular minor role in another show.派生作品:从以前的作品中派生出来的作品,例如由另一部电视剧中受人欢迎的配角任主角的电视剧美国传统〔spinoff〕Something, such as a product, that is derived from something larger and more or less unrelated; a byproduct.派生产品:指从与之大致没有什么关系的更大事物中派生出来的产品,例如产品;副产品美国传统〔statistic〕A numerical value, such as standard deviation or mean, that characterizes the sample or population from which it was derived.统计值:一种能代表它来自的样本或总体特征的数值,如标准偏差或平均值美国传统〔strength〕Games Power derived from the value of playing cards held.【游戏】 牌力:源自于手中所持有的牌的大小的实力美国传统〔streptolysin〕Any of several hemolysins derived from some strains of streptococci.链球菌素:一种来自于某种链球菌系的溶血素美国传统〔subculture〕One culture of microorganisms derived from another.次培养(菌):从另一培养菌中得到的微生物培养美国传统〔sweet〕Containing or derived from sugar.含糖的,糖制的美国传统〔synfuel〕A liquid or gaseous fuel derived from coal, shale, or tar sand, or obtained by fermentation of certain substances, such as grain.合成燃料:从煤、页岩或沥青砂岩中或某些物质,如谷物的发酵中得到液体或气体燃料美国传统〔tangelo〕A hybrid citrus tree derived from grapefruit and tangerine, having aromatic fruit with a thin, smooth, moderately loose rind.橘柚:一种由葡萄柚和柑橘杂交而成的柑橘属果树,结有香味的果实,其果皮光滑薄嫩,且较为松软美国传统〔tartaric〕Of, relating to, or derived from tartar or tartaric acid.酒石酸的、关于或提取自酒石或酒石酸的美国传统〔tartarous〕Consisting of, derived from, or containing tartar.由酒石酸构成的或提炼而成的、含有酒石酸的美国传统〔tartrated〕Containing, combined with, or derived from tartaric acid.包含、结合或从酒石酸提炼的美国传统〔terrigenous〕Derived from the land, especially by erosive action. Used primarily of sediments.陆生的:从土地中派生来的,尤指侵蚀性作用。主要用于冲积物美国传统〔thionic〕Of, relating to, containing, or derived from sulfur.硫的:属于、有关、包含硫或从硫衍生的美国传统〔toponym〕A name derived from a place or region.源出于一个地方或地区的名字美国传统〔toxicogenic〕Derived from or containing toxic matter.从有毒物质中获得的或含有有毒物质的美国传统〔traditionalism〕Philosophy A system holding that all knowledge is derived from original divine revelation and is transmitted by tradition.【哲学】 传统主义:一种认为所有的知识都来自于最初的神的启示并由口传方式传播的体系美国传统〔transcendental meditation〕A technique of meditation derived from Hindu traditions that promotes deep relaxation through the use of a mantra.超脱静坐:来自印度教教义的一种冥思方法,通过运用曼特罗达到高度放松美国传统〔transformation〕A construction derived by such transformation; a transform.转录:通过此种转录得到的结构;转录美国传统〔triazine〕A compound derived from one of these isomers.三嗪衍生物:由这几种三嗪衍生而来的化合物美国传统〔urogenous〕Produced or derived from urine.取自尿的,尿中所含的美国传统〔vanillic〕Of, relating to, or derived from vanilla or vanillin.香子兰的,香草的:香子兰的,与香子兰有关的,或从香子兰得来的美国传统〔vegetable〕Of, relating to, or derived from plants or a plant.植物的:属于、关于或源于植物的美国传统〔verbal〕Relating to, having the nature or function of, or derived from a verb.动词的:关于或具有动词的性质或功能的,源于动词的美国传统〔vinic〕Of, contained in, or derived from wine.酒的:酒的,含于酒内的,于酒中提取的美国传统〔vitriolic〕Of, similar to, or derived from a vitriol.硫酸的,取自硫酸的:关于硫酸的、与硫酸盐相似或来自于硫酸盐的美国传统〔water-vascular system〕A system of water-filled canals derived from the coelom that connects the tube feet of echinoderms.水管系统:由连接棘皮动物管状足的体腔发展而来的充满水的管状系统美国传统〔zein〕A prolamine protein derived from corn, used in the manufacture of various plastics, coatings, and lacquers.玉米醇溶蛋白:从玉米中提炼出的醇溶谷蛋白,用于制造各种的塑料、涂层和漆美国传统A car manufacturer has a derived demand for manufacturing equipment, components, steel, etc. so that it can satisfy its customers.汽车制造商对生产设备、零部件及钢铁等的派生需求是为了能够满足顾客的需要。牛津商务Air pollutants, such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, are derived mainly from the combustion of fuels in industrial plants and vehicle engines.二氧化硫和二氧化氮等空气污染物主要源于工厂和汽车引擎中燃料的燃烧。剑桥国际Many English words are derived from Latin. 许多英文字源于拉丁语。译典通Synthetic materials derived from petroleum do not self-destruct and are producing mountains of waste.石油衍生的合成材料无法自毁,形成了大量的废料。剑桥国际

