
词组 build...into

■ build... into...

中文“把…建设成为…”,英文说 build... into...,这个英文搭配受到了许多批评。有人甚至认为这是“中式英语”。但是美国不少人并不懂中文,也不大可能受到“中式英语”的影响,却不乏使用 build... into...的。据说前总统克林顿就用过 build... into...,出处尚未找到。但是另有一个例子:

  • But credit where credit is due, he single-handedly built Stanford Enterprises into one of the biggest privately held conglomerates in the world.但是,公道话该说还是要说,他单枪匹马把斯坦福公司建设成了世界上最大的私营联合企业之一。

最近的一个例子,是 2006 年 12 月 30 日伊拉克前总统萨达姆·侯赛因被处决的当天美联社 (The Associated Press) 发自巴格达的电讯中的一句:

  • Saddam built Iraq into one of the Arab world's most modern societies, but then plunged the country into an eight-year war with neighboring Iran that killed hundreds of thousands of people on both sides and wrecked Iraq's economy.萨达姆把伊拉克建设成了阿拉伯世界当中最现代化的国家之一,但是又把这个国家投入了同邻国伊朗的八年战争,双方死了几十万人,而且伊拉克经济受到了破坏。

