
单词 reset
释义 reset v (-tt-; pt, pp reset) [Tn] 1 (a) place (sth) in position again 重新安放或安置(某物)     reset a diamond in a ring 在戒指上重镶钻石     reset a broken bone 重接断骨     reset type, ie in printing 重新排版. (b) place (the indicator of a measuring instrument) in a new position 重拨(测量仪器指针)     reset one´s watch to local time 把手表调到当地时间     reset a dial, gauge, control, etc at zero 把刻度盘、 仪表、 控制器指针拨回至零位. 2 devise a new set of questions for (an exam, a test, etc) 为(考试、 测试等)出一套新题.

