
单词 scandal
释义 scandal n 1 (a) [C, U] (act, behaviour, etc that causes) public feelings of outrage or indignation 民愤; 公愤; 引起公愤的举动     cause (a) scandal 激起民愤     A series of corruption scandals led to the fall of the government. 一系列贪污腐化事件激起民愤导致政府垮台.     Her theft from the shop caused (a) scandal in the village. 她因偷商店的东西引起全村的义愤. (b) [sing] action, attitude, etc that is disgraceful or shameful 丑行; 丑事; 丑闻     It is a scandal that the defendant was declared innocent. 宣判被告无罪, 这真是可耻的事.     The council´s failure to act is a scandal. 市议会未能采取行动是一件丑闻. 2 [U] talk about the bad things people are thought to have done; gossip 流言蜚语; 闲话     spread scandal 散布流言蜚语     Most of us enjoy a bit of scandal. 我们大多愿意知道一点别人的坏事.     Have you heard the latest scandal? 你听到最近这段闲话了吗?

