
单词 -ate
释义 -ate suff 後缀 1 (with ns forming adjs 与名词结合构成形容词) full of or showing a specified quality 富於或显示某性质: affectionate     passionate * Italianate. 2 (forming ns 用以构成名词) (a) (group of people with a) status or function (有某种)身分或职务(的团体): electorate     doctorate. (b) (chemistry 化) salt formed by the action of a particular acid 由某种酸的作用而形成的盐: sulphate * nitrate. 3 (with ns and adjs forming vs 与名词和形容词结合构成动词) give (to sth) the specified thing or quality 给予(某事物)某物或某性质     hyphenate * chlorinate * activate.

