
单词 car
释义 car n 1 (also `motor car, esp US automobile) motor vehicle with (usu four) wheels for carrying passengers 汽车: buy a new car 买新汽车     What kind of car do you have? 你的汽车是什麽样的?     We´re going (to London) by car. 我们开车去(伦敦). =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page xii. =>illus 见插图. 2 (in compound ns 用以构成复合名词) (a) railway carriage of a specified type (某类型的)火车车厢     a dining-/sleeping-car. (b) = carriage 2. (c) (US) any railway carriage or van 火车车厢: a freight car. 3 passenger compartment of an airship, a balloon, a cable railway or a lift (飞艇、 气球、 缆车或电梯的)载人舱室.

