
单词 sugar
释义 sugar n 1 (a) [U] sweet substance obtained from the juices of various plants, used in cooking and for sweetening tea, coffee, etc 食糖     Don´t eat too much sugar. 糖不要吃得太多.     Do you take sugar? ie Do you have it in your tea, etc? 你要放糖吗(你喝茶等加糖吗)?     [attrib 作定语] a sugar plantation, refinery, bowl 糖料作物种植园、 炼糖厂、 糖罐. (b) [C] cube or teaspoonful of sugar 一块方糖; 一茶匙糖     Two sugars in my coffee, please! 请在我的咖啡里放两块方糖! 2 (infml 口 esp US) (used as a form of address to sb one likes 用作亲热的称呼语)     Hello, sugar, nice to see you! 喂, 亲爱的, 见到你真高兴! sugar, v [Tn] 1 sweeten or coat (sth) with sugar 在(某物)中加糖; 给(某物)裹上糖衣     Is this tea sugared? 这茶放糖了吗?     sugared almonds 糖衣杏仁. 2 (idm 习语) ,sugar/,sweeten the `pill => pill.

