
单词 transformed
释义 transformed, ppl. a.|trɑːnsˈfɔːmd, træns-, -nz-|
[f. transform v. + -ed1.]
a. Changed in form or character; in Math., altered in form, but not in value. (In quot. 1413, ‘misshapen’.)
In quot. 1571 applied to a solid figure modified by truncation of the solid angles (cf. transfigured in same sense).
1413Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton 1483) iv. xxiv. 70 Beres ben brought forthe al fowle and transformyd.1571Digges Pantom. iv. Gg ij, A Transfourmed Cube is a figure geometrical enuironed with 6 equiangle Octogonall and 8 equilater triangular playnes or bases, whose sides are all equall.Ibid. Hh ij, A Transformed Dodecaedron.1743Emerson Fluxions 29 Proceed thus till the transform'd Fluxion be as simple as possible.1841Lane Arab. Nts. I. 65 note, It was not imagined that this brute was the lost man in a transformed state.1885Watson & Burbury Math. Th. Electr. & Magn. I. 157 By substituting the coordinates..and placing on corresponding elements the same charges, the transformed system will be in equilibrium.1904J. Oman Vis. & Author. III. iii. 190 The first Apostles, the humble, loyal, transformed ambassadors of Christ.
b. transformed cell (Cytology), a eukaryotic cell which has undergone transformation (transformation 3 i).
1956Science 23 Mar. 503/2 The malignant nature of the transformed cells was demonstrated by the production of sarcomas when the cultures were inoculated into animals of the same strain.1979Arms & Camp Biology xvi. 247 Transformed cells often undergo drastic changes in morphology and metabolism such that they become unresponsive to the normal controls over cell division.

