
单词 formalize
释义 formalize, v.|ˈfɔːməlaɪz|
[f. formal a. + -ize. Cf. F. formaliser.]
1. trans. To give formal being to; to impart or constitute the form, essence, or characteristic attribute of; to ‘inform’, as the soul the body.
1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. lvi. §11 The same Spirit..doth..formalize, vnite, and actuate his whole race.1627Hakewill Apol. i. iv. §1. 39 Quickned and formaliz'd, as the body of man is by its reasonable Soule.1678Gale Crt. Gentiles iv. iii. 68 The malice and vitiositie which formalised the action as theirs, is no way imputable to Gods act.
2. To adorn, give a specious appearance to.
1597Daniel Civ. Wars ii. lviii, To formalize his deed, He kneeles him downe.1604Edmonds Observ. Cæsar's Comm. 4, I graunt that it is not altogether wealth that doth grace and formalize the actions of men: for in some cases penurie..makes men more valorous.
3. To give formal or definite shape to.
1646Bp. Maxwell Burd. Issach. in Phenix (1708) II. 298 They establish'd and formaliz'd the Judicatory, by constituting a Moderator, a Clerk, and other essential Members of the Court.1647Answ. to Let. to Dr. Turner 19 The Apostles..did in their latter dayes formalize and bound out that power which still we do call Episcopacy.1844Ld. Houghton Palm Leaves 89 You can fix and formalize The Power on which you raise your eyes.1877Mrs. Oliphant Makers Flor. ii. 50 The gates..shut against him, did no more than formalize that sentence of banishment.
4. To cause to take sides definitely; refl. to range oneself, or pronounce, for or against. [So formerly Fr. se formaliser.] Obs.
1599Sandys Europæ Spec. (1632) 206 Whereby both parts are formalized and settled in their oppositions.1656Sir J. Finett For. Ambass. 219 For his Majesty to establish an order, and after to break it..could not but be to him of so hard a digistion..yet he must (if offered)..formalize himself against it.
5. To render formal:
a. To give legal formality to (a document).
b. To render ceremonious, precise, or rigid.
c. To imbue with formalism.
1855Fraser's Mag. LI. 628 Its seal..frequently formalizes legal documents.1856Ruskin Mod. Paint. III. iv. xiii. §28 It sought eminently for orderliness..formalized whatever decoration it put into its minor architectural mouldings.1866J. H. Newman Let. Pusey 85 When it is formalized into meditations or exercises, it is as repulsive as love-letters in a police report.1870Goulburn Cathedr. Syst. iii. 42 Having a tendency to familiarise them with holy things, and to lower their standard of reverence, or, at best to formalize them.
6. intr. To act with formality; to be formal or ceremonious; to show the spirit of a formalist.
a1656Hales Ser. Duels Rem. (1673) 84 Many times indeed our Gallants can formalize in other words, but ever⁓more the substance, and usually the very words are no other but these of Cain, Let us go out into the Feild.1697[see formalizing vbl. n.].1721Bailey, Formalize, to play the Formalist.1830[see formalizing ppl. a.].
a. trans. To cavil at, raise scrupulous objections to.
b. intr. To cavil, raise scruples; to take umbrage; also, to affect scruples. to formalize upon: to scruple at, demur to, haggle over.[Cf. F. se formaliser, to take umbrage.] a.1599Sandys Europæ Spec. (1632) 95 By culling out the errours..by formalizing the contrarieties; mis-interpreting the ambiguitie, intangling more the obscurities..in the most renowmed authors.1603Knolles Hist. Turks (1621) 1195 His resolution was to take part with the Christian emperour, if the great Bassaes..should seeke..to formalize his actions..in this maner of the obtaining of his government.1668R. L'Estrange Vis. Quev. (1708) 236 That is to say, whether in Reason of State, it ought to be done; and we are formalizing the Matter, whether in point of Equity and Justice it may be done.
b.1597Lowe Chirurg. (1634) 57 But, because such as delight in this pastime, will formalize..I will not altogether condemne it.1641Nicholas Papers (Camden) I. 41 Y⊇ kings answer to y⊇ parlement..is now to noe purpose. Y⊇ house haveing formalized uppon it, y⊇ king hath recalled it.1655Ibid. II. 216 Some of the townes suspecting the intention began to formalise.a1674Clarendon Life (1761) I. iii. 148 Particulars..which the Officers on the King's Side, (who had no Mind to a Cessation) formalized much upon.1692R. L'Estrange Josephus' Antiq. xvii. xi. (1733) 471 It seems a strange thing..that Archelaus should be now formalizing about his Title to a Kingdom after so absolute an Exercise of sovereign Power over it already.a1734North Lives II. 301 He went not only willingly, but ambitiously, and formalized upon nothing that led towards the end he most earnestly desired.a1797H. Walpole Mem. Geo. II, (1847) I. xii. 418 He..told him that they had formalized at his professions.
Hence ˈformalized ppl. a.; ˈformalizing vbl. n. and ppl. a. Also ˈformalizable a., capable of being formalized; ˈformalizer, one who formalizes.
a1656Hales St. Peter's Fall Rem. (1673) 111 They turned..their true Fasting into Formalizing and partial abstinence.1697Collier Immor. Stage iv. §3 (1730) 145 Vanity and Formalizing is Lord Foplington's Part.a1734North Lives II. 65 The ministers turned formalisers; and the court mysterious.Exam. iii. viii. §26 He found no formalising Scruples on the Lord Keeper's Part.1830Croly Geo. IV, 364 The spirit of the juntas was timid, frivolous, and formalizing.1849Ruskin Sev. Lamps vi. §3. 165 Those gloomy rows of formalised minuteness.1875Whitney Life Lang. v. 90 A complete formalizing of what was before solid, positive, substantial.1944H. Reichenbach in P. A. Schilpp Philos. B. Russell 27 This formulation given at a later stage was anticipated by Russell's original distinction of formalizable and non-formalizable parts of logic.1965N. Chomsky Aspects of Theory of Syntax i. 19 No adequate formalizable techniques are known for obtaining reliable information concerning the facts of linguistic structure.

