
单词 compert
释义 I. compert, n. Obs.
Also 6 comperite, -perte.
[ad. L. compert-um, pa. pple. of comperī-re to disclose fully, ascertain, f. com- + par(i)-ĕre to get. In meaning akin to late L. compertorium, a judicial inquest in civil cases (Du Cange).]
A thing found out by judicial inquiry.
1534T. Bedyll in Lett. Suppress. Monast. (Camd. Soc.) 50 Maister Leyghton hath wreten certen compertes unto you.1535T. Legh ibid. 66 As ye shall knowe by the compertes in this visitation.1535J. Ap Rice ibid. 85 To advertise yow of our procedinges there, and also of the compertes of the same.1539Latimer Serm. & Rem. (1845) 417 When comperites doth shew what fedities doth grow.
II. compert, a. Obs. rare—1.
A scribal error for compt = L. comptus adorned, dressed (on the head).
c1400Apol. Loll. 59 To haue not wiþ hem..ȝeng men kembid or compert [St. Bernard De Consid. iv. vi. 21 Comptos adolescentes secum non habere].

