
单词 sursanure
释义 sursanure Obs. rare.
[a. AF., OF. sursanure cicatrice, f. sur- (= super- 3) + *sanure, seneure, or OF. soursané pa. pple. healed over: see sur-, sane v., -ure, and cf. Pr. sobresanar to form a scar.]
The healing over of a wound; a wound healed outwardly or superficially.
c1386Chaucer Frankl. T. 385 Wel ye knowe that of a Sursanure In Surgerye is perilous the cure But men myghte touche the Arwe or come thereby.c1400Lydg. Flower of Curtesye 75 My wounde abydeth lyk a sursanure.

