
单词 tripart
释义 I. tripart, a. rare.|ˈtraɪpɑːt|
[f. tri- + part n.]
= tripartite a.; threefold; in quot. 1592, taking place between three parties, three-sided.
1592W. Wyrley Armorie 137 Which tripart combate was so noblie fought As sick prince tooke pleasure it t'behould.1630Goodall Tryall Trav. Ded., To the Thrice Noble And Illustrious Lady:..Elizabeth..These tripart tryalls of trauell are consecrated by Baptist Goodall.1791Cowper Iliad xv. 230 By distribution tripart we received Each his peculiar honours.
II. ˈtripart, v. Obs.
Also 6 try-.
[f. tri- + part v.]
trans. To divide into three parts.
Chiefly in pa. tense and pple. triparted, Sc. -it: cf. next.
1528Lyndesay Dreme 202 The Patrimonie and rent..Quhilkis suld haue bene trypartit in to thre.1567Gude & Godlie B. (S.T.S.) 210 Quhy war ȝe sa vnnaturall, As..Tri⁓partit and deuydit him?1621Quarles Esther Div. Poems (1717) 134 He That's born, may challenge but one part of three Triparted thus.
So triˈpartible a. [f. tri- + L. partibilis divisible], separable into three parts or pieces.
1860Worcester cites Gray.

