
单词 vicinage
释义 vicinage|ˈvɪsɪnɪdʒ|
Also 4 vesinage, 7 vicenage, visinage.
[ad. OF. visenage (visnage), vicenage, or voisinage (see voisinage), with assimilation of the stem to the original L. vīcīn-us: cf. vicinity.]
1. A number of places lying near to each other taken collectively; an area extending to a limited distance round a particular spot; a neighbourhood.
Usu. with the, this, or similar word, but occasionally with a or in pl.
a1325MS. Rawl. B. 520 fol. 55 Somune þoru gode somunse xii fre men ant trewe of vesinage of N.1552Huloet, Vicinage, vicinia, uicinetum.1655Fuller Ch. Hist. ii. 136 King Ethelred..began the tryal of Causes by a Jury of twelve men to be chosen out of the Vicenage.1685in Verney Mem. (1907) II. 376 All our most able and Eminent Doctors of this Vicinage.c1700Pomfret Poet. Wks. (1833) 37 Adam by an injured Maker driven From Eden's groves, the vicinage of Heaven.1777W. Dalrymple Trav. Sp. & Port. cxx, The regiments are..recruited from the vicinage.1791Burke App. Whigs Wks. VI. 122 The Metropolis and its Vicinage.1813C. Vancouver Agriculture of Devon 216 All such other parts of the district as at this time are..open to all the inhabitants of the vicinage.a1853W. Jay Autobiog. (1854) iv. 37 So it was with the vicinages all around Marlborough.1868B. J. Lossing Hudson 1 The agricultural and mineral treasures of its vicinage.
b. Freq. in the phrase in the (also, this, our, etc.) vicinage.
1638Baker tr. Balzac's Lett. (vol. II) 182, I am afraid of a Potgun or a Squib; far from running upon Muskets and Swordpoints as they say in our Vicinage.a1661Fuller Worthies (1840) III. 394 No less than twenty thousand pounds worth of this coarse commodity [lime] is yearly made, and vended in the vicinage.1676Doctrine of Devils 92 Until he have gotten the favour and blessing of all the Witches in the Vicinage, yea in the Hemisphere.1748Richardson Clarissa (1811) I. xxxiv. 255 She is the only flower of fragrance, that has blown in this vicinage for ten years past.1791H. Walpole Let. to Misses Berry 11 Sept. (1840) VI. 455 The French ladies in my vicinage.1814Scott Wav. x, He had lived in retirement, conversing almost entirely with those of his own principles in the vicinage.1861A. Beresford-Hope Eng. Cathedr. 19th C. viii. 274 The..recommendation of a sufficient population in the vicinage.1883Manch. Exam. 3 Oct. 5/4 People in the vicinage..were not in a mood to regard it as a gratuitous picturesque display.
fig.1649Jer. Taylor Gt. Exemp. Disc. v. §24 That soul that..invites an enemy to view its possessions and live in the vicinage, loves the sin itself.
c. transf. The people living in a certain district or neighbourhood.
1647N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. i. lxvii. 262 Barrons shall be amerced by their Peeres, others by the vicinage.1672[H. Stubbe] Rosemary & Bayes 17, I could wish they would not disturb the visinage with declamations against Mr. Calvin.1796Burke Regic. Peace i. Wks. VIII. 187 Where there is no constituted judge,..the vicinage itself is the natural judge.1821Cobbett Rur. Rides (1885) I. 46 Relying, for influence, not on the good will of the vicinage, but upon the dread of their power.1836Ld. Cockburn Jrnl. (1874) I. 122 Towns and their rustic vicinages are agitating against this measure.1862J. Thrupp Anglo-Sax. Home 269 The vicinage applied..to the bishop for leave to dig up the body and burn it.
2. The fact of being or living close to another or others; nearness, proximity:
a. Of persons; spec. in Law as entitling to certain rights of common.
1598Marston Sco. Villanie i. iii. 182 Ile winke at Robrus, that for vicinage Enters common, on his next neighbors stage.1602W. Fulbecke 1st Pt. Parall. 14 If I prescribe to haue common because of vicinage in such a village.1626Daniel Hist. Eng. Wks. (Grosart) IV. 101 By reason of the vicinage, and innumerous populacie of that Nation.1679J. Goodman Penit. Pard. i. ii. (1713) 30 As if his father's presence or vicinage would put too great a restraint upon him.1766Blackstone Comm. II. 33 Common because of vicinage, or neighbourhood, is where the inhabitants of two townships, which lie contiguous to each other, have usually intercommoned with one another.1823Cobbett Rur. Rides (1830) 203 The tarred, trowsered, and blue-and-buff crew whose very vicinage I always detest.1830Mackintosh Partition of Poland Wks. 1846 II. 338 In a declaration delivered at Warsaw, Catherine declared, that she did nothing but in virtue of the right of vicinage, acknowledged by all nations.1891J. Winsor Columbus xvi. 357 St. Augustine, St. Basil, and St. Ambrose had placed the Garden of Eden far in the Old World's east, apart from the common vicinage of men.
b. Of things or places.
1686Goad Celest. Bodies i. ix. 34, I began to guess the Reason of its Activity, as borrowed from the vicinage of the warmer Corpuscles.1696Whiston The. Earth iv. (1722) 356 The particular Prerogatives..do not entirely depend on..the Vicinage of the Central Heat.1826Cobbett Poor Man's Friend ii, Are they, now, to complain, if the vicinage of these same works causes a charge of rates there?1844Disraeli Coningsby vi. ii, The common white pottery..will not bear vicinage to a brisk kitchen fire for half-an-hour.1880Scribner's Mag. Mar. 660/2 The vicinage of the traveling studio was an occasion and a pretext for unprecedented larks.
3. in the vicinage of, near or contiguous to, in the neighbourhood of. Cf. vicinity 4.
1782H. Cowley Bold Stroke for Husb. v. ii, In the vicinage of Rosalvo, bounded on the west by the river.1789Trans. Soc. Arts I. 151 If I had had any in the vicinage of my plantation.1812J. Henry Camp. agst. Quebec 99 The Canadians in the vicinage of Quebec lived as comfortably.1830Croly George IV, 412 The length of canal navigation in the vicinage of London.1852H. Rogers Ecl. Faith (1853) 151 They had become a centre and a source..of moral pestilence, in the vicinage of which it was unsafe for men to dwell.

