“dal segno”的英英意思

单词 dal segno
释义 dal segno, advb. phr. (n.) Mus.|dal ˈseɲɲo|
[It. dal from the + segno sign.]
= al segno phr. Abbreviated D.S. Also as n.
1876Stainer & Barrett Dict. Mus. Terms.1944W. Apel Harvard Dict. Mus. 199/2 Dal segno.., abbreviated d.s., means repetition, not from the beginning.., but from another place (frequently near the beginning) marked by the sign §.1959Collins Mus. Encycl. 176/1 Dal segno..‘from the sign’, i.e. go back to a point in the music marked by the sign {segno}. Often abbreviated D.S.1967Crescendo Feb. 26/2 Can you find the ‘go to coda’ sign in a hurry? No? Then make it big. Same goes for the dal segno—never mind trying to copy the printed one; put a whacking great dollar sign on the part instead.1979M. Hurd Oxf. Jun. Compan. Mus. (ed. 2) 107/2 Dal segno... This tells the performer to go back to the place where he sees the sign {segno} and repeat the music from that point until he arrives at the word fine (‘end’), or at a double bar with a pause sign ({pauseo}) above it.

