
单词 tig
释义 I. tig, n.1|tɪg|
Also 9 tigg, tic.
[f. tig v.]
1. A touch: usually a light but significant touch, a tap or pat, = tick n.3 1; rarely applied to one that hurts. Sc. and north. dial.
1721Kelly Sc. Prov. 243 Many Masters, quoth the Poddock to the Harrow, when every Tin[e] gave her a Tig.1822Galt Sir A. Wylie I. v. 36 It's bairnly to mak sic a wark for a bit tig on the haffet.1825Brockett N.C. Words, Tig, a slight touch; as a mode of salutation.1897E. W. Hamilton Outlaws ii. 21 Just a tig of the cheek, Gavin... There's nothing in that to shame an honest man, surely?
2. A children's game, in which one of the players—usually designated tig or it—pursues the others until he overtakes and touches or ‘tigs’ one, who in his turn becomes ‘tig’: the same as tag n.2
Cf. tick n.3 1 b, and Sanders Wörterb. (1865) Der Zeck, ein Spiel der Kinder, wobei eins dem Andern einen Schlag giebt.
1816S. M. Tait in Remin. Lady Wake v. (1909) 62 If it is wet, we play at tigg up and down the stairs.1854J. W. Warter Last of Old Squires ii. 15 The sons..would have a start with the fleetest youths of the hamlet at prisoner's-base, or the old fashion'd game of tic.1885H. O. Forbes Nat. Wand. E. Archip. 68 With varieties of chevy, tig, and blind-man's buff.1894Mrs. H. Ward Marcella I. 12 The mad games of ‘tig’ which she led..in the top playground.
3. colloq. (orig. Sc.). A fit of bad temper.
1773R. Fergusson in Weekly Mag. XXII. 209/1 What tig then takes the fates, that they can thole, Thrawart to fix me i' this weary hole?1895R. Ford Tayside Songs 71 She left me in a tig.1934N. Marsh A Man lay Dead xii. 206 ‘You shall have every opportunity,’ soothed Alleyn. ‘What a tig you are in, to be sure!’1943Colour Scheme xii. 217, I must say..that I can't see why you're getting into such a tig over it.1962Punch 24 Oct. 587/1 The spectacle of a man in a tig, even of two men in a tig, is not as a rule wholly entertaining.
II. tig, n.2
variant of tyg, a drinking-cup.
III. tig, v.|tɪg|
[History obscure. It may be, as some think, a variant or alteration of tick v.1, or a parallel formation. Cf. the parallelism of MHG. and Ger. zecken to pat, and der zeck the game of tig (tig n.1 2).]
1. intr. To give light or playfully rough touches; esp. fig. to trifle, dally with; to tig and tar = to tick and toy: see tick v.1 1. Sc. and north. dial.
c1470Henryson Mor. Fab. v. (Parl. Beasts) i. [The fox] That luifit weill with pultrie to tig and tar.1634Rutherford Lett. (1862) I. 140 He may get up and lend them a blow who are tigging and playing with Christ and His spouse.1815G. Beattie John o' Arnha' (1826) 41 It was nae joke To tig wi' fiends that vomit smoke.1825Jamieson s.v., Young people are said to be tigging, when sporting with gentle touches, or patting each other.
b. fig. To interfere, meddle, have to do with. Sc.
1599Jas. I βασιλ. Δωρον (1603) 29 As for the matter of fore-faltures,..it is not good tigging with these things.1813W. Beattie Fruits Time Parings (1871) 30 They that tig wi you Will soon hae cause to claw.1873W. Alexander Johnny Gibb xix, Nedder you nor Mr. Sleekaboot made yer plack a bawbee by tiggin wi' her.
2. trans. To touch in the game of tig (tig n.1 2). Also absol. (see also b).
1821Blackw. Mag. Aug. 38 To join the merry ring at..Tig me if you can.1828Craven Gloss., Tig, to touch lightly;..to have the last touch when leaving school.1866A. W. Buchan Song of Rest ii. 29 Some tig and run, some ride upon the wall.1893E. L. Wakeman in Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch 19 Oct., The chief point in this game [French Tig] is always to tig on a portion of the body difficult to hold whilst tigging another.
b. intr. fig. To ‘pluck’ or ‘dig’ at, as if playing tig; to annoy one by petty provocations. dial.
1802R. Anderson Cumberld. Ball. 54 Now, tiggin at me suin and late, They're cleekin but the yellow bait.1844Songs of Nursery in Whistlebinkie (1890) II. 153 Father, settle Sandy! He's cryin names to me. He's aye tig, tigging, And winna let me be.
3. intr. transf. To run from place to place, as if chased. dial.
1834S. Lover Leg. & Stor. Irel. Ser. ii. 297 He run undher a stool, and kept tiggin' about from one place to th' other.1882J. Walker Jaunt to Auld Reckie 13 Like cattle tiggin' frae the clegs and flees Awa they scamper.

