
单词 Fastens-een
释义 Fastens-een, -eve, -even Sc. and north. dial.
Also 4 fast(e)ryn(gs-, 5–6 fasteringis-, 6 fasterns-, -trin-, -tron-, 8 fasten-, 8–9 fasting(s-, 9 fasterns-.
[f. OE. fæstenes, gen. of fæsten fasten n. + even or eve.]
The eve of or day before the fast (of Lent); Shrove-Tuesday.
1375Barbour Bruce x. 372 On the fasteryn evyn rycht In the begynning of the nycht.1496Ld. Treas. Accts. Scot. (1877) I. 319 The vij day of Februare was Fasteringis evin.1565in Picton L'pool Munic. Rec. (1883) I. 35 Fasten's eve or Shrovetide.1674–91Ray N.C. Words, Fastens-Een or Even.c1750J. Collier (Tim Bobbin) Lanc. Dialect Wks. (1862) 68 Feersuns een, on it matter't naw mitch.1780M. Lonsdale Th' Upshot ii. in Jollie's Sketch of Cumberland Manners (1811) 5 An upshot lang an' sair To keep up fassen's-even.1785Burns Ep. to J. Lapraik 7 On fasten-een we had a rockin.1834H. Miller Scenes & Leg. xxviii. (1857) 416 On Fasten's-eve,—the Schoolmaster..would call on the boys to divide, and choose for themselves ‘Head-stocks’.

