
单词 Conservacy
释义 Conˈservacy Obs.
[a. AF. conservacie, in med.L. conservātia = conservātio conservation: see -acy.]
Official conservation: now conservancy.
[1394Let. Rich. II in Rymer Fœdera VII. 765/2 (Du Cange) Conservatores dictarum treugarum pro parte sua deputet, et eos onus conservatiæ hujusmodi in se assumere..compellat.1430–1Act 9 Hen. VI, c. 9 Pur la conservacie de lez ditz graundes rivieres.]1558–9Act 1 Eliz. c. 17 §6 Offences committed within..suche Jurisdiccion, Conservacye [1763 as reprinted in Statutes at large, Conservancy], Rule and Governement.1640in Rushw. Hist. Coll. (1692) iii. I. 111 All Patents and Commissions whatsoever concerning the pretended Conservacy of Waters.1691T. Hale (title), An account of several new inventions and improvements..relating to..the Conservacy of all our Royal Rivers, in particular that of the Thames.1755L'pool Munic. Rec. (MS.) X. 695 To obtain the Conservacy of this Port of Liverpoole vested in the Mayor.1758Binnell Descr. Thames 101 The Jurisdiction, and Conservacy of the Thames.

