
单词 biwin
释义 beˈwin, biˈwin, v. Obs.
For forms see win.
[ME. biwinnen, f. bi-, be- + winnen to win.]
To gain, to win, get possession of.
c1175Lamb. Hom. 41 Hwa erest bi-won reste þam wrecche saule.c1205Lay. 25067 He biwon [c 1250 biwan] Rome.a1225Ancr. R. 228 Þe tur nis nout asailed, ne þe castel, ne þe cite hwon heo beoð biwunnen.c1325Chron. Eng. 465 in Ritson Met. Rom. II. 289 With is host..Engelond to bywynne.c1330R. Brunne Chron. 323 Of alle þat grete tresoure þat euer he biwan.a1400MS. Camb. v. 48. 24 Þat catell was wo begon, So be-wunne was neuer non.

