
单词 heavenlike
释义 ˈheavenlike, a. (adv.)
[See -like.]
A. adj. Like heaven; heavenly, divine.
1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. Mark viii. (R.) Menne farre aboue the common sorte, or as you woulde saye, heauenlyke felowes.1610Histrio-m. i. 176 The Harmonie of musick is so Heavenlike that I love it with my life.1816Coleridge Statesm. Man. (1817) 355 O how heaven⁓like it is to sit among brethren at the feet of a minister who speaks under the influence of love!
B. adv. After the manner of heaven.
1876Swinburne Erechth. 1590 Who behold Thee made so heavenlike happy?

