
单词 eviternal
释义 eviˈternal, a. Obs.
Also æviternal.
[f. L. æviternus (whence by contraction æternus), f. æv-um age + -al1. Cf. Fr. eviternel (16th c. in Godef.), which may be the source.
In med.L. æviternus (owing to its more obvious connexion with the etymon ævum) was sometimes used to express eternity of duration, as contrasted with the notion of timelessness expressed by æternus.]
= eternal; used esp. with reference to future duration (see quot. s.v. æviternal). Johnson's explanation (quot. 1755) is not supported by our examples.
1596C. Fitzgeffrey Sir F. Drake (1881) 33 Celestiall Goddesse, eviternall Fame, Minerva's daughter by faire Maia's sonne.1600Tourneur Transf. Met. Prol. 81 What pallid spirit tells of strange euents? Of euiternal night?1611T. Farnaby Panegyr. Verses in Coryat Crudities, Hang monuments of eviternall glory..to th' honour of Thomas Coryate.1652Bp. Hall Myst. Godl. §9 The angels are truly existing, spiritual..powerful, eviternal creatures.1755Johnson, Eviternal, eternal in a limited sense; of duration not infinitely but indefinitely long.
Hence eviˈternally adv. = eternally.
1609Bp. Hall Passion Serm. Wks. (1627) 437 The body hangs on the crosse, the soule is yeelded; the Godhead is euiternally vnited to them both.a1641Bp. R. Montagu Acts & Mon. 6 The Soule, is an essence..eviternally subsisting, and immortall as Angels are.

