
单词 embolismus
释义 embolismus|ɛmbəʊˈlɪzməs|
[L.; see embolism.]
1. Chronol.
a. The excess of the solar year above the lunar year of twelve synodical months.
b. Intercalation. Obs.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. ix. iv. (1495) 348 Embolismus is encreasynge and excesse by the whyche the yere of the sunne passyth the yere of the mone.1796Hutton Math. Dict., Embolismus..signifies intercalation.
2. In the Greek liturgy: A prayer inserted after the concluding petitions of the Lord's Prayer.
1872O. Shipley Gloss. Eccl. Terms 476 Said..after the embolismus at Easter-tide.

