
单词 registrate
释义 I. ˈregistrate, pa. pple. (and a.) Sc. Obs.
Also 5–6 registrat(t, 6–7 regestrat.
[ad. med.L. registrāt-us, pa. pple. of registrāre, f. registrum register n.1]
Registered, recorded.
1425Sc. Acts Jas. I (1814) II. 11/2 Þe King..has ordanit þat all statutis & ordinance of þis parliament..be registrat in the kingis Registir.1543Sc. Acts Mary (1814) II. 440/1 Þat þis present contract be actit and registrat in þe buikis of parliament sessioun.1588A. King tr. Canisius' Catech. 118 b, Ye determination of Jouinian..registrat in the buuk callit the Code.1639Procl. Chas. I to Scot. 9 It is his Majesties will, that this be insert and registrate in the books of assembly.c1680Dallas Stiles (1697) 472 By Vertue of Arrestments founded upon Registrat Bonds, Decreets, or the like.1752J. Louthian Form of Process (ed. 2) 135 Persons charged upon Criminal Letters..are..denounced, and registrate to the Horn.
fig.1616Sir W. Alexander Alexis to Damar in Drummond's Wks. (1894) I. 183 Those madrigals we sung..Are registrate by echoes in the rocks.
II. ˈregistrate, v. Obs. Chiefly Sc.
[f. ppl. stem of med.L. registrāre: see prec.]
trans. To register (in lit. and fig. uses).
1570in Westm. Gaz. (1897) 16 June 10/2 Fame shall registrate her princelie deeds.1574Reg. Privy Council Scot. II. 359 Commanding our clerkis..to registrate the samyn.1617Sc. Acts Jas. VI (1816) IV. 546/2 To receave fra the pairties thair euidentis and to registrat þe same.1676W. Row Contn. Blair's Autobiog. xii. (1848) 372 They would registrate that sense of it in the books of Parliament.1776J. Neill 23 Serm. 60 These and other Young Saints God hath registrated in his book.
Hence ˈregistrated ppl. a., -ating vbl. n.
a1598Rollock Serm. Wks. 1849 I. 406 The registrating of thair speiches is na thing to his schame.1687A. Haig in J. Russell Haigs xi. (1881) 331 Item, For registrating of the signetor.1732E. Erskine Serm. Wks. 1871 II. 146 It is his registrated word: his sealed word.

