
单词 receptor
释义 receptor|rɪˈsɛptə(r)|
Also 5–6 -our(e.
[a. OF. receptour, -eur, or L. receptor, agent-n. f. recipĕre to receive.]
1. = receipter 1, resetter. Obs.
c1440Jacob's Well 30 Ony heretykes..or here receptourys, defenderys, or fauourerys.1472Surtees Misc. (1888) 25 Robert Mascald..is a receptour of suspect persones.1585Fleetwood in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. i. II. 297 The searchinge out of sundrye that were receptors of ffelons.1609[Bp. W. Barlow] Answ. Nameless Cath. 13 The kind Receptors of the Fugitiues after the Detection.1660Virginia Stat. (1823) I. 538 Against pyrats, their assistors or abettors,..or receptors.
2. A telephonic receiver.
1898Westm. Gaz. 17 Feb. 1/3 In the hospital..each Roman Catholic patient has a receptor connected with the cathedral at the head of his bed on Sunday.
3. a. Med. The region of an antibody molecule which shows specific recognition of an antigen. Also attrib. and Comb., as receptor group; receptor-destroying adj. [The sense is due to P. Ehrlich, who coined the G. receptor (Berlin klin. Wochenschr. (1900) 21 May 453/2.)]
Ehrlich's theory of receptors originally took a broader form than that in which it is now accepted; hence in the first part of this century there was some overlap between this sense and sense c below.
1900Lancet 18 Aug. 528/1 The fixation..of the Toxin molecule in the protoplasm was accomplished by means of certain lateral chains which the latter possessed and which were termed ‘receptors’.1903J. Coats Man. Path. (ed. 5) 151 By careful and increasing dosage the protoplasm of the cell may be gradually stimulated to form more and more receptor groups.1935F. P. Gay Agents of Dis. & Host Resistance xix. 377 The entire receptor hypothesis of Ehrlich rests on a purely imaginary misconception... There is no particular objection in referring to this absorption as due to certain chemical units that one may call the ‘receptors’ of the susceptible cell... It is another matter to assume..that the hypothetical receptors.., when injured or destroyed, are reproduced in excess and poured into the blood stream as specific antibodies to those foreign incitants that have engendered their production.1941Kolmer & Tuft Clin. Immunol. Biotherapy & Chemotherapy iii. 63 This [sc. Ehrlich's side-chain theory] is now regarded as untenable because of the physiologic improbability that there can exist a sufficient number of specific receptors for an innumerable number of antigens.1951Whitby & Hynes Med. Bacteriol. (ed. 5) xii. 221 The enzyme is best known..as the receptor-destroying enzyme (RDE) which has helped to elucidate the phenomenon of hæmagglutination by viruses of the mumps—influenza group.1967Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quantitative Biol. XXXII. 431/1 We assume first that nothing except antibody recognizes antigen, and we must therefore assume that the receptor for antigen is antibody already present at a site, in or on the cell, prior to exposure to antigen.1970Fenner & White Med. Virol. iii. 45 The importance of glycoprotein receptors for the attachment of influenza virus has been demonstrated in experiments in which they have been destroyed by bacterial neuraminidase (‘receptor-destroying enzyme’).1973Sci. Amer. June 82/3 The essential initial step in the immune response is the contact of an antigen—a foreign substance—with receptors on the surfaces of lymphocytes derived from the bone marrow, the so-called B-lymphocytes.
b. Biol. Any organ or structure which on receiving stimuli of a certain kind from its environment generates nerve impulses that convey information about that aspect of the environment. Freq. attrib.
1906, etc. [see effector 2].1906C. S. Sherrington Integrative Action Nerv. Syst. i. 13 Electrical stimuli applied to receptor organs are..efficient excitors of reflexes.Ibid. ix. 309 The branching at the receptive end places it in communication not with one but with several receptor cells.1919W. M. Bayliss Introd. Gen. Physiol. iv. 112 The eye may be said to be the most accurately adjusted of all our receptor organs.1920T. P. Nunn Education xiii. 170 To pick out and distinguish the different elements and qualities of which the world is composed..is more possible for higher animals by the enormous development of the receptor-system.1934Nature 22 Sept. 445/1 Normal vision may be due to a receptor which gives rise to a red sensation, one which gives rise to a blue sensation and one which gives rise to a not blue, not red sensation which, of course, corresponds to a green sensation.1962Listener 8 Nov. 779/2 The use of the eye instead of the ear as the principal receptor for information probably has produced some consistent concomitant psychological changes.1971Jrnl. Gen. Psychol. LXXXV. 87 Reason..has proposed that susceptible persons are more highly receptive to incoming stimuli, and that this receptivity is global rather than being confined to one receptor system alone.1974D. & M. Webster Compar. Vertebr. Morphol. x. 197 A blow on the head mechanically stimulates the eye's receptor cells.1975Sci. Amer. July 108/2 There are other receptors on the antennae of mosquitoes that respond to chemical stimuli.
c. Physiol. A region of a neurone or other tissue which specifically recognizes and responds to a neurotransmitter, hormone, or other substance. Freq. attrib.
1912E. H. Starling Princ. Human Physiol. vi. 312 The existence of..a ‘receptor’ substance, as he calls it, has been furnished by Langley.Ibid. 314 Receptor substances may act as intermediaries in every case of propagation of an impluse across a synapse of whatever description.1939M. A. Goldzieher Endocrine Glands ii. 7 The organotropic hormones of the pituitary..are supposed to act upon the cells of the individual endocrine glands which constitute their receptor organs.1955Biochim. & Biophys. Acta XVI. 268 The picture which has emerged, assumes that acetycholine is stored in an inactive bound form. Stimulation releases the ester which combines with a receptor protein.1961R. D. Baker Essent. Path. iii. 38 Materials from the infarct stimulate the bone marrow and cause leukocytosis, and their influence on central nervous system receptors may cause fever.1973Nature 20 Apr. 497/2 Receptors can be defined as components of a tissue which specifically react with a drug or hormone.Ibid., The meaning of ‘receptor’ is becoming very diffuse and a clearer definition of the word is necessary.1975N.Y. Times 27 Mar. 9/1 The test shows whether the tumor cells contain receptors, or ‘landing sites’, for estrogen molecules, which are then taken into the cells and stimulate their growth.

