
单词 mullet
释义 I. mullet1|ˈmʌlɪt|
Forms: 5 molet, 5–6 molett(e, 5–7 millet, (5 mylet, 7 millett), 6 mullett, 7 mullot, 6– mullet.
[ME. molet, mulet, a. OF. mulet, dim. f. L. mullus red mullet.]
1. A name applied, often with an adjective prefixed to it, to any fish of the families Mullidæ, or red mullets, and Mugilidæ, or grey mullets.
c1440Promp. Parv. 342/1 Molet, fysche, mullus.c1450Two Cookery-bks. 104 Take a Millet, and scale him..And boile hem ouer the fire..; or elles..fry him in good oyle.1513Bk. Keruynge in Babees Bk. 166 Base, troute, molette.1610B. Jonson Alch. iv. i, We will eate our mullets, Sous'd in high-countrey wines.1732Pope Hor. Sat. ii. ii. 21 Of Carps and Mullets why prefer the great?1802Bingley Anim. Biog. (1813) III. 63 The white or common mullet [Mugil cephalus].1820, etc. [see kanae].1836Yarrell Brit. Fishes I. 27 The Red Mullets were well known to the ancients.Ibid. 28 The Striped Red Mullet is the species which occasionally only attains to so enviable a size in the Mediterranean (Mullus surmuletus).1888Goode Amer. Fishes 365 On our eastern coast..the most familiar is the Striped Mullet, Mugil albula; the other is the so-called ‘White Mullet’, Mugil brasiliensis... On various parts of the coast they have special names... About Cape Hatteras the names ‘Jumping Mullet’ and ‘Sand Mullet’ occur; in..Southeastern Florida ‘Silver Mullet’ and ‘Big-eyed Mullet’.1895‘J. Bickerdyke’ Sea Fishing xi. 324 The Grey Mullet... Of these fish there are two kinds, the great grey mullet (Mugil capito) and the lesser grey mullet (Mugil chelo).1925J. T. Jenkins Fishes Brit. Isles 123 There are a large number of species of mullets in the genus Mugil.1951T. C. Roughley Fish Austral. 31 The mullets contained in the family Mugilidae range through the temperate regions of the world.1962K. F. Lagler et al. Ichthyol. ix. 277 Neurosecretory cells in the preoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus lose their secretions rapidly in several marine fishes, including..mullets (Mugilidae) when the fishes are temporarily placed in hypertonic sea water.1966Encycl. N.Z. II. 600/2 A familiar sight is the gleaming flash as a mullet leaps out of the water and returns to its element.1969A. Wheeler Fishes Brit. Is. & N.-W. Europe 465/1 Very young mullet are also common in intertidal pools on the Channel coast.
2. Applied to fish of other genera, as black mullet, Menticirrus nebulosus, the American king-fish; cucumber m., the Australian grayling, Prototroctes maræna.
1880W. Senior Trav. & Trout i. viii. 93 These must be the long-looked-for cucumber mullet, or fresh-water herring.1888Goode Amer. Fishes 123 The King-Fish,..also known as..the ‘Black Mullet’ in the Chesapeake.
II. mullet2 Her.|ˈmʌlɪt|
Forms: 5–6 molet, 6 molette, mollet(t, 6– mullet.
[a. OF. molette rowel, mullet (mod.F. molette rowel).]
1. Her. A figure of a star, having five straight points (when a larger number is not specified). Given as a mark of cadency for a third son.
Perh. originally pierced to represent a spur-rowel. In modern practice, if the mullet is pierced this is specified in the blazon.
[1216–72Roll temp. Hen. III in Parker Gloss. Her. 1894, Le Conte de Oxford, quartele d'or et de goules [sic], ung molet d'argent ent le quarter devant.1327–77Roll, temp. Edw. III ibid., Monsire Hansted, gules a trois mulletts argent.]c1400Laud Troy Bk. 8713 He beres an egle..And he hath rose & he has molettis.1486Bk. St. Albans, Her. b j b, Fixall in armys is calde the thirde degre..thay may bere there faderis cote armure with a differans molet.1562Leigh Armorie 178 A Mullet of v. poyntes sable... This may be also of vii. poyntes, but of no more.1612Peacham Gentl. Exerc. iii. (1634) 161 The mullet is often pierced of the field and the Starre never.1808Scott Marm. vi. ii, And in the chief three mullets stood The cognizance of Douglas blood.1864Boutell Her. Hist. & Pop. xv. 184 The St. Johns, in like manner, bear mullets on a chief.
b. Comb., as mullet-footed, mullet-shaped adjs.
1851A. Strickland Queens Eng. I. 236 A mullet-shaped brooch.1897Trans. Glasg. Archæol. Soc. III. i. 219 This is known as a lobed or mullet-footed chalice.
2. Pseudo-arch. The rowel of a spur.
1830James Darnley xxxii. 143/2 The horse's feet were brought on the very brink of the river, and a slight touch of the mullet made him plunge over.
III. ˈmullet3 Obs.
[a. F. molet.]
pl. A kind of pincers or tweezers. Obs.
1398Test. Ebor. (Surtees) I. 245 [Apothecary's will], j draghyng-dobler, cum les moletts.1599B. Jonson Cynthia's Rev. v. iv, Here is a haire too much, take it off. Where are thy mullets?1634T. Johnson Parey's Chirurg. xxvii. xvii. (1678) 675 Cutting Mullets. Mullets onely to hold and not to cut. Mullets to take forth splinters of bones. Mullets to draw teeth.
Hence ˈmullet v., to treat with the ‘mullet’.
1649Quaries Virgin Widow v. i, And then Cis must be call'd, and then her Ladiships haire must be crispt,..and then her Ladiships browes must be mullited.
IV. mullet4 Obs. rare.
= mullein.
1597Gerarde Herbal 390 The first..kind of Conyza hath large and broad leaues like Verbascum nigrum or black Mullet.Ibid. 391, I would gladly haue Conyza to be called in English Fleabane Mullet.1750E. Smith Compl. Housewife 323 Take of the tops of parsley, of mullet, and of elder buds, of each one handful.
V. ˈmullet5
Some part of a musket barrel.
1688R. Holme Armoury iii. xviii. (Roxb.) 134/2 The seuerall parts of the Barrell of a Muskett. The Barrell. The squares. The mulletts.1881Greener Gun 50 Their [sc. the Italian gunsmiths'] early barrels..were beautifully formed on the outside, with many squares and mullers [sic].
VI. ˈmullet6 Obs.
[a. F. molette, dim. of meule millstone.]
= muller n.1
1755Johnson, Mullar... Often called improperly mullet.
VII. ˈmullet7 Obs.
The Puffin, Fratercula arctica.
1678Ray Willughby's Ornith. iii. v. 325 The Bird called Coulterneb at the Farn Islands,..at Scarburgh Mullet..: Anas Arctica Clus.1852Macgillivray Brit. Birds V. 365 Mormon arcticus. The Arctic Puffin... Mullet.
VIII. mullet
variant of mulet Obs.
IX. mullet, n.9 slang (humorous and freq. derogatory).
Brit. |ˈmʌlɪt|, U.S. |ˈmələt|
[Origin uncertain. Perhaps an extended use of mullet-head n. 2; but Grand Royal (1995) No. 2 proposes a number of other, largely humorous origins, including a relationship with mullet n.1 and with the obsolete mullet v.
Apparently coined, and certainly popularized, by U.S. hip-hop group the Beastie Boys (see quot. 1994), who also publish Grand Royal.]
A hairstyle, worn esp. by men, in which the hair is cut short at the front and sides, and left long at the back.
1994Mullet Head (song) in ‘Beastie Boys’ Tour Shot! (CD notes) You wanna know what's a mullet? well I got a little story to tell About a hair style, that's way of life Have you ever seen a Mullet wife?1995Grand Royal No. 2. 46 The Mullet does not discriminate, though it is rare to see one worn by a senior citizen of any stripe.1997Independent on Sunday 2 Feb. (Real Life section) 2/1 Connoisseurs of the absurd in gentlemen's hairdressing have been enjoying a laugh at..those unfortunates who continue to commit that most heinous fashion don't—the Mullet.1998Sunday Mirror 12 Apr. (Personal suppl.) 3/2 The Mullet... If you have one, then a word in your ear: Scissors.2000Sunday Herald (Glasgow) 16 Apr. (Seven Days section) 1/4 A malodorous guy with a flowing mullet.

