
单词 mongolism
释义 mongolism Med.|ˈmɒŋgəlɪz(ə)m|
Also Mongolism.
[f. Mongol n. and a. + -ism. Cf. Mongolian a. and n. A. 3.]
A relatively common congenital form of mental deficiency which is associated with a low expectation of life, is always accompanied by a chromosomal abnormality (usually trisomy for chromosome 21), and is marked by numerous signs, including short stature, short thick hands and feet, a large tongue, a flat face with features somewhat similar to those of Mongolians, and a friendly and cheerful disposition; Mongolian idiocy. Cf. Down's syndrome.
1900Lancet 6 Jan. 23/1 (heading) The differential diagnosis of Mongolism and cretinism in infancy.1924Psyche V. i It is..well known that a certain type of mental and physical backwardness has long been described, under the name of ‘Mongolism’.1960News Chron. 1 July 5/4 From a medical dictionary he learned that mongolism was a type of congenital idiocy.1961R. D. Baker Essent. Path. xxii. 615 Cases of..spina bifida and meningocele, mongolism, and cerebral palsy occur at the rate of 1 or 2 of each of these conditions per 1000 births.1961[see Down's syndrome].1971Brit. Med. Bull. XXVII. 47/1 The epidemicity of mongolism has also been studied.

