
单词 nose-thrill
释义 nose-thirl, nose-thrill Obs. exc. dial.
Forms: α. 4–6 (9) nose-thurl, (5 -thurll), 4–6 (9) -thyrl, 4–6 thirl, 4 -therl. (Also 5 noos-, 4–5 noose-, 6 Sc. nois-.) β. 4–6 nose-thryl, (5–6 -thryll, 6 -thrylle), 4–7 -thrill, (5 -þrill), 6–7 -thril, 6 -threl(l. γ. 5 nosetril, 6 -trel(l; 5 -sterl, 6 -strell, 7 -strill.
[f. nose n. + thirl n., a new comb. in place of OE. nosþyrel nostril n., to which the γ-forms show some assimilation: compare the parallel ME. formation nese-thirl. The β-forms are very common from c 1400 to 1600.]
A nostril.
αc1340Nominale (Skeat) 20 Nose gristul and nose-thurles.c1386Chaucer Prol. 559 His nose-thurles blake were and wyde.1422tr. Secreta Secret., Priv. Priv. 234 Who-so hath the noose-thurlis moche opyn, he is strongly angry.1480Caxton's Trevisa i. xxii. (1527) 20 Sponges watred and holden at theyr nosethyrles.1567Gude & Godlie B. (S.T.S.) 110 Thair nois thirlis can nouther sauer nor smell.1856P. Thompson Hist. Boston 716 Nose-thurls, the nostrils.1866J. E. Brogden Linc. Words s.v., He is very broad in the nose-thurles.
β1382Wyclif Num. xi. 20 To the tyme that it come out bi ȝoure noose thrillis.c1400Destr. Troy 7727 He neyt as a nagge, at his nose thrilles!1485Caxton Chas. Gt. 151 His nosethrylles large & ample.1534Fitzherb. Husb. §84 Pursy is a dysease in an horses bodye,..and appereth at his nosethrilles.1584R. Scot Discov. Witchcr. xii. xx. (1886) 227 Conveied through the nosethrels and mouth.1609Holland Amm. Marcell. 13 Snuffing and drawing back their wind inwardly at their broken nose⁓thrils.1656Heylin Surv. France 132 Not yielding the least offence to the most curious nosethrill.
attrib.1632tr. Bruel's Praxis Med. 8 An oyntment..wherewith anoynt the forehead & nose-thrill holes.
γc1400Trevisa's Higden (Rolls) I. 185 Sponges i-watred and i-holde at hir nostrilles [MS. α, nosetrils].c1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. 115 A nose þat hauys nosesterles oft greuant, & harde openynge.1545T. Raynalde Byrth Mankynde 132 Powre..into the chyldes nosetrelles of oyle of castorium.a1569A. Kingsmill Man's Est. xii. (1580) 87 Wee have but borrowed breathe and that liyng in our nosetrels.a1617Bayne Lect. (1634) 105 Icekles hanging at his Nosestrills.

