
单词 magistery
释义 magistery Obs. exc. Hist.|ˈmædʒɪstərɪ|
Also 7 majestery, 9 magestry, magistry.
[ad. L. magisterium, (1) in classical L. the office of a master, (2) in med.L. the philosopher's stone; f. magister master n.]
a. = magistracy 2.
b. = magistracy 4. Obs.
1566Painter Pal. Pleas. (1575) I. 18 A goodlie document to men of like calling, to moderate them selues, and their magisterie with good and honest life.1585Stubbes Anat. Abus. i. 16 It is lawfull for the nobilitie, the gentrie, and the magisterie, to weare riche attire.
a. The quality or functions of a master; mastership, authority, authoritative appearance.
b. The office of a (Grand) Master. Obs.
1642Fuller Answ. to Dr. Ferne 1 Blowing aside the Magistery of the Title, Author, Style of this Treatise, as but the pindust of it, that gilds but intercepts the Letter.1644J. Goodwin Innoc. Triumph. (1645) 7 Resigne up his..conscience to be ordered, obliged, and tied, by the meere authority and magistery of men.1660Jer. Taylor Duct. Dubit. iii. iv. rule 22 §1 To give them [General Councils] a legislative power and magistery in faith.1670G. H. Hist. Cardinals ii. 11. 142 Francisco began..to manage it [the Church] with great Magistery and Dominion.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Magistery, Mastership; especially the Office of the great Master of Maltha.
3. Alch., Med., etc.
a. A master principle of nature; a potent transmuting or curative quality or agency; concr. a substance that has the power of transmuting or changing the nature of other substances, e.g. the philosopher's stone.
1594Plat Jewell-ho., Chem. Concl. 37, I wil not..discover any magistery upon so base an occasion.1601Holland Pliny II. 165 Moreouer, they made proofe of the said floures dried, and this high magistery they found, That being beaten to pouder, they cured [etc.].c1645Howell Lett. vi. xli. (1650) 232 He that hath water turn'd to ashes, hath the Magistery, and the true Philosophers stone.1670Moral State Eng. 43 That great Magistery of Nature (as they call it) the Philosophers stone.1678R. R[ussell] Geber ii. i. i. v. 31 For there is one Stone, one Medicine in which the Magistery consists.1723(title) The Hermetical Triumph, or, Victorious Philosophical Stone: a Treatise..concerning the Hermetical Magistery.1837Whewell Hist. Induct. Sci. (1857) I. 232 There existed preparations which possessed the power of changing the whole of a body into a substance of another kind: these were called magisteries.
fig.a1677Hale Contempl. ii. 179 This is the great Engine of a Christian, a Magistery, that was never attained by the most exquisite Philosopher.
b. A product or result of transmutation.
1605Timme Quersit. i. i. 3 Which meale or flower we mixe with water, we leaven and bake; whereof ariseth a great magistery, namely bread.1655in Hartlib Ref. Commw. Bees 35 Honey is a Vegetable Magistery, in part perfected by the Specifick virtue of the flour,..compleated by the peerlesse virtue of the Bee, which doth transmute that sweetnesse into a new Creature, which is Honey.1671J. Webster Metallogr. xii. 190 By this solvent the whole Metal is brought into another disposition, (which he calls a magistery).
c. The concentrated essence of a substance.
1641French Distill. i. (1651) 26 Thou shalt have the true magistery or Spirit of Wine.1658tr. Porta's Nat. Magic x. xiv. 270 A Magistery..is what can be extracted out of things without separation of the Elements.1668Phil. Trans. III. 787 The volatile Salt, Spirit, Oyle, Magistery, made of the several parts of the Stagg.
d. The residuum obtained by precipitation from an acid solution, e.g. magistery of bismuth, pearls, etc.; a precipitate. Applied also to a resinous extract.
1602F. Herring Anatomyes 15 Vnicornes horne,..Magistery of Pearles, and Forreine Bugges and Drugges.1663Boyle Usef. Exp. Nat. Philos. ii. ii. 159 The magistery prepared by dissolving them [pearls] in acid spirits.1678Salmon Lond. Disp. 852/1 Magisteries of Bones... They are dissolved with Acids..and precipitated with Alkalies.1712tr. Pomet's Hist. Drugs I. 29 The Resin or Magistery of Jalap is made with Spirit of Wine.1756C. Lucas Ess. Waters I. 60 The metals are suddenly precipitated in the form of a magistery.1794–6E. Darwin Zoon. IV. 96 A calx, or magistery, of bismuth.1822J. Imison Sci. & Art II. 116 The magistry of bismuth, or pearl white.1861Hulme tr. Moquin-Tandon ii. iii. ii. 89 The old practitioners..made use of a magestry or precipitate of coral.
e. A specially prepared medicine; a specific.
1669W. Simpson Hydrol. Chym. 162 It would have proved a very good magistery for a horse.c1720W. Gibson Farrier's Dispens. iii. ii. (1734) 112 There is a magistery made from Calamine.
4. An art, craft, or employment. Obs.
1647Lilly Chr. Astrol. lxxxiv. 450 These two Planets are the Significators of Magistery, Trade or Profession.1669Addr. hopeful young Gentry Eng. 72 These mistresses of the Magistery of dissimulation are the greatest enemies to the convers of the world.
5. = magisterium 2.
1899C. B. Pallen tr. Sarda y Salvany's What is Liberalism? xxxii. 105 The Church alone possesses supreme doctrinal magistery in fact and in right.

