
单词 leftward
释义 leftward, adv. and a.|ˈlɛftwəd|
[f. left a. + -ward.]
A. adv.
1. On the left hand. Also to (the) leftward (of).
1483Cath. Angl. 212/1 Leftwarde, leuorsum.1509Barclay Shyp of Folys (1570) 89 Many a thousande Fast runneth leftwarde, but fewe on the right hande.1848Clough Bothie ix. 42 Is it well that the soldier whose post is far to the left-ward Say, I will go to the right?1864Ld. Derby Iliad xii. 218 A sign from heav'n Appear'd, to leftward of the astonish'd crowd.1895Blackw. Mag. Nov. 643/2 We soon caught the sound of the sea leftward.1898G. W. Steevens Egypt in 1898, xix. 220 Leftward and behind us is the desert.
2. In the direction of the left hand. Freq. in political contexts: towards ‘the left’. Also to (the) leftward.
1579Digges Stratiot. 2 Reckning all the characters afore that point leftward.1791Cowper Iliad xii. 150 Leftward he drove furious.1814Cary Dante, Purg. xxx. 43, I Turn'd me to leftward.1829Scott Anne of G. ix (end), We have yet, keeping leftward..nearly a mile to make.1883Century Mag. XXVII. 33 A trail strikes up the main hill to the leftward.1885Miss McConkey Hero of Cowpens xiii. 118 He [Burgoyne] extended his intrenchments leftward to the river-bank.
1957Economist 28 Dec. 1119/1 The Singapore city council elections last Saturday may be taken as an accurate indication of the political trend in the island colony. That trend is clearly leftward.1973Listener 15 Nov. 668/1, I was rather Conservative as a young man. I've moved gently leftward.
B. adj. Situated on the left; directed or tending towards the left, esp. politically.
1813Scott Trierm. iii. xxiii, Against the leftward foe he flung The ready banner.1825Blackw. Mag. XVIII. 452 'Twas the leftward corridor She glided down.1886W. R. Evans Rustic Walking Routes 20 In five-eighths of a mile, just beyond a leftward bend.
1936M. Schachtman in J. G. Wright tr. Trotsky's Third International after Lenin p. xxii, In the message to the Sixth Congress entitled ‘What Now?’ Trotsky touches upon this Leftward evolution in the European working class.1939H. G. Wells Holy Terror iii. i. 220 The Group turned its attention to the existing leftward papers.1949I. Deutscher Stalin 403 Stalin's leftward switch in Russia was not only an earnest affair; it had the grandeur of national drama.1957Times 11 May 7/2 It is no surprise that in the borough elections the leftward movement seen in national by-elections has been repeated—though not, it seems, carried any further.1973Guardian 10 Mar. 1/5 Mr Roy Jenkins..is calling on those who share his views..to dig in their feet against what is seen as a dangerous Leftward drift.

Add:[B.] (Of welding) executed from right to left.
1941A. C. Davies Sci. & Pract. Welding iii. 143 Leftward or Forward Welding..is used nowadays for welding steel plate under {oneon4}in. thick and for welding non-ferrous metals.1951Fuchs & Bradley Welding Pract. I. i. 8 As generally practised, oxy-acetylene welding is carried out by the ‘leftward’ technique. When welding downhand the flame in this technique points along the welding seam towards the unwelded portion and travel is from right to left.1989L. Gourd Welding II. x. 144 Rightward welding is faster than leftward and consumes less gas.

