
单词 inure
释义 I. inure, enure, v.1|ɪˈnjʊə(r), ɛˈnjʊə(r)|
[f. en-1, in-2 + ure, work, operation, exercise, use, a. F. œuvre work.
The form inure has now largely superseded enure; the latter, however, has a long independent history, and has been given separate treatment at enure v., q.v.]
1. trans. To bring (a person, etc.) by use, habit, or continual exercise to a certain condition or state of mind, to the endurance of a certain condition, to the following of a certain kind of life, etc.; to accustom, habituate.
a. Const. to ( unto), inf.
αc14891837 [see enure v. 2].
β1519Interl. Four Elem. (Percy Soc. 1848) 5 But man to knowe God is a dyffyculté, Except by a meane he hym⁓selfe inure, Whiche is to knowe Goddes creaturys that be.a1568R. Ascham Scholem. ii. (Arb.) 155 Who..could neuer inure their tong to wise speaking.1616Drummond of Hawthornden Bless. Faithf. Souls in Farr S.P. Jas. I (1848) 20 Let vs each day inure ourselues to dye.1649Milton Eikon. ii. 21 We see to what easie satisfactions..he had inur'd his conscience.1700Prior Carmen Sec. 435 Inure them in feign'd camps to real arms.1781Cowper Hope 7 The poor, inured to drudgery and distress.1859Smiles Self-Help iii. (1860) 61 He was early inured to work.
b. Const. with, in. Obs.
15091561 [see enure v. 2 b].1528Roy Rede me (Arb.) 56 The devils with coursses are invred, As authours there of with out fayle.1556Robinson tr. More's Utop. i. (Arb.) 40 The Frenche souldiours, which from their youth haue ben practised and inured in feates of armes.1612Brinsley Lud. Lit. iii. (1627) 13, I am well inured with this grievance, which you speak of.1654tr. Scudery's Curia Pol. 92 The Queen..had a soul so inured with afflictions.
2. intr. for refl. To accustom or habituate oneself. Obs. rare.
1598Queen Elizabeth tr. Plutarch De Curios. xii. 1 Let us invre if by an others hous we go Not to Louk in, nor rolle our yees to that wiche is within.
3. trans. To put into exercise or operation; to exercise, to practise, to commit (a crime). Obs. (Chiefly in form enure: see enure v. 1.)
α15491667 [see enure v. 3 a].
βa1577Gascoigne Herbs, Voy. Holland Wks. (1587) 172 The best almost in all their land..Wil (as men say) inure the same sometime.
4. intr. Chiefly Law. To come into operation; to operate; to be operative; to take or have effect. Often in form enure: see enure v. 3.
α16071888 [see enure 3 a].
β1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie ii. xi[i]. (Arb.) 116 It inureth as a wish by way of resemblaunce in [Simile dissimile].1622Callis Stat. Sewers (1824) 275, I suppose this release shall inure to both.1651G. W. tr. Cowel's Inst. 137 This Legacy shall inure not only to A. but to B. and his Heires also.1718Hickes & Nelson J. Kettlewell App. 4 The Decree of Deprivation doth not inure, 'till a Judicial Sentence passeth further upon us.1850Gladstone Homer II. 497 We are dealing with a relation that was not governed by rules, and that might virtually inure by usage only.1879Parkman La Salle 92 The results..were to inure, not to the profit of the producers, but to the building of churches.
Hence iˈnuring vbl. n.
1606[see enuring].1885R. W. Dixon Hist. Ch. Eng. III. 472 The passing and inuring of the Second Act for Uniformity.
II. iˈnure, v.2 Obs.
[ad. L. inūr-ĕre to burn in, f. in- (in-2) + ūrĕre to burn. Cf. inust.]
1. trans. To burn in, brand in or upon something, impress by burning.
a1619M. Fotherby Atheom. i. iv. §1 (1622) 20 They..would neuer haue lefte it vnnoted vpon any generall nation, if they could haue inured any such vpon them.1646Gaule Cases Consc. 59 He himselfe impresses or inures the Marke of the Beast, the Devills Flesh-brand, upon one or other part of the body.1679M. Prance Addit. Narr. Pop. Plot 14 The brands of infamy justly inured upon their Persons.
2. To burn in a flame, expose to the direct action of fire.
1709Adams in Phil. Trans. XXVII. 25 Inuring each of the Ends into the purest part of the Flame.
III. iˈnure, a. Obs.
[attrib. use of phrase in ure, in operation, exercise, or habitual use: see ure n.]
Accustomed, habituated; practised (in something).
1475Bk. Noblesse (Roxb.) 62 By reason and by inure deliberacion of hymsilf and of the wise senatoure.c1485Digby Myst. (1882) iii. 2102 Þou blyssyd woman, invre In mekenesse.

