
单词 milieu
释义 milieu
(ˈmiːljɜː, miljø)
[a. F. milieu middle, medium, f. mi:—L. medius (see medium) + lieu place.]
1. A medium, environment, ‘surroundings’.
1854Geo. Eliot Let. 6 Apr. (1954) II. 149, I could no more live out of my milieu, than the haddocks I daresay you are often having for dinner.1877J. A. Symonds Renaiss. It., Reviv. Learn. 4 The intellectual and moral milieu created by multitudes of self-centred, cultivated personalities was necessary for the evolution of that spirit of intelligence,..that formed the motive force of the Renaissance.1893Fortn. Rev. Mar. 322, I prepared a Milieu, consisting of seventy-five parts of broth and twenty-five parts of the liquid, to which I wished to habituate the Microbe.1900Daily News 15 Aug. 6/4 The story, which is set in a middle-class milieu, succeeds in being pleasantly homely.1955Times 19 May 13/5 Its [sc. a book's] understanding of the poet's milieu.1958H. A. Wilmer Social Psychiatry in Action i. 21 The crucial point, however, is that a milieu was created that permitted recovery, rather than driving patients deeper into insanity.1975J. Rossiter Golden Virgin i. 11 Whitehall, a milieu in which you could look revoltingly nude without a bowler hat.
2. Comb., as milieu therapy Psychol., a form of group psychotherapy which relies on the social environment evolved by the staff and patients in the treatment unit.
1940Amer. Jrnl. Orthopsychiatry X. 905 In environmental (manipulative, external, reality, milieu) therapy, it is assumed that the child's difficulty is in the social situation... Since the difficulties in the child are resultants of the difficulties in the environment, a milieu therapy is the truly rational therapy.1961R. Kee Refugee World 1 Their [sc. the refugees'] removal from a filthy, over-crowded hut to shelter considered fit for human beings is disguised as ‘milieu therapy’.1963New Society 5 Sept. 17/3 Community services (or milieu therapy) for young deviants.1964M. Argyle Psychol. & Social Probl. v. 71 Milieu therapy and therapeutic community treatment consists of a residential institution run on more relaxed and permissive lines than is usual.1972G. Sereny Case of Mary Bell iv. 214 There are four of these experimental units in Britain..operated loosely on Aichhorn's ‘Milieu Therapy’. They are designed to provide for persistently ‘asocial’ children..a secure environment.

Sense 2 in Dict. becomes 3. Add: 2. a. transf. A group of people with a shared (cultural) outlook; a social class or set.
1952P. Bowles Let it come Down ii. xiii. 157 The American milieu in Tangier was peculiarly hermetic, not inclined to mix with the other diplomatic groups.1954I. Murdoch Under Net ii. 35 It's not easy to find someone whom one has mislaid for years in London, particularly if she belongs to the sort of milieu that Anna belonged to.1962A. S. Neill Summerhill 96 In their milieu one could not live sexually together unless one was respectable—that is, married.1970D. Martin 50 Key Words: Sociol. 46 Milieu..may..designate an age-group with a definable élan such as students.1975Economist 15 Mar. 123/1 His cantankerous old father's death..exacerbated tensions within the Gladstone clan and allowed William [Ewart Gladstone] to pass finally out of the arriviste milieu of Fasque to the graceful life of Hawarden.1986Oxford Art Jrnl. Jan. 86/1 This approach does..point up some of the anomalies between the works of men and women in the Surrealist milieu.
b. Also Milieu. In France, the criminal underworld; also, a group or organization belonging to it.
1972Guardian 29 July 11/3 He had already entered small-time crime and made the acquaintance of a future leader of the ‘Milieu’.Ibid., The congregation included the biggest representation of the ‘Milieu’ to have been seen in Paris since the Guerini trial a couple of years ago.1972Times 4 Sept. 4/3 This is their excuse in Lyons—that they have to keep an eye on..the serious underworld, the milieu.1985–6Sight & Sound Winter 23/1 The eagle eye pinpointing the milieu and the tender one observing the pimp and the prostitute.1987N. Rankin Dead Man's Chest 210 The principled bravery that would lead..Graham Green [sic] to brave le milieu—the gangsters—of Nice.

