
音标: 英 ['tenɪs] 美 ['tenɪs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 网球

n. a game played with rackets by two or four players who hit a ball back and forth over a net that divides the court


1. Played quite a bit of tennis. I play tennis, too.

还会打一点网球 我也打网球

2. And I would just like to quickly say if any of you would like to play tennis tonight, we have 36 regulation grass tennis courts.

我简单说两句 如果有人今晚想打网球 我们有36个草地网球场

3. It's been a lifelong passion of mine, and you probably didn't know but this area is very famous for tennis for a long time, and I think that tennis just offers a chance for excellence instructions of a man soul.

這是我一生的* 也許你不知道 但這個地區 已經以網球聞名很久了 而且在我看來 網球只是提供了一個 人類靈魂的卓越打開方式

4. So how did you know I'm not at tennis.


5. It is not my tennis game, and it's not my heart.

不关网球的事 也不关我心脏的事

6. That's how I stay in shape for my tennis.


7. And go we did, but not to tennis or a museum, no.

我们走了 不是去打网球或去博物馆

8. I'd do both of them. I love tennis now.

我可以双飞她俩 我爱上网球了

9. If that's all there is, I'd rather play tennis.

如果只是这个目的 我宁愿打网球

10. We both hear it, and I grab my tennis shoes.

我们都听到了 然后我拿出我的网球鞋
