
音标: 英 [ˌmækəˈdeɪmɪə] 美 [ˌmækəˈdemɪə]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 〈植〉澳大利亚坚果

n. any tree of the genus Macadamia


1. Rosie's got to have his macadamia nut.


2. I made you a batch of my signature macadamia nut cookies.

我给你们做了些我的拿手甜点 夏威夷果曲奇

3. John, cut these two the biggest piece of coconut macadamia nut cake we have.

强哥 帮我切两块最大的 椰子夏威夷果仁蛋糕给她俩

4. Looks like your vic found this burial site when he was planting all his macadamia trees.

估计是被害人打算 挖坑种坚果树的时候发现的

5. Kekaula got the bright idea of turning his ranch into a macadamia nut farm.

克考拉打算将自己的牧场 改造成种植夏威夷坚果的农场

6. Then I add some fudge for that toffee flavour, macadamia nuts for that bit of crunch and those softened dates.

然后我加点乳脂软糖来增加太妃味 还有夏威夷果 增加点脆脆的口感 再加入软化了的椰枣

7. Plenty of other butters out there: sesame butter, macadamia butter, shit, even peanut butter.

還有很多其他選擇 芝麻油 澳洲堅果油 我去 還有花生油
