
音标: 英 ['bʌtlə(r)] 美 [ˈbʌtlə]
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n. 男管家, 司膳总管

n. a manservant (usually the head servant of a household) who has charge of wines and the table
n. English novelist who described a fictitious land he called Erewhon (1835-1902)
n. English poet (1612-1680)


1. So the duties of an assistant butler are not the same as an under butler.

那么助理管家的职责 和副管家是不一样的

2. He may be a butler butlers know powerful people.

他虽是管家 管家总是认识很多大人物

3. We're not. I'm more like her butler.

我们没在一起 我更像是她的管家

4. They spy on me, the fairy and the butler.

他们监视我 仙灵和那个男管家

5. Only that being a butler is more complicated than I'd realised.


6. 'cause he's a butler, man. It's what he does.

因为他是管家 这是他的工作

7. Well, we know the butler didn't do it.


8. I'll demonstrate on our fair butler here.


9. I'll be his governess and you can be his butler.

我当他的家庭教师 你可以当他的管家

10. And the butler here is giving me the creeps.

