
音标: 英 [prɪ'lɪm] 美 ['pri:lɪm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 预备考试

n a minor match preceding the main event
n an examination taken by graduate students to determine their fitness to continue


1. Prelim budgets and schedules, by tomorrow morning.

明早之前 确定初步预算和安排

2. There's nothing we can do until he fails to show up for his prelim.

除非他没有按时出庭 不然我们什么也做不了

3. Prelim estimates call for a 414day trip.


4. When we face the prelim judge, we want to come out swinging.

当我们上庭面对预审法官时 我们要重拳出击

5. Prelim has the victim, oscar prado, 26, dead.

初步确认了死者身份 奥斯卡·普拉多 26岁

6. I mean, I think we can handle an autopsy prelim.


7. I've got a prelim starting back up in five minutes.


8. Well, it has to be significant if he can tell from a prelim stage.

初步检查就能看出这一点 说明死亡时间差了不少啊

9. He was arraigned two days ago, awaiting prelim.

他两天前被起诉 正在等待预审听证会

10. I already eliminated all the usual suspects with a prelim tox screen.

我已经用预备毒素检测排除了 所有常见的可疑毒素
