
词组 breakfast
释义 breakfast /ˈbrekfəst/a dog’s ˈbreakfast/ˈdinner (BrE, informal) a very untidy piece of work; a mess 乱七八糟;一团糟Don’t ask Julie to help you with the decorating — she made a complete dog’s breakfast of painting the kitchen!不要让朱莉来帮忙装修,她上次把厨房刷得乱七八糟的!eat sb aˈlive (informal) 1. ( have/eat sb for ˈbreakfast) criticize or punish sb severely because you are extremely angry with them 非常严厉地责骂(或惩戒)某人2. ( have/eat sb for ˈbreakfast) defeat sb completely in an argument, a competition, etc. (在辩论、竞赛等中)大败某人,完全胜过某人The defence lawyers are going to eat you alive tomorrow.明天辩护律师会把你驳得体无完肤。The union leader eats managers for breakfast!工会主席把经理们整惨了!3. (usually used in the passive 通常用于被动语态) (of insects, etc. 昆虫等) bite sb many times 不停地叮咬I was being eaten alive by mosquitoes.我快被蚊子咬死了。

