
词组 buck
释义 buck /bʌk/ SEE ALL
the buck stops ˈhereused for telling sb that you are prepared to accept responsibility for sth 责任止于此;责无旁贷We don’t try to escape our responsibilities. The buck stops here.
ORIGIN This phrase was used by the US President Harry S. Truman to mean that he did not pass the buck. 美国总统哈里 ∙ 杜鲁门曾用这个短语表示他没有“推卸责任”(pass the buck)。
buck up your iˈdeasbuck your iˈdeas up (informal) start to work harder or more efficiently; become more willing to do things 振作起来;打起精神He’s been late every day for two weeks. He’ll have to buck up his ideas if he wants to keep his job.
make a fast/quick buck (informal, often disapproving) earn money quickly and easily 轻松赚钱He didn’t really care about the business — he just wanted to make a fast buck.
ˌbang for your ˈbuck (NAmE, slang) if you get more, better, etc. bang for your buck, you get better value for the money you spend or the effort you put in to sth 钱花得很值;力气没白费Buyers get more bang for their buck with our cars.买我们车的人钱花得太值了。 NOTE Buck is an informal word for a dollar. * buck 是美元的非正式用词。 ˌpass the ˈbuck (informal) refuse to accept responsibility for a mistake, an accident, an important decision, etc. and try to get another person, organization, etc. to accept responsibility for it instead 推卸责任;把为难的事推给别人The same thing happens after every disaster. All the officials involved just try to pass the buck.每次出了事都是这样,与此有牵连的官员只想推卸责任。 OPP the buck stops here ˈbuck-passing


The public is tired of all this political buck-passing. They just want to know who was responsible for the decision.民众厌倦了这种政治上推卸责任的行为,他们只想知道谁该为这个决定负责。 ORIGIN The buck is a small object in a poker game that is placed in front of the player whose turn it is to deal. * buck (培克)是扑克牌戏中的庄家标志。
stark ˈnaked (BrE) (NAmE buck ˈnaked) completely naked 一丝不挂;赤裸裸He always walks around his apartment buck naked.他总是一丝不挂地在自己住所周围散步。

